Get rid of Israel and this stops.
None of Biden's pardons will matter, because he was not legitimately elected.
This fucking lying cope bullshit in the article
"The disease is caused by changes in DNA, which can be inherited from parents or acquired later in life by consuming a low-fiber and high-fat Western diet"
Didn't he swear in on a talmud?
believing a CIA/Israeli narrative
Uh oh, he's about to have an unfortunate accident
Cities are cancer.
It allowed the kids to develop a sense of independence and self which likely helped carry them into a better-functioning adulthood.
I was never in the house in my teens. I was always out in the woods or biking around, exploring and such. I used to follow train tracks for miles just discovering shit. They were good times.
Too late. Get fucked.
The pardons won't mean shit when the fraud evidence is presented and it's revealed what most already know--Biden was not legitimately elected.
Once the cartels are wiped, we'll see if her tune changes.
It was 37-38 deaths during that political season in Mexico.
Are you confused?
Mewing isn't inherently bad.
You seem to hate the guy, but clearly he is innocent until proven guilty and "they" have tried and tried yet free he walks.
You know for a fact that accusations of "underaged sex" etc are levied upon enemies of the deep state. They project. Again, no amount of evidence has been presented that has lead to a conviction of Tate. If it existed and was legitimate, it would have been found.
Candace is pretty good at having receipts about what she says. Is her anti-Israel stance bothering you?
How do you spell God?
TLDR; innocent until proven guilty. Cope and seethe until then.
Amish build to code standards and even higher, so this is likely some bullshit they're pulling to be dicks
12-13, roughly when puberty really started to hit.
Painting themselves in neon to be investigated
Buns made from unsprayed wheat, beef made from ONLY beef. Fries fried in tallow again.
Nah Infowars auction got cancelled due to blatant fuckery. Some federal judge halted it, iirc.
Dude just dimed on himself--completely admitted to using slave labor. You love to see it.
He can recess appoint his entire cabinet if he choses to.
WWDA We will destroy America