mac1221 3 points ago +3 / -0

Buffers? These people are so out of touch. Since when did low income people have savings? How is it that these these morons think that people are still living off a couple a stimulus checks that happened 3 to 4 years ago? For many people that money went pretty quickly to pay their overdue bills. You know, for things like utilities, gas, food, and other necessities. You can't make this sh*t up.

mac1221 1 point ago +1 / -0

Remorse? She kind of blew through that one and tried to soften it. Not to mention she seemed scatter brained and did not deliver a well thought out presentation. She just wanted to get through the half hearted apology.

Why would anyone trust her as a doctor when she was sooooo wrong on this? Many of us knew it was BS from the beginning and information was available for anyone that took the time to look. At the very least, there was enough information out there that any reasonable clinician should have put the breaks on recommending something this questionable. I just pray that none of her patients died or is suffering from permanent disability because of her gross negligence and lack of due diligence.

mac1221 1 point ago +1 / -0

Auto insurance didn't change, but the homeowners went up - but not by much. Medical insurance also went up. My mother got hammered on her medical and car insurance. She ended up getting new policies for both.

From what I understand, homeowners insurance went up primarily because of increased costs of construction materials and labor due to inflation. As far as auto insurance, the outrageous cost of EVs when involved in accidents was an unintended consequence of another not well thought out green agenda scam. Any EV involved in an accident is usually totaled because there is no way to test whether the batteries are compromised. Even simple repair costs of these EVs are not cheap. Included in that premium increase are losses from the rollout of the jabs that have led to an increase in accidents. Of course they are baffled as to why. Not to mention that around 30% or more of drivers are pharmacologically impaired. Add to that a few million foreign drivers either legally or illegally behind the wheel. Most car insurance now has a dual liability agreement between the carriers meaning they often don't care who is at fault - they both pay for their own policy holder.

I have my home and auto insurance through my state's farm bureau. The rates are good and the service is excellent. I try to stay away from major carriers that try and spread their losses across all their policy holders. The only way to get the auto insurance from the farm bureau is through the home insurance - which for them is probably a better risk than offering auto insurance to the public at large.

mac1221 1 point ago +1 / -0

My understanding is that both ends of the bridge were shut down to traffic after the ship's junior pilot sent out the distress call. They did not have to wait for dispatching to outside authorities to shut down traffic since there were already police stationed at both ends for traffic control due to work crews on the bridge. My understanding is that the 6 missing were from the work crew. It could have been worse.

It seems to me that if this was an intended terror attack they usually seek to maximize casualties. Therefore, the bridge would have been hit during rush hour in the morning. In addition, many trucks hauling hazardous materials are not allowed to use the tunnel so they transport across that bridge. So from a pure terror standpoint, this event underproduced.

Here is an excellent breakdown of events by a shipping expert. Dali Timeline from Data Recorder in Striking Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore, March 26, 2024

mac1221 1 point ago +1 / -0

Besides, I think under asylum status they cannot be deported so easily. There was a reason the lefty's did it that way.

mac1221 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have one of those individual desks from back in the day with a sturdy metal frame - just like when I was a kid. By all means, teach them the old ways. They will hate it now but will thank you when they get older. The teachers however, I think are a lost cause.

mac1221 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes. I was helping my great nephew with his math homework one day. I have several science degrees and I had to take about 10 minutes to figure out what the exercise was trying to achieve. Since he was only a first or second grader, there were no written instructions. His instructions were whatever his teacher had said. How any parent is supposed to help if they are unable to know what to do. Of course when you understand common core, that is exactly the point - to further alienate parents from children. It puts parents at a disadvantage and too many are just willing to abdicate to the teacher and the system.

These kids don't learn how we learned by rote memorization of basic math functions, so right away there is a disconnect between parent and child unless they too learned the same way. A smart parent steps in and still teaches their child the old way even if it conflicts with how math, or anything else for that matter, is being taught in school. In addition, these kids are told they can use calculators. Why? Because they don't learn math. All they know how to do is punch the right keys and trust the answer is correct. They don't actually learn how to do a math problem and come up with the answer on their own. There are already far too many people that cannot do simple math without a calculator.

