mac1221 1 point ago +1 / -0

The video mentioned Dr Ryan Cole somewhere in the beginning. He is a pathologist who blew off what the embalmers were saying in a very dismissive manner way back when this stuff was starting to surface. Now he is looking into these clots. Hmmm. Cole has also tried to control the vaxxine narrative by dismissing any claims about what is in these kill shots beyond focusing on "spike protein."

mac1221 1 point ago +1 / -0

Both the Mueller investigation and the subsequent Durham investigation were nothing more than damage control in order to cover up and deep six all the loose ends because the Obama/Clinton administration were careless and were assured she could not lose. But, it seems like they didn't get some of the most critical evidence of their crimes. Panic.

However, I do have some questions as to why FOX is allowing this to be reported. All mainstream media is controlled and nothing comes out unless the powers that should not be want it to be out. Are they giving others of their same ilk the head's up that there is still very damaging evidence floating around?

mac1221 5 points ago +5 / -0

Most are economic refugees which is not a valid reason for immigration to the US. In fact, unless one has a means of support, they are not entitled to immigrate. That is why they are here under a different status than refugee. Asylum status however, may throw a monkey wrench into the works getting these invaders deported. Some of these asylum cases will not be heard for years and most asylum seekers do not even show up for the hearings. I do not think US immigration law will allow deportation unless there are other circumstances like violent criminal activity while one is waiting for asylum status. The Dems knew what they were doing when they went the asylum route. Those illegals that snuck into the US without turning themselves over to Border Control can be deported if caught. So this may be more difficult then it appears.

mac1221 2 points ago +2 / -0

The situation you speak of is occuring all over. Speculators from private persons with money, like the Chinese, all the way to institutional and investment speculators are snatching up properties worldwide - so this is not just a US problem for average people that now find themselves unable to live in their own communities due to the increases. Entities that come in without financing and buy properties outright are driving up valuations beyond the reach of everyday people essentially forcing the common people either to become renters or homeless - a modern day feudal system in the making.

Tangible assets like real estate are where people park their money when other financial instruments seem too volatile. The average person on the other hand simply wants a place to live. The Chinese in particular see real estate as a means of not only holding wealth, but also making profit. With highly leveraged real estate development contributing around 1/3 of the Chinese economy, investment in real estate has been the Chinese citizens' primary way to achieve wealth - or so they thought. The real estate sector, along with foreign investment withdrawal, is currently in freefall which is taking down the rest of the economy.

Profit at all cost has become the Chinese religion so to speak under CCP rule. Very little concern is given to those hurt in the pursuit of profit - it is every person for themselves. This mindset goes beyond just the upper classes and is endemic throughout the society. Throughout history even the Chinese emperors made attempts to rein in corruption without success. This kind of self serving attitude and focus on financial gain has destroyed Chinese society and culture, and unfortunately, this kind of greed with Chinese characteristics is being exported to the rest of the world on top of our own greed. Our one saving grace however is that at least our society in general still cares for one another. But sadly, with all the influx of people from outside our own culture is eroding what really is at the core of what makes us great - our care and compassion for other human beings.

mac1221 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yup. The AZ border is much easier to cross than CA. Welcome to the party.

mac1221 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, many Chinese are getting their money out of China - which most of them made through means of corruption. There are business owners that almost overnight liquidated their businesses leaving both workers and suppliers unpaid and have fled the country. The CCP has a huge financial problem and are targeting people with money and other assets currently extorting around 20% under fear of further auditing and possible corruption or other criminal charges - which is not hard to do in China. The CCP is slowly but surely cutting off all avenues of escape.

