Here is another 2016 article from Vanity Fair about Hillary shooting a panda. Of course Seth Rich's nickname was Panda, and the campaign knew that because they put up a bike rack in his honor after his murder, where they dedicated it to "panda".
IMHO there is a big difference in just "being wrong" we all have been wrong. And, using your twitter platform to try to influence others. Then, you have an obligation to be right, and when you're not, it does come across as suspect.
Some of the comments on this thread really scare me. Why are so many willing to comply? Going along to get along is what has gotten us in this mess. How have some of you not figured this out. There would have been no election fraud with mail in ballots if all of us who knew it was bs would have told everyone who was gullible to pound sand. Wake up people!
Thank you so much. I had taken before, a long time ago, and couldn't remember the dosage.
Does anyone know the correct dose for 12 milligram ivermectin tablets. I have been trying to research, but all info I am getting is msm.
Nick Sandman, Jessie Smollett, Richard Jewel.
Ask your doctor to take this quiz. It is very good.
Very interesting.
I had also heard that the unauthorized missile came from a decomissioned sub called USS Richard Russell. That same year, a 28 year old man named Richard Russell stole a plane and flew acrobatics with no flight training. He crashed on Ketron Island. I had read that It is near impossible to find out who owns, or lives on Ketron island, and with this plane crash, the white hats had an excuse to get on the island.
We give our dogs heart worm med. and it says on the outside of the box "ivermectin".
I would not confront. If shedding is real, you have no idea how many vaccinated people you are already around now.
We all know a mountain may have a protrusion that looks like a nose, or an ear. But we would make fun of someone who believed Mount Rushmore was a natural occurrence. Your idea of using odds to explain the likelihood of something being true is a good one, and the Rushmore visual kind of brings it home, and should embarrass anyone who believed in the nonsense.
I need to make a good list of these instances so when I go for Thanksgiving, I can mock anyone who would dare utter their support for these liar mcliar faces.
If you go to the link, it says the crowd is chanting for Biden, when they are clearly chanting "we want Trump". Ridiculous!
I think it is the entire system. The regulatory agencies are a big scam with their bogus studies, It is very hard to find out who funds them. I think it is a mix of pharma, and processed food companies. The lobbying groups who pressure the regulatory agencies, the insurance companies, who can put a Dr. out of network with the stroke of a pen, Of course, big pharma, and big med. Everyone now works for a major health network. there are few independent Dr.'s. Doctors used to be scientists, now, they are like the trouble shooting guide on a new product.
I guess the question is, if we start eating food that is a proper human diet, quit injecting ourselves with poison / vaccines, and have real life saving drugs, like ivermectin and HCQ at our disposal how much are we going to need them?
I think the problem is that many people just do not believe what we are trying to show them. Until we can get rid of the deep state propaganda, this will continue. But Trump seems committed to getting rid of the deep state, so I'm pretty sure removing the propaganda machine is a major part of the plan. Perhaps something like campaign finance where the media cannot get outside monies, They can only use the money they themselves generate.
Wow, it sounds like your dog is doing great! I too have changed my dogs diet. I don't do raw, but I do carnivore, with occasional eggs. I do beef, chicken, pork, tuna, sardines. My 11 year old dog has lost 2 pounds, down to 30 lbs. And, her mobility is soo much better. Just by looking at her, you can tell how much more muscular she is. The other dog is only a year old. Both dogs love breakfast and dinner.
good video, thanks for posting
All of it is smoke and mirrors. Heck, Dr.s can't even tell us what it is we should eat for crying out loud. If I brought a cow into my yard, and put out a pile of bird seed, and a pile of chicken, the cow would be smart enough to know what to eat, the grass. What I have learned is there is so much food I thought had nutritional value, but it doesn't. For example bread. They add synthetic vitamins and call it enriched Beef, on the other hand, is chock full of real nutrition. Now, it makes more sense why they want to get rid of cows for global warming. It is such a healthier option.
The simple fact they are blocking keto and carnivore dr. should be a huge sign that it is very healthy. It's always the over reaction that the media has that should make every one question their motive.
I had a brother in law diagnosed with stage 4 small cell lung cancer. I had just happened upon a story about fenbendazole, another dewormer. I shared with my sister, but didn't expect them to try it. He went in for chemo, and it went very badly. He almost died. He then used the fenbendazole protocol, and got rid of the lung cancer, Sadly, 3 years later, he took the jab, and he got turbo cancer and passed.
Also, as someone who has cut out all sugars and grains, and most veg, I have been watching more videos and how cancer is fed with sugars. I watched one Dr. who says cancer is abnormal cell growth, and sugar feeds the cells. So coupled with something like ivermectin, which stops replication, seems like a good plan of attack.
I suggest you watch the Roseanne Barr interview with Cathy O'Brien. It is pretty eye opening for those who don't believe in white hats and that they are winning. I would like to add that back in the day, Roseanne Barr was the only tv personality that did an honest interview with Paula Jones.
I think most on here are not thinking big enough. In order to truly right this ship, "we the people" must be put in control. The hierarchy is "we the people" , our sheriff, our state govt., the federal govt.
We could shrink our federal govt. by about 80%, so not only do we not care about term limits, we wouldn't need to know who most of the congress was. Their significance in our life should be almost invisible.
I had read that Tufts University put out a chart naming cheerios as the most nutritious food out of 100 choices. I looked up what the nutrition level of cheerios was, and the box said it had vitamin A, B, and C. I then looked up the list of ingredients on the box. The first listed was rolled oats. Second was corn starch, then sugar, some 10 letter chemicals, and finally vitamin a, b, c, d.
So, in other words, they added synthetic vitamins. But, they also tout that it has fiber. If you don't eat all the processed crap, sugar, or carbs, you don't need the fiber.