I read large parts of common core when it first came out and a huge part of it involves data collection. Why? To identify how children learn and use the system to create elite drones. The majority of children will be left behind as a common drone class that will not be required to do anything beyond the most basic tasks. People are much easier to control if they are uneducated - something our founding fathers understood. What I noticed with the math assignment that could be extrapolated on a larger scale was identification of those children with a particular aptitude to think a certain way - at least where it concerns mathematical ability. This identification is meant to tag certain kids to channel them into STEM education. This was one of the stated goals of common core. Everyone else can just remain illiterate and unable to think for themselves.

As you stated, it is that crazy tens system - an attempt to jettison another piece of what has made the US and our system unique. They don't like the fact that other than within the scientific community and some manufacturing, we are not using metric. The common core math is an attempt to get us shifted into metric. It is bizarre in its approach. What would take us a couple of seconds to come up with the answer to a simple math equation, common core makes a child try to learn a complex series of steps to round up or down to get to a more workable number to finish the problem - or so some educator thinks it should be in order to justify their paycheck. As you stated, no wonder none of these kids can do math.

Believe it or not, my father taught me that system when I was a child. My brother and sister never grasped it. So I was the only kid that learned both ways. My father was a journeyman machinist that could do calculations in his head with very strict tolerances and be nuts on. That is how I was able to recognize it when trying to figure out the homework. They are looking for certain kids. To what end, is anyone's guess. The rest can just fall to the wayside as far as they are concerned.

mac1221 1 point ago +1 / -0

I saw deportations on the Texas El Paso border. The person was simply told to walk back across the border at the port of entry. Mexico had no say in the matter. They go out the same way they came in.

mac1221 3 points ago +3 / -0

I have an extensive library of paper books on a wide variety of topics - some dating back decades. I figured they would come in handy one day when people realize they need to actually learn how to do math, read, write properly, etc. You know, those basic educational skills that are not taught anymore.

mac1221 3 points ago +3 / -0

Did you see this one about the E-bikes? Millions of E-bikes, Motorcycles, EVs Forcibly Confiscated by Police, Forcing People to Buy New Ones

The CCP recently announced that they were going to encourage the Chinese to upgrade manufactured products to stimulate economic growth. Reading the tea leaves, there is no doubt the CCP will take the scheme to confiscate E-bikes to force sales and expand it to include other equipment and consumer products.

There are huge graveyards of electric vehicles all over China - thousands of them. EV cars are made, registered, and then abandoned - all a scam to collect government subsidies. The battery fires are spectacular. There are many fires in high rise apartments due to E-bikes. Despite efforts to censor the news, stories do manage to make it out of China - at least for now. China wants to dump their excess capacity of dangerous and crappy EVs to the rest of world.

mac1221 1 point ago +1 / -0

Be careful of the high salt content of tuna - it can be counterproductive and stress the kidneys.

mac1221 3 points ago +3 / -0

The way I see things, it is only a matter of time before the brain challenged are removed from the chessboard. In addition, due to their lifestyles they don't reproduce much - maybe one child if at all. The demographics will eventually catch up with them. That is one way of dealing with the communists. Time is not on their side. Those that could not stand on what they knew and caved, for whatever reason, they are going to be caught up in the slow tsunami as well. That leaves the rest of us that had some brains and did not decide to gamble with our lives just because some talking head said they knew what was best.

Just as a side note, the Chinese are getting hammered. Their situation has not changed since the plandemic hit. There is no tally as to the number people who died during the draconian zero Covid policy lockdowns. Their jibby jab is dropping people like flies and the hospitals are overrun ever since the lockdowns were lifted. The CCP continues to be in coverup mode. Some people estimate that around 200 million Chinese people may have died if not more. Mao would be so proud. They can't cremate the bodies fast enough and all the records for Covid and the jab have been destroyed. Even with the level of censorship in China, the people are figuring out that the jab is killing people. They have seen many of the same problems and conditions that the West has seen - only on a more massive scale and it includes children. Their birth rates are in the tank as it is, so this Covid fiasco for them is a demographic crisis with no signs of abating any time soon.

mac1221 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not sure where the car was in the pond. I find it curious that the car was quicky returned to the family. In fact, I believe it was the same day without any discussion of an investigation. So I have no doubt if there was evidence to be acquired from the car, it has been removed.

Given the barrier at the end of the downhill driveway, there is no way the car could have rolled into the pond. Now, if there was enough clearance between the tree and the barrier to thread the needle letting the car through, I don't know. Looking at the aerial photos there doesn't appear that the car would have had access from that driveway. It was the only place around the pond where there is paved area. She could have been off-road and reversed it into the pond - especially if stuck on the turf and tried to accelerate to dislodge the car, going in reverse instead of moving forward.