The economy is moving back to a more communistic centralized state run economy from a pseudo market driven economy. China in the coming years is going to look more like North Korea. The Chinese that can are buying up property anywhere outside of China to tie up their money. This is one of the reasons certain prime real estate areas are currently witnessing property values going through the roof - like Tokyo. It makes it difficult for locals to afford to live in those cities because of the hike in real estate values. The Chinese come with suitcases full of cash. They may have a proxy buyer to handle the overseas transactions. They are not looking for a place to live but a move to tie up their assets. No doubt many of that flood of Chinese coming across our border are some that have already arranged to move their assets to the US and are now coming into the US to claim asylum knowing they can't be sent back to China. China won't take them back because they have already moved their money. The US is not the only place where they are making exodus. Australia recently talked about stopping their golden visa program because of all the Chinese trying to immigrate. Funny that these Chinese buyers might end up with squatters living in their properties. Karma.

mac1221 1 point ago +1 / -0

The key part of your response is "over time." When someone is dealing with arterial calcification, that itself has taken place over a long period of time, and which needs to be addressed in a more timely manner to lower risk, then IV chelation therapy is by far the best choice. If you have some research on the results of K2 therapy reducing arterial calcifications I would be interested in looking at it. I have not seen any that shows any substantial reductions in arterial decalcifications in the literature other than theoretical assumptions; however, I do not disregard the assumptions because they are based on good biochemistry theory. But until that theory can be demonstrated in clinical results, they remain just that - good theory. Taking K2 certainly is not going to harm most people. So if one can start early enough and keep up with a regiment, then good. But that is where most people fall down. It is difficult to keep up a nutritional supplementation regiment over the long term. Thank you for your comment.

mac1221 4 points ago +4 / -0

Not that this means anything... but... Super Bowl 58 breaks down to 5 + 8 = 13, and the date 2/11 also adds to 13, 2 + 11 = 13.

I agree with what you say. Vegas already has experience in mass casualty events.

mac1221 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nope. Filing an extension only delays payment on a filed return. You are still agreeing that the money is owed. Unless the IRS is abolished they will get you one way or the other.

mac1221 35 points ago +35 / -0

Audits only apply to a filed return. Sign on the dotted line and they can audit that return almost in perpetuity. However, when a return is not filed there is another process that takes over. I know because I was involved in a tax revolt back in the seventies. It did not go well for most involved. I was one of the few lucky ones.

It was fairly easy back in the seventies to claim on a W-4 enough exemptions to not have any federal withholding. The employer had to honor it. Now it is different - the IRS clamped down. After not filing a return you will get the usual letters from the IRS, some time later, that you have not filed your return and will be assessed a fine for late file, the interest, blah blah. There is not a whole lot of contact with them for several years. It is easy to think that nothing is happening - but it is.

The statute of limitations on a no-file return is 3 years. At almost the 3 year point the IRS assesses what taxes they think you owe based on the information they have. After they assess the return and determine the money they think you owe they then start the process of collections. In the seventies and eighties there was a 6 year statute of limitations on collections of assessed monies owed. After the 6 years, the collections have to stop unless you have agreed to some payment plan with the IRS which at that point you will pay till they get their money even after you die. On a joint return, they can come after both spouses. Because of previous tax revolts, the IRS has extended that time to 10 years on collections. That is a long time to run from the IRS.

Once an assessed amount is levied by the IRS, including fines and interest, the amount owed can balloon to thousands. I figured I owed originally about $600. By the time the IRS started collections the bill had blown up to $28K in just 3 years. The IRS will not arrest you, but they can sure make your life miserable. They can garnish your wages, clean out your bank account, ruin your credit, and other things. In addition, a bankruptcy will not clear an IRS debt. I was lucky because I was in college at the time and was able to ride out the statute. The sad part were the others I knew that also decided to revolt and the heavy hand of the IRS reached deep into their pockets. So, it may sound like a good thing to do, but think carefully and understand how the process works before taking the leap. Make sure there is water in the pool before you jump. Until the IRS itself is either abolished or revamped, not paying taxes may not be a prudent move.

mac1221 4 points ago +4 / -0

Good for you. I also wanted no part and left. I was a few years from retiring but chose to leave early and I took a financial hit making such a move. But I could not participate in what I knew was going to result in death and injury to millions. If more of us in health care would have said no to this shit show in the beginning things would have shut down almost immediately.

mac1221 2 points ago +2 / -0

Exactly. They should have known but did not? They are either incompetent and should find another career, or they knew in some capacity but chose to do nothing about it and are now trying to rationalize why they continued to go along with genocide.

mac1221 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes, they figured it out almost immediately yet many chose to keep their heads down and said nothing for fear of... fill in the blank. So either they were directly involved or they were trying to stay employed. If more would have stood up and objected this would have shut down relatively quickly.

