magavoices 2 points ago +2 / -0

after meeting people who suffer from lifelong complications of the diseases

Which disease did they catch being unvaccinated?

magavoices 1 point ago +1 / -0

What a strange question. Vaccination is a religion

To the best of my understanding, smallpox (one of the deadliest diseases known to mankind) was eradicated by vaccine.

If you can debunk that statement, have at it.

magavoices 2 points ago +2 / -0

now if only the reaper was dressed in drag

magavoices 2 points ago +2 / -0

Or they can just address their idiotic expectations. They can start by repeating this to themselves:

"I was a dumbass for believing WW3 would be over in two weeks. Nobody credible told me this. Q never said it, or implied it. I heard it from some anonymous individual and I was gullible enough to actually believe it."

magavoices 2 points ago +2 / -0

Genesis 9:13

I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth.

The rainbow is a promise from God that He will never destroy earth again with a flood.

No amount of the left attempting to rebrand the rainbow will ever make it mean what they want it to mean.

Trump hugged a rainbow flag.

magavoices 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nothing else explains ... Nothing else explains ... Nothing else explains ...

Q does explain.

The OP may not like the plan, but he's being disingenuous if he thinks there's no explanation. He knows there is an explanation, he just doesn't like it.

I don't particularly like "the plan" either. I don't think anyone likes the plan. The plan is the best of many bad options for dealing with the worldwide cabal.

I didn't even follow the Durham report. Why should I? Q didn't say the Durham report is the "only way".

They said the military is the only way.

All I ever expected from the Durham report is for it to push the population one more step toward the precipice.

magavoices 2 points ago +3 / -1

Revolution: a forcible overthrow of a government or social order, in favor of a new system.

"Revolution" is not the plan.

The plan is for the US military to take down the worldwide cabal.

The task of Q followers is to help inform the public of what is really going on when the military tribunals start and half the government is sent to Gitmo.

The actual US government is cleaning itself up. All laws are being obeyed. What is the name for that? It's not revolution.

Revolution is a loaded term. Typically, calls for revolution are from glowies trying to bait others into violence.

magavoices 3 points ago +4 / -1

as for your accusation of me labeling anyone else, you lie

Your deleted comments accused anonymous members of this forum of not doing enough.

You labeled everyone here as being too passive and not contributing enough. Anonymous people who you don't know. You've made yourself a mind reader and judged everyone here.

If that's a Marxist tactic, then you are a self-proclaimed Marxist.

My main premise was to show (and you have clearly illustrated) the Marxists tactic of insult/labeling the individual

Nope. Mods deleted your drivel because (guessing) you're a doomer and Q hater who despises this community.

I am a fan of the Q op and its' original purpose.

Then why did you mock Q by quoting Q's "Enjoy the show" as an insult?

I am not a fan of is how quickly gullible people searching for truth turned a psy-op scheme into a religion

First, this is an anonymous forum. You don't know anyone here. You don't know their actual contributions to their local communities.

Second, I've been here for going on 3 years and I have NEVER seen someone say "You know what, I am not doing anything because Q says we should be passive."

But even if I did read that, I'd chalk it up to a shill providing other shills like yourself with fodder.

gullible people searching for truth turned a psy-op scheme into a religion

Oh look, you're accusing and labeling anonymous people you don't know. I didn't realize that was the definition of being a Marxist until you told me. Thanks for helping me identify you as a Marxist.

magavoices 11 points ago +11 / -0

If I'm a troll, why did the mods delete your comments and mine remain?

magavoices 9 points ago +10 / -1

Thank you for the your response with the Marxist tactic of labelling me

You just labeled Q followers as being complacent.

Here's a Qlue, everyone here is anonymous. You don't know how anyone here has contributed. You're guessing, with the most biased slanted methodology possible, as if you have a chip on your shoulder against Q and everyone who follows Q.

Yet, you're on a Q board.

I'd ask why you would hang out here for two years if you despise Q followers and Q but we already know the answer ... shill.

I follow the shepherd who teaches me to be fishers of men

Oh, you're virtue signaling as a missionary now. Ok. Tell me, how many conversions have you gained by starting off your conversations as a confrontational dick?

If you want change then get off your ass and run ofr city counsel or school board or volunteer for a candidate

If I go sifting through your 2 years of posting history, am I going to find you have volunteered for your school board?