The bottom line is that we may never know what really happened. But there are too many koincidinks to dismiss this as an unfortunate accident. The hoops they jumped through to avoid over attention here in the US and in China to make this story go away is suspicious in itself. China's version of the events was outright fake news - given by a news outlet not known for such reporting. But, the chief editor is a personal friend of the Chao family. Too many strange things associated with this story.

mac1221 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Chinese brand BYD that China attempting to import into the US through Mexico are really bad. China is trying to bypass the tariffs imposed on Chinese cars by taking advantage of NAFTA. BYDs have a major design flaw where the battery hangs lower than the undercarriage of the car exposing it to road hazards that can damage the battery. The EV fires in China have become common place and they want to export it to the rest of the world.

mac1221 1 point ago +1 / -0

From what I saw on an aerial view of the property, and the pic shown on this post, is the only part of the pond accessible to the driveway appeared to have a small barrier at the end of the driveway with trees on one side and a building on the other. That the car would have to go over that barrier to end up in the pond. There didn't appear to be any other road access to the pond. The driveway also went downhill towards the pond. None of it makes sense.

mac1221 1 point ago +1 / -0

I lived in a part of Orange County called Little Saigon and I remember those drivers well. Many of them were so small they could not see over the steering wheel and needed booster seats. Definitely serious driving hazards.

Those kinds of drivers are not uncommon in the Far East like China - especially the elderly driving little EV cars called a Happy Grandpa that are basically a glorified golf cart. You don't need a license to drive one and it ends up being a free for all in the cities. I remember a Taiwanese coworker that took me on a short drive to show off her new car. That was one of the scariest rides I had ever taken. I could not get out of her car fast enough. She was really sweet, but a really bad driver.

mac1221 1 point ago +1 / -0

I watch the lab techs sometimes as they try to draw blood from people. With some draws they seem to have difficulty. I am sure it is vaxxine related inability to get the sample. Other than in hospitals, the phlebotomists at the local lab have such a high turnover rate that those that have started working within the last 3 years have no idea what normal blood is supposed to look like. To them all these clots are the course of normal business and the new norm. I have also been curious about tattoo artists and what they are seeing. I heard some time back that the tattoos were not bleeding as they had been in some people.

mac1221 3 points ago +3 / -0

There are two ways in which a person is considered a natural born American citizen. The first one is obvious - to be born in the US. The second way is any child born abroad to an American citizen is automatically an American citizen from birth and not a citizen of the country where they were born. This second way is the citizenship standard for most other countries. Simply being born in a particular country does not give citizenship rights. Citizenship is based upon the citizenship of the parents. A natural born US citizen is a person that does not have to go through a naturalization process to become a citizen - they are citizens from birth. The children of American citizens that live abroad, whether for business, military, or diplomatic service, are American citizens from birth. Therefore, as long as one of Shiva's parents was an American citizen at the time of his birth, he is considered a natural born citizen. I do not know anything about his history to know whether this was the situation. So, if he does not meet the criteria in either case, he cannot hold office.

mac1221 5 points ago +5 / -0

There were lots of those idiots from SF and the Bay area stuck on I80 near Donner Summit thinking they could cross. This was after a week of blizzard warnings not to drive over the summit.

mac1221 6 points ago +6 / -0

The Chinese never have original ideas - they can only copy what has already been done by someone else. Unrestricted warfare and payback for the Opium Wars.

mac1221 2 points ago +2 / -0

Angela Chao was heavily involved with the CCP as the CEO of one of China's largest bulk shipping companies. No business of that size operates in China without the blessing of the CCP. I am sure it was just a coincidence that her sister Elaine ended up being transportation secretary under Trump - no doubt one of many dirty deals Trump had to make with the old Turdle. In addition, Angela had been on the board of the Bank of China where she was a guarantor of loans made to the now bankrupt Evergrande which recently has been forced into liquidation by a Hong Kong court. Lots to uncover with this Ponzi scheme when it comes to US creditors. Shortly before Chao's death, her husband Jim Breyer, a huge China bull, suspended his company's investments in China due to the DoD's sanction list of Chinese companies tied to the Chinese military. Both Angela and her husband had deep ties to the CCP up the wazoo. Nothing to see here. Watch the wives.

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