itbeginswithus 2 points ago +4 / -2

The DS that is terrified of memes is going to use mass targeted violence against them but somehow reverse it against us? You are engaging in doublethink. They project we ate violent because their biggest fear is violence. No revolutions have been won without extreme violence, the powers that be know that.

itbeginswithus 21 points ago +22 / -1

The SC that says we have no standing?... We are stalling the inevitable and giving the enemy a chance to bolster themselves while we bleed out financially.

itbeginswithus 9 points ago +14 / -5

...Right after you grift in the worst economic conditions in a century...?

itbeginswithus 2 points ago +2 / -0

You dont get elected without permission in Georgia. You dont get permission unless you are compromised. High probability that this is karma.

itbeginswithus 3 points ago +3 / -0

More like 84 children saved for later...

itbeginswithus 5 points ago +5 / -0

I was in boarding school in Thailand when the Junta put the red and yellow party leaders in a building and surrounded it with tanks, telling them "if you dont sort this out I will collapse this building ontop of both of you."

Well, holy shit, not even 6 hours later both party leaders unanimously agreed that the General should be the Prime Minister until new elections could be held. It was cool, I got a week off of school and saw a lot of F16s flying less than 1000 feet off the ground across the whole city. Many soldiers deployed across the cities were taking selfies with the tourists. Some even let tourists hold their guns and put on their helmets for a few baht...

What wasnt cool was all the calls from friends and family back home freaking out because of what they heard on CNN, which was basically "Civil War in Thailand"

itbeginswithus 3 points ago +3 / -0

Not just the UK. Apparently the Permian basin has no oral penicillin, my friend got sick and they only had IV antibiotics at the hospital...............

itbeginswithus 3 points ago +3 / -0

Bounty hunters are more trustworthy than police. change my mind.

itbeginswithus 2 points ago +2 / -0

The real question is will the Governor call in the IDF like Desantis?

by wrmevlp
itbeginswithus 13 points ago +16 / -3

Hey mods, are you gonna ban me for saying the Brazilian patriots need to take up arms now? The military is calling for volunteers.......

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