mayolettuce 2 points ago +2 / -0

The issue is they're in a self-righteous bubble that fills them with arrogance and an inability to look at themselves objectively. The challenge is, they think they are the "good" guys so they never have to self-reflect or live up to the standards they use to point fingers at people outside this bubble.

I don't have the answer, but there needs to be SOMETHING that causes them to leave the bubble and look at themselves from the outside. During this past election, the people who turned away from woke liberalism were the ones who were able to do that. This starts the ball rolling, causing them to listen to voices outside their echo chamber. For example, listening to reasonable people like Tucker Carlson may wake them up, but only if they are willing to listen to him without bias.

They say discernment is a gift from God. I don't know if we can give it to them. It seems like it has to be given as a form of grace from Him.

mayolettuce 1 point ago +1 / -0

Reminds me of the comments on Joe Rogan's podcast with Trump before the election. It was a lot of people from other countries rooting for Trump and the American people. Perhaps it was just bots, but if it was actual people, their prayers and well-wishes were appreciated.

mayolettuce 10 points ago +10 / -0

I'm just relieved that the rally was safe event. Really glad Trump and his team came back to give them a positive experience.

mayolettuce 1 point ago +1 / -0

Certain people with degrees don't realize they've not as "intelligent" as they think they are. They have intellect, but lack intuition. They were able to copy/past information from their studies and from what they hear from others (intellect), but didn't learn how to read in-between the lines, recognize patterns, or do their own thinking (intuition). No practicality, no common sense. They "appear" smart in small contexts, but are lacking in real-world practical situations.

I don't hate anyone for pursuing higher education, I just dislike the arrogance and condescending nature of people who think they are the smartest people in the world when all they did was a get specialized knowledge in one specific topic by copying/pasting information to their head temporarily. It's like walking around thinking you're smarter and better than everyone, but you're just walking around with half a brain (only intellect, but lacking intuition).

mayolettuce 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't have answers, but I'm similarly confused as to what the incentive is to allow such destruction to go on without moral action. I'm reminded of a recent tweet video of someone calling out their government officials during a council meeting about letting in illegals. The officials just left with a weak retort about bigotry lol.

So I wonder what is it? Are they getting THAT much money to be incompetent? Is it blackmail? I'd really like to know what's driving these "leaders" to act the way they do. What's stopping them from doing the right thing?

mayolettuce 3 points ago +3 / -0

A strong reminder that it's "We the people..." that make up this country. Libs have gotten too comfortable with the idea that the government is their friendly spoon-feeding dispenser of safety. Not true at all. It's people, community.

These structures and connections need to be rebuilt and recognized as important in culture again. It's something to be STRONGLY prioritized moving forward.

mayolettuce 2 points ago +2 / -0

Liberals live in a self-righteous bubble where they are the heroes and everyone outside of it is the villain like in their superhero movies. They are totally good and everyone else is totally bad. No nuance or understanding that people can have qualities of good and bad at the same time.

This is why they have this odd behavior, where everything they say and do, even if it's immoral or horrific, is justified as good, even if they have to distort and bend reality with dissonance and fantasy. They do the opposite to others. No matter what you say, even if it's reasonable, it's distorted and enters their ears as pure evil. It's difficult to get them to wake up from this delusion. I've given up. I'm convinced that awakening is very much a personal journey. We can only live by example, but we can't free them from their fantasies directly.

Why is it difficult? It's because the dynamic of superheroes vs villains is their "safe space." You don't need any emotional or mental strength to believe in this way of thinking. Facing uncomfortable truths and the real world DOES require some strength which they don't have currently. This is not meant to be insulting. They grew up to be infantilized mentally, filled with anxiety, and stunted in growth by media they consume and other various factors.

mayolettuce 8 points ago +10 / -2

I heard someone say that liberals argue and fight for principles based on gratifying their selfish ego, even if they present themselves as kind and empathetic towards others (it's hypocrisy).

Conservatives will try to fight for principles outside of personal ego, things like community, their children and their future. I use the word "try" because no one is perfectly selfless and liberals will try to "gotcha," acting like if a conservative is not a perfect selfless saint, then they are totally evil. At least the effort is being made to make things better in a genuine way and not like liberals who fake it or make no realistic effort at all.

mayolettuce 10 points ago +10 / -0

I'm trying to understand woke liberals. What kind of person at this point still thinks invading, unvetted, illegals is a good thing? Why do they act like every person crossing our border is some affable, innocent, funny Marvel movie character and will call you a bigot for suggesting otherwise. It's so hard to get these people to grow up (these are adults!) and realize their simplistic world view is not as kind and empathetic as they think it is in the long-term. They don't think about the ripple effects, just the initial idea of kindly letting someone in so they can pat themselves in the back for being falsely virtuous instead of considering the long-term consequences which would actually make their actions more destructive than kind.

mayolettuce 4 points ago +4 / -0

The problem is that liberals are voting as if they're trying to pick someone to win a leading role in a Marvel movie instead of a country leader. They choose someone based on shallow, surface-level qualities, thinking a country can be led and function properly based on vibes, quirkiness, and agreeableness at the expense of other qualities they consider "icky."

Any amount of strength or assertiveness shown by DJT is quickly labeled as toxic. Those people do not live in the real world and it's clear to see any world run by them would be disastrous and be easily taken advantage by others.

mayolettuce 44 points ago +44 / -0

This shows the contrast between liberals and conservatives. Liberals are stuck arguing and fighting for aspects of their personal ego in the short-term, all while pretending they are virtuous. Conservatives attempt to fight for values outside their immediate ego, like for their children, good morality, civil society, a far future where they won't personally reap the benefits but their future children will.

I hope more people understand that this is the sort of shift in consciousness that needs to happen. From working towards inflating one's narcissism to fighting for values outside ego.

mayolettuce 2 points ago +2 / -0

The foundation of Islam is already quite questionable. An "archangel" pinned Mohammed down to force him to abide by his words. I'm not sure why no Muslims use discernment and question whether the spirit was actually good or not. They simply take at face value that it was good and holy instead of considering the possibility of a satanic nature. Mohammed was actually shook and thought negatively of the experience at first until his wife erroneously convinced him that it was archangel Gabriel.

If you look at how Muslims justify brutality, especially towards women and children, no way that can come from a good god.

Another thing to consider is that evil has difficulty creating things in the material world. Evil usually has to act upon deception (whispering in the ears of others) or by taking over a human vessel with their consent. Compare that to Jesus who is a literal manifestation via a virgin birth and created many miracles for people. To top it all off, he sacrificed himself too.

Here's a video about the concerns of this "archangel" if anyone is interested.


mayolettuce 4 points ago +4 / -0

The juxtaposition is crazy. Calling native British thugs while ignoring the fact that the most vile crimes are done by others. The crazy thing is, on X you can see liberal women still asleep and arguing on behalf of the invaders even though these past events should've waken any person up already.