As a clinician with over 2 decades of experience in general practice it was obvious to me within the first couple of weeks into this shit show that things were seriously going sideways. There were several grand rounds online that I participated in and it became clear to me that there was a narrative already crafted and being pushed. The treatment protocols being implemented were insane and did not make sense - especially with regards to early treatment and ventilators. Any clinical based objections were met with heavy resistance and shut down immediately. Those trying to raise objections or alternatives were marginalized and sometimes publicly insulted. The fix was in. I knew then that I would not participate.

I have to question the competency of a professional that is supposed to be highly trained but yet did not see what was happening. The claim that they didn't know does not fly with me. They lose either way. They didn't know but should have, or they saw but chose not to object.

mac1221 1 point ago +1 / -0

Arterial calcification is a process that takes place over time. No doubt if you had a scan several years ago it would have shown similar results but obviously to a lesser degree. Just about all older adults have some level of arterial calcification. Therefore, I seriously question Covid being related beyond complicating already present pathology - mostly inflammatory based and immune dysfunction conditions.

One of the treatments that have shown some success in decalcification is chelation therapy. However, it is not cheap. It will take several visits and you would have to find a practitioner in your area.

mac1221 6 points ago +6 / -0

As a general practice clinician I was in a unique situation to see the results of childhood vaxxine damage first hand. Not only are vaxxines an issue, but also a variety of environmental exposures that over time have negatively impacted the lives of Americans - especially our children. The conclusions that I have drawn are not entirely the result of formal studies, but from my own observation and experience over the course of several decades that involved not only clinical practice, but also my experience in medical research.

My practice had a substantial cohort of patients that were either off grid or semi off grid. These off grid patients did not vaxxinate from birth or vaxxinations were kept at a bare minimum and stopped early. In addition, these children were mostly homeschooled and consumed a much better diet compared to their on grid counterparts. Their exposure to technology was also more controlled and limited. This off grid cohort was large enough to enable me to subjectively make some comparisons.

The children and young adults of these off grid families, along with their parents, were by far the healthiest patients in my practice. There was not one kid in any of these families that suffered from autistic spectrum disorders, learning disabilities, ADHA, allergies, autoimmune disorders, digestive problems, psychological disorders, etc. Other than the occasional childhood injury or illness, there was nothing wrong with their health. They were healthy normal kids. Many of us with some millage can still remember what it means to be a normal healthy kid.

In comparison, heavily vaxxinated kids that also lived a lifestyle that is now seen as "normal" modern life, all seemed to have some level of challenge ranging from mild to severe. This new "normal" among these children is not recognized for what it is - a degenerative shift over time from what used to be considered healthy. What has changed these children's health for the worse? The answer I am afraid is multifactorial - but vaxxinations are a large part of that answer.

The degradation of the health of our children, both physical and mental, currently involves such large numbers that it has redefined the view of what is considered "normal" and "healthy" - not only in academic establishment circles, but also for the average American. What once was in the very small minority has now become the majority of American children which in turn sets new parameters for what is considered the norm. Professionals old enough to have experienced and observed the old norm, therefore having a basis for comparison, are disappearing from the information flow and are not present to continue to raise concerns over this observed shift. This is being accomplished by professional attrition factors as well as continued industry and academic capture with expanding information censure.

This is why forums such as GA are so vital. It is a place where old timers like myself can pass on our knowledge so that our voices and hard won wisdom does not disappear with the passage of time. These forums are a means to educate and inform subsequent generations thereby passing the torch. For those younger, continue to educate yourselves in the truth and learn from us old farts once in awhile that have walked the path and have the grey hairs obtained from the journey. It will be up to the young to carry the information forward and in turn pass it on to those that follow. Continue to carry the information torch and fight the good fight no matter where you find yourself on the age continuum. God bless.

mac1221 1 point ago +1 / -0

Good idea. Like I said however, they are talking heads, not thinking heads. The questions are no doubt above their pay grade.

mac1221 1 point ago +1 / -0

A nuclear armed nation is one that can't be trifled with. It gives the ruling entities of the country a certain amount of security to protect their regime from being toppled - not only from the outside, but also from within. Outside forces are not likely to invade and also less likely to meddle internally by stirring up factions within the country - which Iran has many. Other nations will think twice about destabilizing a nuclear armed nation and run the risk of even more radical entities taking control of nukes.

