mac1221 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have a medicine cabinet with all those. But, I do know what I am doing with antibiotics since medicine is my wheelhouse. My recommendations were specifically for treating mycoplasmas. Agreed that Cipro is too nasty to use and it has too many side effects. Therefore, the doxy is most likely the best choice for most people baring any allergies. Penicillins and cephlasporins are not useful for mycoplasma because of the antibiotic resistant strains out there. Azithromycin is more expensive and does have some unwanted side effects - especially fungal infections. Tetracycline can have some stomach issues associated with it.

C-diff is a real risk especially with older adults, so any antibiotic use should not be done haphazardly. You are right - everyone should know what they are taking.

mac1221 2 points ago +2 / -0

That is why I stated it is recommended for mycoplasma, but I do not like the side effect profile - for the reason you stated. It causes all kinds of connective tissue problems and it should not to be used by someone with diabetes. Thanks for the clarification for others that read this post.

mac1221 1 point ago +1 / -0

Agreed. Z-paks can cause candidiasis from hell. Like steroids, they hand the stuff out like candy.

mac1221 4 points ago +4 / -0

Tim needs to stay out of politics and geopolitics. It is not in his wheelhouse. He needs to stick more with cultural issues where he is better suited.

mac1221 6 points ago +6 / -0

His background is not difficult to find if one just takes a few minutes to look. Anyone that seems to come out of nowhere spouting off talking points that sound too well crafted is always suspect. Yup, controlled opposition.

mac1221 7 points ago +7 / -0

New York is starting to pay for plane fare to send them back to their countries - it is cheaper than paying for them to stay.

mac1221 2 points ago +2 / -0

I purchased my doxy from a fish supply place here in the US. Veterinarian antibiotics are the same medication used in pharmacies only cheaper with no script. I don't remember the site, but you can search for fish antibiotics. You can purchase 100 pills of amoxicillin or doxycycline and the like. Last time I bought a bottle it was around $40. Azithromycin is more expensive but you can get it - just in much smaller quantities. If I need a Z-pak I have a colleague I can contact to call me in a script since I am retired. I don't have problems using either doxy or amox on the rare occasion that I need it because I eat clean meat and other animal products. Agribusiness uses about 80% of all antibiotics produced. You are what you eat. Our food supply is the number one cause of antibiotic resistance.

I have various antibiotics in my medicine chest. I have never used an overseas pharmacy. Drugs may be easier to get from the veterinarian supply now that the demand is down - but it may not be for long if this thing takes off. I also have metronidazole/Flagyl just in case I may encounter a more antibiotic resistant bug to use in addition with a regular course that is not yielding good results. Use with caution as with all meds and be aware of possible side effects of all drugs you purchase like this - everyone is different. If this thing is mycoplasma, I plan on using doxy and Flagyl if I need it. There are more antibiotic resistant strains of mycoplasma out there. Do not use amox to treat mycoplasma because it is resistant to beta-lactam antibiotics. I also have my Ivermectin as well.

I hope this helps.

mac1221 3 points ago +3 / -0

Whatever the hell comes out of China, they have no problems sharing it with the rest of the world. It almost sounds like they are gearing up for a repeat. The CCP is trying to coverup whatever is taking place in Northern China. The timing of this, is troubling. The upcoming New Year holiday travel season sends Chinese all over the country. Many foreign living Chinese are getting ready to return to China for the holidays - the same thing that happened the last time. Then those foreign Chinese residents return to the countries where they are living. The visa exemption that begins in December is for France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and Malaysia. Even their own citizens are questioning what the CCP is up to. This can set the stage for another scamdemic. So I am following it closely.

Yes, I remember the whole CCP shill hug a Chinese stunt - especially in Commiefornia.

Italy has its own economic issues and I question the hype that came out of there over Covid. Whatever it was, mostly affected the elderly. Ground zero in Northern Italy, like Wuhan, had turned on 5G. Notice that Italy is on the list for visa exemptions.

I smell another scamdemic possibly on the horizon. The WHO is already involved. Mail-in ballots again? Remember, the WHO's changes to the International Health Regulations are getting ready to be approved in May unless there is objection. Plenty of distractions on the field to keep people from noticing.

mac1221 4 points ago +4 / -0

You are welcome. China happenings are one of the areas I follow closely and regularly. Real estate comprises about 30% of China's GDP - so any collapse there can bring the entire system down and it is. China is in big trouble.

China is not the sparkling image the CCP has crafted for the world and Western media to see. Their Belt and Road Initiative projects are also in big trouble. Many projects have been abandoned and some are falling apart. The hydroelectric dam in Ecuador is most worrisome. It has thousands of cracks. These poorer countries that got into bed with China's predatory debt trap lending are now left holding the bag with debt to China and very little to show for it. They did not get what they were promised.

mac1221 2 points ago +2 / -0

For mycoplasma: Doxycycline will also work and is cheaper to access online without a script. Not for use in young children - use a macrolide like azithromycin. Also fluoroquinolones like Cipro are also recommended - but I personally don't like the side effect profile.

Just one thing about what is taking place in Northern China. I follow fairly closely Chinese news - not the CCP kind. Those areas in Northern China had massive flooding a couple of months ago. Children and young adults were showing up to hospitals and clinics almost immediately with some kind of respiratory issue they labeled as thunder asthma.

Some of those areas are extremely toxic and the flooding took it to a whole new level. Who knows what kinds of things these people were exposed to as far as toxicity and bacteria. Mycoplasma does not sound out of line here. Children and the elderly are most vulnerable because of the pollution weakening their lungs.

