jmarie8408 2 points ago +2 / -0

Remember while in elementary school, the teacher left class, and a few of the kids would start becoming rowdy and others would join in the ruckus. The teacher would return to chaos, & then instructed the entire class to put their heads down on their desk, and berate them a few minutes.

I get the analogy of the storm clouds, and a storm a brewing. Every time I see a burning manufacturing building or today the loss of 18,000 cattle several news articles of train derailments.

All of this while people go to work day in day out, put their kids to bed, as many fail to see what’s going on… the severe loss, and hits the United States is taking, while other distractions seem more important, (then us being under constant attack)

The storm isn’t upon us, it’s here.

If the rain isn’t in my town, I can see the showers from a town over. There is an any amount of prepping -I can do to stop this from reaching us.

I’m scared for those who truly will not see this coming. And I am disgusted by those who know it’s happening but deny it.

Ultimately, I know Gods in charge, and our Savior is preparing for his entrance, that comforts me!

I’m not perfect, but I feel like one of the many kids who had to put their heads down due to others behavior.

I also can’t help but feel like we’ve denied God. Prophecy will come to pass..

Even if many aren’t as wicked, as those with evil agendas, who are attacking our land/prosperity/ideals … we will suffer the fall out.

I don’t believe that there’s one safe place in this world. Especially after seeing the various derailments and chemicals that are purposely being spilled to destroy our water supply in our land I don’t believe that there’s any preparation for what’s going to occur.

I think we’ll need to rely on our Savior, hopefully be spiritually prepared. One talk in our church talked about being spiritually prepared —to listen to the promptings of the spirit during dire situation’s, so we will have that guidance.

We know there’s going to be:

  • Physical, Emotional and spiritual challenges
  • We’ll need to work together not as individuals survival will depend on it!

Ultimately- repent & rely on the Savior to make up the difference in our suffering…

jmarie8408 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lol, I lived in Ohio where numerous peoples of another race, claimed ancestry to Cleopatra! Guess that’s not true! Keep looking folks…

jmarie8408 7 points ago +7 / -0

Very pale: sounds like a villain from a vampire novel… lol

Family history is like comfort food, settling to the soul! We all want to know our family, history, where we’re from, who we look like, who we take after…. Comfort soul food!

Glad you get to learn more about your family, before time runs out!

jmarie8408 2 points ago +2 / -0

I knew he was from Kenya, - I heard a story years ago from a woman- who said his mom went into labor, and was supposed to fly out, instead, went into the water (ocean) and tried to ease her contractions. Was unable to ease those contractions, missed the flight - stayed in Kenya where he was born.

jmarie8408 4 points ago +4 / -0

🇺🇸 I say congratulations! Go Patriotism!

jmarie8408 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks I hate double posting and I just noticed someone else posted this already..

jmarie8408 3 points ago +3 / -0

Dollar being devalued, infrastructure’s rails, manufacturing plants, agriculture coops, burned/arson to the ground, Chinese spy balloons with full reign from biden administration- biden has given US over to ravenous China to be dismantled and destroyed!

The only thing that we’re not seeing is boots/troops on our land— oh yeah, we are seeing that. They’re coming in through the southern border and Canada.

jmarie8408 2 points ago +2 / -0

I understand the attack on our higher education.

I totally get it.

You take these young adults minds, who are not fully corrupt, and use it as a forum to finish the evil propagandizing, that the high school public education started. And you do it all under the guise of inclusiveness.

I’ve seen so many Private “Christian” higher education that are being bombarded with this woke/ CRT ideologues. It’s insidious, it’s evil.

The disconnect between these youth & their parents isn’t their parenting, but the brainwashing that these children has suffered.

jmarie8408 2 points ago +2 / -0

From this point on- anything is possible in the lives of many.

As we see the world shifting from good to evil, there’s an understanding that evil agendas/machinations of men will separate the wheat from the chaff. And even if you say, you don’t believe you might be a part of the wheat!

jmarie8408 0 points ago +1 / -1

Irks me? I’m not only a fan of MW, my appreciation for his abilities to speak up for conservative values with clarity of thought- is my favorite aspect of listening to him.

Wow, I’m finding on here that if you say even one thing that seems counter to any of a persons, favorite topic/beliefs (you) are attacked immediately. Remember that there are new words that are being put in the FBI’s database of things we can’t say.

If you’re going to hinder/judge what’s spoke on here the nothing we do or say here even matters.

jmarie8408 13 points ago +13 / -0

This is my favorite part! Savior’s compassion to stay a minute to comfort Mary in her grief is the greatest example of compassion after he had suffered much and yet one of his first acts resurrected is one of compassion…

“Still weeping, Mary turned from the tomb, and through her misty eyes she noticed someone standing close by. The person spoke to her, “Woman, why weepest thou? whom seekest thou?” Thinking that perhaps it was the gardener who addressed her, she replied, “Sir, if thou have borne him hence, tell me where thou hast laid him, and I will take him away.” (John 20:15.)

In a voice tinctured with pure love and the sweetest tenderness, he simply uttered one word, “Mary.” There was no mistaking the voice; it was Jesus Christ. And thrilled beyond any comprehension, the dear woman could only say, “Rabboni,” which means Master. (See John 20:16.)

There He stood—alive! Raised from the dead! Never to die again! His perfect body forever united with the spirit. The eternal Christ!

jmarie8408 3 points ago +6 / -3

I’ve listened to a number of Matt Walsh’s talks. I wish he would have delivered this one similarly to other talks. It almost seemed as if he was trying to bate them in terms of saying “you are wrong.”

His other he uses facts and moral reasoning why transgenderism is morally/medically/spiritually-wrong, instead of calling them out ‘as being wrong.’

Ben Shapiro was the original who coined the phrase “facts matter,” Matt Walsh has been very good about incorporating empirical knowledge into his talks to solidify his claims. This talk didn’t hit the mark!

jmarie8408 2 points ago +2 / -0

BC of our Savior the gates of heaven are unlocked! How lovely! My wish for you is the peace of this Easter! Truly sorry for your loss!

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