The DS ME policy has been to place Iran in a position to make them a linchpin to keep other ME players under control - primarily Israel and SA and to a lesser degree Egypt and Turkey. Remember, globalists want control. They don't want competition or nations making economic or other agreements on their own going off script. Look at what happened to Libya. Qaddafi was building up his country and looking to create an African currency. The bankers could not have that so they took him out and destroyed the country. It serves the globalist agenda to have a nuclear armed Iran. They care nothing about the country or its people. The talking heads just simply say what they are paid to say. They don't get paid to think.

mac1221 1 point ago +1 / -0

I agree. I was against vaxxines my entire career. But the knowledge I acquired about vaxxines was the result of my own vaxxine injuries that forced me to take a second and deeper look into the issue beyond the narrative that is promoted in academia. To say I was shocked is a gross understatement. Narrative bias is strong and embedded within may different genres of professional level career venues. Getting my own colleagues to listen was more challenging than educating my patients.

Trying to stay off the state medical board radar over the vaxxine issue along with others, like fluoride, was challenging. That is why not many of us could make our voices heard without running the risk of being the victim of wack-a-mole by the state professional boards. I simply handled my stance within my own practice sphere and kept my head down. Thankfully, I had a large cohort of patients that lived off grid or semi off grid. We were on the same page. This lessened the risk of complaints being filed with the board. However, not all of us could do it this way. I had several colleagues that owned practices that were more in public view because of the nature of the therapies they offered - like cancer. Several of them had their licenses suspended and their practices shut down until they were able to run the legal system gauntlet to get their licenses reinstated and their practices reopened - all on their own dime. It was a process that could take several years. The state medical board, that is charged with protecting public health, cared nothing about the patients that were suddenly left to try and find treatment elsewhere. This is not good when you have a life threatening condition like cancer and are in the middle of treatment. When the medical or dental board comes in to shut you down, you are given no warning. They show up and give you about 10 to 15 minutes to clear out your patients and then that's it. Close the practice and wait to hear from them. A vague notice is placed on the doors and patients are left to wonder what the hell.

All this being said, I do not condone not standing up for patient welfare, but I do understand the pressures facing these professionals that do understand there is a choice. Some, believe it or not, are ignorant and go along with the narrative. They see no conflict. But for those that do have the brains to see the harm, the decision to flush a career that took a great investment of time and money is not an easy one. They are often carrying a huge amount of debt for that career and there is no forgiveness for walking away - not to mention the personal impact on their lives and their families. This caused many as you stated, to take the knee. I am not so easy to condemn those stuck between a rock and an even harder rock. Any decision they make is not going to be a good one. They can stand up and do the right thing, destroying their lives in the process, or they can look away thinking they can deal with the psychological trauma that results from the realization of possibly causing harm to patients.

My advice to the public is to support those that have taken the risk and sacrificed their careers for the public good. Many need our help. I was lucky because I was on the verge of retirement anyway when the shit show started so it was much easier for me to simply bow out. I had made the decision years ago that if I was ever forced or heavily coerced to knowingly harm my patients, I would walk away. It was not the first time I have had to make a career change in my life. Yes, it is tough - but possible. I made a change in my late thirties and I was the old timer in my classes compared to the youngsters. For many, medicine is all they have known and not everyone has the courage to leap off the cliff wearing a blindfold. The unknown is often more frightening than the bad you do know.

We as a society are going to have to deal with the challenges left behind in the wake of this disaster. Yes, there needs to be justice. But justice not tempered with mercy is not who we are as a people. Finding the balance between the two for the good of the entire society is what will be required to fix the problems that led up to where we are and the problems we will face in the future. A temporary administration of justice without fixing the underlying problems will only lead to something like this happening again. A pendulum that swings too far the other way is still not balanced. We will have to find a middle ground somehow. We must hold the real culprits to account without throwing everyone under the bus. There are a lot of victims here - even among professionals. It is going to take all of us to remedy what ails us.

