linthat22 4 points ago +4 / -0

I have a theory about that website. What if that's the real narrative of how everything will go down once Trump is back in office? Granted, they push clones or doubles and whatnot, but still just a retarded theory.

linthat22 16 points ago +16 / -0

You guys want to hear something funny? In 2021 or 2022, Whirlpool Corp held a meeting telling all the Buyers and Account Managers that they HAD to look at gay black and female ran companies first, before any formal negotiations. Could you imagine getting into trouble, because you went with Company A for a screw that costs .02 per thousand versus some LGBTQ company that doesn't have the infrastructure to meet demand and their screw would cost .37 per thousand.

Friggin' madness.

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