I generally agree, but ChatGPT is oftentimes very agreeable.
You can feed it nonsense and it will not disagree until you correct it, in my experience.
Try the experiment. Start a new session (erase memory) and ask it the opposite. I am pretty sure it will argue to opposite viewpoint.
I use ChatGPT mostly for learning about things I need to develop technologically. It often gives answes that appear right until you test them. Then when you correct it, it will confirm this was actually the right answer.
It is still much better and faster than Googling. Or worse, try the AI on Bing... it's horrifically slow and usually does not even give a relevant answer.
Well, let's not exaggerate this. It's not like I don't pay roughly 70% taxes here in Europe when all is said and done. The welfare state is by far the boggest government expense.
Raising the defense spending by doubling it is costly, but not nearly as costly as the welfare state.
Also, let's not forget the reason Europe needs to be prepare for war is not caused by the Russians, it is what the American deep state did in Ukraine in 2014.
We will be fine without the US. 90% of militsry expenditure of lives and money for the country I live in in the last 25 years has been for missions to Iraq and Afghanistan. We were forced to participate in those illegal conflicts, because we were part of NATO.
Rutte is the Mark of the Beast
Declare war on Ukraine. Wipe the floor with them.
I argue this is not the case. What you see from Europe is the messaging of the elite. Speak to anyone on the street and the majority is still Christian and the majority cherish family values.
It's like asking Americans about these issues and extrapolating from LA to the whole of the USA.
This is exactly what Zimbabwe did. Then all went down the drain.
Get the whites out of there with all their belongings and reduce SA to the rubble it was when the whites came to shore.
It is only fair.
Are we sure this is not just an excerpt from a company DB?
I have used similar databases to do research in client acquisition. I know from every company I contact how much profit they make, how many workers they have and their bank account balance.
In other words; this compensation, is it paid by USAID or is it the documentation USAID has on TP USA?
In Germany and Austria it has been after one year. I think there should not be any capital gain tax.
European here. Many reasons. First; subsidies are gone. Second: devaluation is insane on EVs. Hardly anyone wants a second hand one. Hence no one wants a new one.
I don't think many people refuse to buy a Tesla because of Musk and not agreeing with him.
He looks like a Pixar character :D
Notice to airmen.
It could be printed on paper if need be.
I don't know if there is a connection, but I know there is a strong genetic component to it.
I once passed a gall bladder stone at work and I felt I was going to die. The most horrible pain ever. Sweating. Not being able to sit still on the toilet. It took 10 minutes. Then all went back to normal. It was strange and I did not connect the dots (2 family members had had their gall bladders removed just years prior).
A few months later I had a really spicy meal and the next day woke up and my morning stool was completely white. It had the consistency and color of bathroom silicone. I knew what was up and went to the ER immediately. I told them it was my gall bladder, but they wanted to do test and see if they could crush the stones, etc. A few hours later, intense pain started. I got morphine, which helped at first.
Another 10 hours or so later, shortly before midnight, the morphine was no longer really helping. I spent until about 1 am in intense pain. I have never felt any pain like that before or after. I was then operated upon. My gall bladder was removed. It was full of stones almost the size of golf balls. I still have them. The surgeon had never seen anything like it and I was kind of proud and of course very relieved :-D After just three days I was sent home.
I have not had really big problems since. Once a year for a few days, I feel a little pain there and I know what I have to do; I eat the fattiest, meatiest meal I can find. 10-15 hours later I have a bowel movement that is full of bile and then I am good for another year or so. I think it is just tiny crystals or some blockages that build up and have to be flushed out by the bile, which is produced when you ingest large amounts of protein.
Eating a meal like that is actually a test that some doctors perform and it can force the passing of a stone or escalate the situation to a point where the doctors know operating is unavoidable.
There is only one Mr. Whitehouse and that is Our President Donald John Trump.
Trump should declare the Freemasons a terrorist organization.
Schnitzel, actually, but I was born where a boy put his finger in a dike. A real one. Not the obese one with short blue hair.
Send illegal immigrants to the Vatican. These people need to step up or shut up.
I agree. But 1) make the executions public and 2) use the same means they used on their victims, 3) make it slow and barbaric.
He should be vaccinated every single day while we dance around the bed he is strapped down to and sing... dressed like the punisher.
Looks like aluminium to me. I have accidentally melted aluminium frying pans in wood fires. Not hard to do. Radiators are typically made of aluminium.
Vaxx pusher. He really messed up his legacy.
The point is that the copper WOULD melt at the terminals. There is no chance of any conductivity of heat.
The wires would melt and not conduct heat further than a foot or two.
Molten copper on concrete does literally nothing. It solidifies immediately. I doubt wood would even burn if you splatter the volume of a foot of thick copper wire over it.
Wood chars and charred wood conducts heat very poorly. Also, it radiates heat away very well. This is why building a wood fire is not that easy. It takes tinder or fuel to get it going before it becomes self-sustaining.
I am sorry, but as a scientist with a degree in EE, this is nonsense.
The heat from a burning battery would immediately melt the copper wires and the heat could not be conducted from one house to another (convection is wrong; an entirely different process) or even within the house itself.
My conclusion as a European is this: blue states produce nothing of value.