One thing is clear to me from what is able to make it out from Chinese netizens, the people are scared and they don't trust the government. The CCP's 50cent army is out in full force trying to scrub social media as fast as things get posted. Just as a side note, the CCP just loosened foreign travel visa restrictions into China making it much easier - a 15 day visa exemption. Timing sounds a bit weird.

mac1221 5 points ago +5 / -0

China has over 20 million undelivered units either unfinished or of tofu dreg construction that need remediation. China has a prepay real estate purchase model with down payments of at least 30%. The money for development to finish these units, or to repair them, is now gone. Banking is tightening with liquidity problems and unwilling to make loans to finish the projects. With no money to finish the projects buyers are stuck with the mortgage. Some are simply refusing to continue making the payments. They can't loose homes they never possessed - but many have lost substantial sums of money with no legal recourse. Lots of finger pointing starting to happen with local government officials being rounded up - all to take some of the heat off the central CCP government.

China has had wide spread corruption that was allowed to run rampant during the boom years. Now with the boomerang effects of corruption coupled with the economic contraction, the house of cards is collapsing just like China's construction projects. Money is flowing out of China by the billions and some of it by way of underground banks in Hong Kong that the CCP is unable to stop. The rats are basically abandoning the ship.

Been hearing from the Chinese rumor mill that Xi came to the US to ask for a $900 billion bail out. One or two of the major Chinese banks are on the verge of collapse. This goes way beyond the Evergrande and Country Garden investment defaults. These failures could ripple worldwide. Smart money has seen the handwriting on the walls and have been trying to limit exposure for several years. What is worrying is the number of pension funds tied to Chinese indexes. Many pension funds are poorly managed and may not be paying attention because they have bought into the CCP propaganda illusion. If you have a pension, you may want to check your portfolio holdings.

mac1221 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not sure. But she has worked with the DoD and other government entities. The Halper name is intimately acquainted with intelligence and psychological operations here in the US and the UK. Remember, some time ago she called Trump a pig. Stay far away from this one - more hopium disinformation to muddy the waters.

mac1221 6 points ago +6 / -0

Ritter is rabid against Bibi - it is personal and he is way too emotionally invested in his position. Therefore, anything he says about the situation should be taken with a huge grain of salt. Until this ME situation, his commentary was pretty reasonable - even if he was shilling for Russia. Col Macgregor still gives the most level headed all around assessment of the situation.

mac1221 12 points ago +12 / -0

What amazes me is those cucks in DC that think they somehow are going to escape the consequences of demilitarizing the US. They will be the first ones lined up against the wall.

mac1221 11 points ago +11 / -0

Agreed. Why does anyone listen to this woman? Does she have any credibility? Look into her background. She specializes in psychological manipulation for whoever hires her - including the government. Hopium puts critical thinking either on the back burner or redirects it towards a preferred bias.

mac1221 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yup. Buy the raw ingredients, nonGMO and Organic, and make the food yourself. I have a rice cooker that also makes oatmeal.

If you cannot pronounce the name of an ingredient or it sounds like a chemical, you should not eat it. Besides, the stuff always tastes strange to me. I am old enough to remember what food is supposed to taste like.

mac1221 1 point ago +1 / -0

The flooding, especially in Northern China was horrendous. To keep Beijing from flooding, water was diverted to many of the surrounding areas. Entire cities were wiped out and the flooding took various infrastructure out. What did the CCP do? Forbid people from taking pictures and scrubbed reports from social media. Some of this flooding took place in highly polluted areas and there were some reports of toxic air. About this time, children especially started to show up in hospitals with difficulty breathing. The government used typical gaslighting telling the people it was thunder asthma. Saying now there is mycoplasma does not surprise me.

China is a joke. Poor drainage, tofu dreg construction, and rampant pollution are a recipe for disaster for the people living there due to corruption and lack of any kind of oversight. Most days the skies are grey and visibility is poor. Most of the water is undrinkable. Land that is polluted from manufacturing is reclaimed and resold for residential construction - all with the appropriate forged and fudged certificates. Many Chinese buy bottled water which is nothing more but the same polluted water. The sparkling image the CCP sells the world is complete fantasy. China is in serious trouble.

mac1221 1 point ago +1 / -0

Several months ago when the some areas were heavily flooded, children were showing up in Chinese clinics with some weird respiratory problem. Then they were calling it some kind of rain asthma. Chinese Netizens said it was from the pollution - which is crazy ridiculous in China and the floods certainly did not help. They are also heavily vaxxinated. Just like here, they are repeatedly getting sick from the vaxxines - they have special names in Chinese for how many times a person has gotten sick. It would not surprise me if the Chinese government is trying to cover up what is really taking place.

mac1221 6 points ago +6 / -0

The Irish are pretty fed up. Their women and children are constantly being attacked by immigrants and there is no government help. The men have been organizing for about a year. They are going to fight back where no one else in Europe has the cojones. Yup - the English have a long history of dealing with Irish rage when they are pushed too far. This may be just getting started.

mac1221 1 point ago +1 / -0

Over 3 hours but worth the watch - especially the last couple of segments. Links I had never considered that put several more pieces together in the puzzle - think Operation Paper Clip, Roswell, the aerospace industry, and missing Pentagon trillions. Kennedy knew - and so does Trump.


mac1221 5 points ago +5 / -0

They would not be the first to die for the name of Jesus. They will have plenty of company.

mac1221 3 points ago +3 / -0

I was thinking the same thing. But, a conversion is still a conversion, no matter how to come by it. Stuff can be fed to the brain, but the heart is a different matter.

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