What kind of community service am I going to read about in your 2 years of comment history here?

magavoices 8 points ago +9 / -1

Every single time I've seen someone harping on everyone for not doing enough and being too passive, they're a glowie trying to incite people to violence.

Tell us what grand thing you would have done, but didn't do, because Q followers weren't holding your hand.

magavoices 2 points ago +2 / -0

What a farce LARPer.

It's impossible to take a single word of that article seriously.

magavoices 4 points ago +4 / -0

The cabal doesn't find good politicians and entraps them.

The cabal finds people willing to be entrapped and gets kompromat on them before they're elected.

Then, once already compromised, the cabal installs them with dominion.

magavoices 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nobody has a responsibility to act as jury in a case they are bringing their bias to.

Q: Who knew about the Rittenhouse case?

A: Everyone.

Q: Who had an opinion and some level of bias about the Rittenhouse case?

A: Everyone.

Impartiality guarantees are for the defendant, not the prosecutor.

The entire concept of trial by peers was a purposeful attempt to counter unfair prosecutions.

If a tyrannical government rises, everyone will have bias against it. Does that mean all should be disqualified from serving on juries to protect their fellow peers if they all happen to be biased against tyranny?

There is absolutely no reason to disqualify oneself from jury duty, especially in cases where you suspect a prosecutor is going to misbehave.

magavoices 2 points ago +2 / -0

Its cognitive dissonance.

Certainly all the chemotherapy they went through, the tens of thousands in medical bills, the mounting stress and fear of mortality ... certainly all of that wasn't for nothing? Certainly they couldn't have fixed that with a few pills?

Because if that's the case, they'd feel immensely stupid. It's far easier to not even think about it or ignore it, hence cognitive dissonance.

Though a few do realize they were played. They get very angry, but at the right people.

magavoices 1 point ago +1 / -0

Your anti-Jew post was deleted before I could respond to it.

Which highlights the fact that you should probably be the one to "lurk moar", seeing seeing you make posts that violate forum rules.

magavoices 1 point ago +1 / -0

Like I said, Nazi logic.

magavoices 3 points ago +3 / -0

Flat earth is off-topic for GAW.

Whatever sweaty forum that FEs frequent where you circle jerk each other's stupidity, that's where you belong.

magavoices 3 points ago +3 / -0

No. Reread. Carefully. The title of this thread.

magavoices 6 points ago +6 / -0

Q said FE is bullshit.

Calling FE bullshit is therefore on-topic for Q.

magavoices 4 points ago +5 / -1

Jesus said the "Synagogue of Satan" is not Jews.

Describe what pattern you're seeing and who, exactly, you believe is committing the pattern, because all I see are cabalists of every ethnicity and supposed religion.

magavoices 1 point ago +1 / -0

and you're not fooling anyone either....

Fooling people about what? That Q is a thing (on a Q forum)?

That has got to be the stupidest thing I've ever read.

How about you start a thread saying "I've been here for 2 years and I've never seen any proof that Q is real" and see how well that goes over.

How can you be so self-unaware, so completely oblivious to reality, that you don't realize your opinion is a freak minority and that nobody here agrees with you?

magavoices 1 point ago +1 / -0

Is Q real? Nah. But I still fully expect to have the same result of the government getting completely fixed spontaneously

That's like denying God but still expecting to go to heaven.

If it is meaningless, they'll get hunted down by Regular Americans,

So you're an accelerationist. You have your Mad Max outfit ready but you're waiting for Q followers to hold your hand before you start marauding the streets?

Where will you be??? Oh that's right, keyboard warrioring....

I'm not sure what makes you more of a dufus, the fact that you're blasting others for being a keyboard warrior who have less keyboard warrior time than you, or the fact you've hung out on a Q board for more than 2 years but you haven't seen a single thing that makes you think Q is real.

It's called being obtuse.

magavoices 2 points ago +2 / -0

And don't depend on Q, I have yet to see any evidence that Q is real....

There's the crux of it.

Logically, either Q is real and exactly who they say they are, and will do everything they say they will do, and all will be ok.

Or ... we're all fucked, period end of story, and all time spent on this board is a complete waste of time.

With your stated beliefs, you have a better chance of walking to the moon than implementing a single thing you're complaining about.

I'll bite. Let's say Q isn't real. What is your step-1 to forcing congress to accept term limits? This ought to be good.

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