justThisGuyYouKnow 5 points ago +5 / -0

I commented illegal immigrants are criminals... it is in the word "illegal".

24 hour ban.

I don't mind. I always take a screenshot and draw something nice on it for them to enjoy. Sometimes gallows, or a YouTube logo with a swastika in it, sometimes a middle-finger.

We will see YouTube die. I have no doubt about it.

justThisGuyYouKnow 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have watched a lot of his videos and enjoy them, but as much as I like the guy, he is nuts. Please, do not make this guy anything in government.

justThisGuyYouKnow 2 points ago +3 / -1

Fauci should be disappropriated, then stripped naked for national TV and be tortured live for as long as he can be kept alive. Make it hurt. Make him heal. Make it hurt again.

I want this poor excuse of a man to suffer for all the suffering he has caused. I want to see every second of it.

justThisGuyYouKnow 3 points ago +3 / -0

Mark Rutte was the Corona dictator of the Netherlands. Before becoming prime minister, he was the head of HR at Unilever..

He is a globalist through and through. Call his bluff. He is a weakling.

I know, because I have followed Dutch politics for over 30 years now.

justThisGuyYouKnow 1 point ago +1 / -0

I feel like I have been losing everything slowly since 2016. The pandemic. All the BS.

But now... since around April of this year I feel stronger than ever. I think the last decade has really made it clear for me for what I stand and what hills I am prepared to die on.

I kind of like it.

justThisGuyYouKnow 6 points ago +6 / -0

I have done a little research and it is quite sad; I have found articles and videos from a decade ago and he seemed to be a clear thinker, mostly conservative in his thoughts.

I guess the propaganda worked really well on him.

justThisGuyYouKnow 6 points ago +7 / -1

I was listening to the radio today. I never do this, so it was interesting to hear the news. They reported at least half of the kidnapped Jews had "passed away".

We knew this months ago and it is very likely the IDF bombed them to bits.

justThisGuyYouKnow 2 points ago +2 / -0

Here is what I would propose we do with that person screaming at this child.

The tongue will be taken out. It will be put naked in a cage and travel around the country where on each market square, people are invited to scream at it. It will be kept alive with water and bread for as long as possible.

justThisGuyYouKnow 2 points ago +2 / -0

Imagine Trump all of a sudden agreeing to another debate with Harris... and he comes onto stage dressed like this xD

justThisGuyYouKnow 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am from a city that still looks like the image on top (It's Munich). You would not believe how much work is put into restoring and maintaining these old buildings. It is something we absolutely can still build.

Also, if you go onto Google maps and turn the camera around, you will see plenty of these old buldings still left.

Besides, how do you think these old buildings were destroyed? Wasn't it the Americans and Brits that bombed most German cities to bits?

justThisGuyYouKnow 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ah the good old days of playing Carmageddon as a 13 year old boy and getting a "Cunning Stunt Bonus" and giggling every single time

justThisGuyYouKnow 11 points ago +11 / -0

I read somewhere: "HOAs are for people who have Nazism as a hobby" and I feel that right about hits the mark xD

justThisGuyYouKnow 0 points ago +2 / -2

Ok, so we did land on the moon. Michelle Obama is a real woman. The sky is not green. Aliens are not visiting this planet. The elites do not harvest adenochrome from children.

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