mac1221 1 point ago +1 / -0

Under the Obama plan, the entire ME was to be destabilized either thru radical Shia factions or the Muslim Brotherhood which are primarily Sunni. The MB is heavily imbedded within the US government or leverages influence through numerous NGOs. Iran has its own influencers within the government to lobby behind the scenes. China is also there through United Front little pink efforts. Obama is a communist and is a Muslim sympathizer. Communists often align with radical Islam - it serves their purposes. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Iran is just another chess piece on the board but it has aspirations of being a major player. Obama's, and now Biden's, ME policy has been a disaster and events taking place there currently are a result. The DS has been quietly financially supporting the efforts behind the scenes as you state. A nuclear armed Iran acts as a counterbalance so nobody will be able to threaten this chess piece. NK is the same.

There are a lot of moving pieces to this picture and many players - both in front and operating behind the scenes all jockeying for position. Who really funds Iran? Yes, there is US DS involvement, but are there others? Who stands to lose if a proposed economic corridor is established from India to the EU by way of SA and Israel? China and Russia are sputtering while West Pacific nations are on the rise. India especially has potential if they can solve their infrastructure issues. Who loses? China, Russia, and Iran are looking at their own economic corridor. China is investing in a couple of proposed corridors through Belt and Road. A corridor established by more Western leaning nations threatens this plan. This is why the Abraham Accord had to be blown up - but is it? Remember, what is said publicly may not necessarily be the truth of what is really occuring behind the scenes. China's current economic position could bring all these plans to an end and without China, Russia can't stand alone. Why did Iran stir up the pot now? Iran saw the prospect of being sidelined instead of being a major player. The problem with creating loose cannons is they don't always go off on cue when being activated.

The bottom line is always power and money. Follow the money and you will usually get your answers.

mac1221 2 points ago +4 / -2

Just to throw a monkey wrench into all of this, what if Q's statement really means that Israel will be saved, not destroyed, for last? One needs to jettison preconceived bias and thinking to recognize there may be a different plan of action here than what many originally presumed. A good gauge for me is whatever narrative the media is trying to promote. So what is the narrative the media is trying to shove down everyone's throats? Israel is a genocidal pariah that needs to be held to account. Something to consider.

When you consider the entire scope of the Bush/Obama ME plan that has continued under Biden, then maybe this can be seen. Obama's plan involved the doubling down on the rise of radical Islam. They hate Christians. A very integral part of that ME plan involves the Persians. The cabal is also heavily aligned with the Muslim brotherhood and their various proxy groups. Keeping tensions between Sunni and Shia works to their advantage trying to maintain control - especially the Saudis. Obama and the resident in chief have gone out of their way to appease Iran thinking that by militarizing them this would be a tenuous counterbalance they could use. Remember, despite what they say publicly, they really hate Israel. They gave Iran tons of money to finance out of control radical proxies and develop nuclear capabilities while at the same time destabilizing more Sunni countries through the Muslim brotherhood. Unfortunately for Obama and company, Iran has their own plans apart from whatever the globalists want. They desire to be a major player and not just make a cameo appearance. The cabal consistently grossly underestimates the power of radicalized ideology. It is like trying to herd wildcats wearing suicide vests. We have the seen the results several times. Whenever globalist proxies overstep their bounds and deviate from the plan they usually end up being carpet bombed. Ask Libya and Iraq.

Obama and those like him hate America and the West. Their goal has always been to bring down Western Civilization and their ME policies are part of that plan. The last thing the globalists want is a peaceful and functional ME that potentially operates independent of globalist control. Why do you think blowing up the potential of the Abrahamic Accord was necessary? Iran is going off script here.

China was also heavily part of the globalist ambitions - remember Clinton's 16 year plan. But Trump threw his own monkey wrench into this plan by starting China's downslide hitting them right where a slight shove could bring down the entire structure which we are currently witnessing. What Trump started forced companies driven by profit margins to start migrating their base of operations. The plandemic only accelerated this divestment out of China spreading the supply chain away from a single centralized source. The rampant corruption and heavy leveraged debt in China would do the rest. When the history books are written, only then will we be able to see the far thinking strategy of what Trump was able to accomplish in his first term and the reasons they are so terrified about him getting another crack at taking it further.

So I agree that the statement about Israel being last may require a second look.

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