milab77 4 points ago +4 / -0

That woman who plays Shuri survived a near lynching after she made anti-vaccine comments, and now she's Black Panther.

milab77 2 points ago +2 / -0

I didn't see James Gunn in the article. I'm on the fence about him. He seems like an insider who would be willing to testify.

milab77 4 points ago +4 / -0

Well you notice a pattern. They put on drag shows for kids, even though drag is a form of adult entertainment that everyone knows finds its humor in lewdness. They say they're promoting tolerance, but drag is not trans and everyone knows it. Then they pretend you're intolerant for not tolerating something that is obviously, to everyone, intolerable. This only works because it fits the narrative presented in The Marvelous Ms. Maisel which is that when you find our time, the time we are in, we have to see the time that we are being in and be present in it, which means that white Christians should be exterminated. Just watch Netflix and you'll understand.

milab77 19 points ago +20 / -1

Because Christians are marked out for extermination, that's why, of course!

milab77 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's because some people don't approve of their parents, being Nazi Fascists and all, for thinking 2+2=4 and that up is up

milab77 3 points ago +3 / -0

Many years ago, I was with a high school friend. His kid came in, goofing off and started doing a Hitler salute and goosestepping to get his old man's goat. My old friend PUNCHED the kid in the chest. I had to leave. I don't know. Maybe I should have called the cops. I don't think the punch probably left a bruise but it took the breath out of the kid. A few years ago when they started saying "punch a Nazi" I couldn't help but think of this moment. Then they started calling people who said 2+2=4 white supremacists. The whole thing is just dehumanization rhetoric. It's propaganda. These fascists really think everyone else is a fascist.

milab77 2 points ago +2 / -0

My feeling is that Koresh was a messed-up guy and he maybe should have gone to prison for statutory rape. They tried to make him out to be a child molester / abuser, but I think he did have an underaged wife (among several wives) which I think is terrible but which was far from unusual in proletarian circles in Texas in the 80's at least, I think by the 90's it was more frowned upon. The point is that the government could have quietly arrested him and had ample opportunities to do so, but instead they chose to go in with guns blazing and got their asses handed to them. Then they eventually killed the entire group with fire to cover up the evidence of their fuckup, and the American people were all like, oh yeah, Koresh, good thing that fucker got what was coming to him. Koresh isn't the point, it's the good Christians that followed him and died that are the point. And I do believe most good Christians have at one time or another followed a bad shepard.

milab77 3 points ago +3 / -0

MK Ultra types definitely have infiltrated the Christian scene and in general the religious undergrounds, so I can see why it makes sense to him. I really don't like the kind of thinking that victims of these programs need to be killed with fire. In fact we're all victims of MK Ultra. He seemed to imply that destroying the Branch Davidians prevented another '93 style WTC bombing, which seems to me to justify the conflagration, or to provide moral cover for those who did it. The story the Branch Davidians tell is that Koresh had such a compelling interpretation of scripture that people came to study with him, and yet I haven't read any details about his interpretations. I wish Dave McGowan had researched this, he had a good nose

milab77 6 points ago +6 / -0

She's pretty! I think if she'd kept out of politics she might have matured into a sensible person. She seems to have matured into one of those people who pretends to be for the people while supporting bad people doing heinous things. What do you call them... hypocrites...

milab77 3 points ago +3 / -0

I read the post. He doesn't have anything solid, just decodes to support his assertion that Koresh was a programmer. If he could show any associations between Koresh and people known to be part of the system, that would make me wonder. Whitewashing an atrocity by comparing the dates to the release of video games is Ok for speculative entertainment but will not excuse this unconstitutional mass murder of Christians.

milab77 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, they use it as an insult, but they pretend it isn't. It's like a constant stream of gaslighting from these people, and they're self-righteous about it. That's a sign of "social engineering." Your leaders at work shaping the minds of the young!

milab77 3 points ago +3 / -0

Read David Thibideau's WACO: A SURVIVOR'S STORY. I have never heard this theory that you espouse, point me to an exposition of it, I want to see if they have any actual facts supporting their theory, because I've been looking at this story since it happened, and I'm very tuned into mind control activities, and I have never heard this theory.

milab77 17 points ago +17 / -0

It is a fact that the Government was culpable and that the Government lit the fire. Any quibbling about Koresh's personality or theology is beside the point.

milab77 3 points ago +3 / -0

Nobody can remember anything that happened more than two days ago anyhow

milab77 4 points ago +4 / -0

Really, freedom from being forcibly injected with State-Sauce is #1 priority if you ask me.

milab77 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm glad that some people still have a sense of nuance. Now that I think of it, "stunning" is not necessarily good either.

milab77 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well you can recognize that they are stunning and brave, that's OK.

milab77 1 point ago +1 / -0

Tell you what? That it was premeditated mass murder with mass media coverup? It was. There is a good documentary on it but I can't remember the name. No one believes they lit themselves on fire, at least not anyone who has come into any contact with any of the actual story. I think it's well established that the tear gas they pumped in there was highly flammable and they knew what would happen. I don't know what they say on the Netflix documentaries these days, probably repeat all the lies they said in the news when it was happening.

milab77 1 point ago +1 / -0

Read David Thibideaux's Waco: A Survivor's Story. I looked up to check out what happened on March 25, and it seems likely that that was the day the decision was made to murder them.

milab77 3 points ago +3 / -0

They think being denied access to a medical product line is genocide

The singularity has happened and it has happened in the field of pharma marketing

milab77 2 points ago +2 / -0

Grammar note-- It's Agents Provocateur like mothers-in-law instead of mother-in-laws

milab77 3 points ago +3 / -0

AAPS is a great organization fighting the good fight, but no one ever pays them any attention.

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