You should look up somerset belenoff (rumored to be head of the Illuminati right now) & her daughters. There’s only a few pics of them out there but they’re crazy beautiful. Reptilian looking eyes. I’m sure it makes it much easier for them to get what they want
Charlene Latham civil suit vs 1953 Trust, Weinstein, & Carter
Idk about stage 3 but he definitely has it a little bit. Gets stuck on words every sentence.. little tip for anyone w loved ones with parkinsons, weed will get rid of the shakes & inability to speak. Look it up on YouTube if you don’t believe
In the same sitting, not less than 5 min later he talks about how everything trump does is so shit. How he’s a scum & bad person. Idk why he conceived the ignoring of hunter emails like this.
Did he take down a go fund me for Kyle or what..
It's young dolph not dolph young. he's big in the south. Maybe not if you're 40+
So are houses about to get cheaper or more expensive?
Covid is old news in lubbock, tx. no one cares or does things differently anymore
Literally has fuckin nothing to do with Martin sheen
i woulda gotten it.
BOOBS!!! now that youre reading, is DWAC just representing trump news network until they can pair them with a business company? Or is DWAC going to be representing TNN indefintely? thanks
got 21 shares at $47 :/// gonna watch & see what happens in the next month honestly expect this to go pretty far, further than parlor of course. But it seems facebook and twitter might be on the way out (given a few years' time)
The Pfizer vaccine or Comniraty?
What about Dr. Shiva presenting to the hyper democratic committee... any video of that?? Only commenting here for a better chance of being helped
I remember the inventor of the PCR test said the same thing in like ‘89. They killed him right before covid hit
Did they learn who was using the system? I saw someone comment that but was hoping for more info.?
It’s from taking adrenochrome from kids blood
Where is the warning statement? Very curious what he said
Pretty sure he also said that those who sacrifice one will end up losing both
I thought Bolsaro just made some big deal about keeping free speech & blocking censorship. Come someone explain to me what he’s done that show his true colors, & what they really are?
she's kinda bad.. if you see this mama bear pm me
I don’t get it, but I’m always eager to learn 2nd-4th ppl are are her daughters. Tiamet has the same look. I believe they’re all reptilian/demon half breed, along with Rasputin, their ancestor.
The black & white picture you’ll probably find on a google search, & definitely on a duckduckgo search, is the only picture available her as a young woman. It’s either her primary school graduation photo or uni graduation photo. She’s still alive now & you can find videos of her doing recent interviews on YouTube, though she’s now elderly. This site provides most of the available info on her :
& interesting stuff on the people are meat site about the underground tunnels, eh?