konadog 1 point ago +1 / -0

One tranny sister to another ( dead youtube head ) , blood letting cult members. Pioneered by our own government. EVIL !!!

konadog 2 points ago +2 / -0

Great headline, however, its more like $10 Trillion in commitments, perhaps the stated total is hard line processed so far. But the truth is we are on a roll, and we need to be to avert complete melt down. Martin Armstrong is a fabulous person to follow as this unfolds. ArmstrongEconomics.com

konadog 8 points ago +9 / -1

The largest EU 'Grift' against the US is the fertili er sanctions on America. So this crushes their tiny little pressure on us. Next is the gigantic %2000 tarriff Canada holds over our head. They are so unhappy, they are paying " Rent a Mob" to torch Teslas. Good luck losers. We are going to eat your lunch.

fake edit : my keyboard letter know as the one to the left of x is not working ;-)

konadog 2 points ago +2 / -0

We all went through four years of absolute pain and suffering with the steal and then the fruition. Now its like you describe. Is this for real ? To me its like when we were kids, we thought 2000 meant flying cars and space cities and then it was a flop. A bad one, they employed the 2012 computer crash hoax to keep us amused after the fake " Too Big To Fail " REAL STEAL of our lives. But hopefully this time we are alive , still, to see justice.

konadog 3 points ago +3 / -0

Like alot of us, I thought I knew it all, I was wrong. This content is so explosive its maddening. The timing was NOW, and now that its chute failed the landing its very evident the massive events has overshadowed it. Here is the fact. Child trafficking is the most important issue in our society. That being said, it covers the whole thing with kids, abortion, body part sales, farming humans, drinking adrenochrome, video taping the events and on and on. The reality is the news will not cover it. Many are of the IRK of if its not on TV, it didn't happen.

That said, we have proven, we don't need the TV. The latest generation is us. Imagine that. We are in line globally. Thats the power, thats the least likely scenario we could have ever imagined, yet its here. We can now, walk back the political asshats that lead every country and have them DISMOUNT THE PEOPLE!


NOW, we have to figure out the financial part, and thats where Trump , his team and Musk are involved. Figuring out the future, whats next.

God Bless You All My Friends, Brothers and Sisters !

konadog 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks for sharing and reaching out. I got alot of flack for sharing this, but it was worth it to hear your comments. Recently the discovery below the pyramids in Egypt was enough to show us that no matter what the grandious nature of things will be squashed. Have you ever thought about going to Antarctica ? Just to see if you could actually go, or find the edge of the ice wall etc. . . We could at least launch a rocket to prove no barrier is up there etc. Then, just hang out , drink a beer and talk about Nemesis or planet X on the way in. I say that because there is no food recall , they are filling under ground cities with the recalled food "Cough" shopping lists. Putin knows and is dealing with it all in public, its wild. I didn't see a " PM " option so this was where I landed, be well friend, KD.

konadog 1 point ago +1 / -0

Keep in mind this Judge was employed with taking inventory of who has been caught off the massive ROSTER of Paid Assasins. Not all are Gang Members.

Many will be Contract Killers sent by the Deep State in the tens of thousands from all over the world.

They will be tracked, have thier plastic and accounts shut off and rounded up in a very orchestrated manor.

The Deep State needs to know this for operational integrity.

So, they are going to a big ol' SUPER MAX.

Its possible we don't see as many as we want deported numberwise, this is my suspicion. . . Top down baddest first.

konadog 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'm sure this goes way beyond the surface. Huge advertisments ran during the shows, merch and any possible slithering way to spend that unimaginable amount of money they laundered.

Back in the old days cartels had caves with pallets of shrink wrapped cash, until it started to mold. Then the threshold of what was able to be 'stored' was approached. Then digital became what it is and look what satan has turned it into. A virtual funhouse of doom, terror, slithering dereliction with unlimited finance. I'm sure they lost track of the money they had so much.

konadog 1 point ago +1 / -0

I listen all the time, when he turns into a mossad shill, I will let you know. Perhaps this discussion was missed with Joe Rogan and Ian Carrol, the deep dive :


konadog 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lets pause here. They Import fake people, gas up the plastic card, pump up the mecicare, housing, education, food, baby goo, house, car, wait on stand by for uprising. . .


konadog 2 points ago +2 / -0

Delta Force : We twiddle the Dee to the F on the way down to GiTMo sugar, pronoun aka. cupcake.

How about you just talk to John here about how this all started. . .

A chain around your neck is a hellavu thing when your caught.

konadog 5 points ago +5 / -0

Remember , on day one, Obama signed the Thousand Talents Program to import Chinese students whom then infiltrated every department and schools. That was the start. So now, twenty years later basically this is what you get. . . Pride (population control) , the distraction for infiltration. We have alot of trauma to undo as a result of all the brainwashing. The wedge between parents and kids is unreal at this point.

konadog 11 points ago +11 / -0

Absolutely, in addition, much of the peoples money, trillions stolen was injected into the economy as it was spent. Much like the Illegal Invaders with their loaded credit cards. ALL infused the economy with tax dollars to keep the house of cards afloat.

Don't forget the banks doing their part reselling mortgages as well. The books are cooked with a free pass from the I.R.S. as long as they play the game. The 'Stimulus Game' , too big to fail.

I think too big to fail was a Demonrat mantra. I like too big to rig, much better. D.O.G.E !

konadog 3 points ago +3 / -0

Since , Jill was most likely running things per instruction. We can expect alot more framing of ol' FJB.

konadog 2 points ago +2 / -0

This would be very wise. We already honor this with the Space Station. In my opinion, should we observe an incoming problem from afar, it would be of great advantage to have the fullest preparedness for such a threat, as a people.

In saying this, Russia has underground shelters fully prepared for such events, we do not. They also have EMP protocol, we do not. These are basics that we have to push for, learn from.

konadog 4 points ago +4 / -0

What many do not consider is that the information is so valuable and effective in controlling the targets , that the material will not be destroyed. So who is to say that The Chess Master Trump would not want to preserve the opportunity to use this leverage should he need to ?

We are only six weeks from the starting line, we already see the unexpected mountain of problems in front of us. Look at how Schumer made a pivot. Many, will wonder where they stand and the Commander in Chief is watching closely.

We are not out of the woods, be patient, withold emotional judgement. I admit, I felt the grip of it, until this value above hit me. Hang tough !

konadog 1 point ago +1 / -0

The people know its unelected, just like the Iranians are under the Mullahs thumb. They are prisoners to the beurocracy. All they need to do is stand up. No better time than now. For real, I really mean that. We could have a global event, the problem is that so could the black budget boys.

konadog 1 point ago +1 / -0

A Trump Hotel would be bad ass. But hey, I'm going with your plans !

konadog 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well, unemployment takes place AFTER the ten months of pay the .Gov employees have been afforded. Mind you we would have no SUPER Walmarts if we had no Bill Clinton selling us out to the Chinese. So its no different than Biden, or his wife Jill rubber stamping the 1.8 million NEW gove employees, including the 88K for the IRS. So, I get your concern here, they are going to spend the money into the courntry , pay sales taxes and get unemployment. They have mega $$$ money to live on do not feel bad for them. This is decades of decadence. Not for you, Not for me, for the Treasonists.

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