I'm feeling the opposite. After waiting for 4 years I finally feel there is visible progress. Trump is heading back to the WH (which I have to interpret as a massive win for the WHs as I'm sure there was a huge effort to elect Harris), we have an administration that has joined people across party lines. The global evil-elite are being exposed. "Two more week" fatigue hits us all at some point, but now, when so many things seem to be converging, is the wrong time to get despondent. Back off for a few days. This time of year it's worthwhile to get some light therapy. I have this one (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08BCLLYN5?tag=bg1-181527-20&th=1) and it works great. Amazing how the winter grays can get you down. Hang in there, it's all going to work out. Remember how pumped Trump was when telling us how great the USA 250 anniversary was going to be?
The Rural Electrification Administration. Formed in 1936 to build out electricity distribution to the sparsely populated parts of the country. There is now electricity in the rural areas. There is no longer any need for this agency. It now spends $3 billion annually to promote renewable energy.
The meds shown all contain phenylephrine, marketed as Sudafed PE. The active ingredient in the original "real" Sudafed was pseudoephedrine which was very effective. I took it daily for years for chronic allergies. The problem with pseudoephedrine was that it was chemically close to methamphetamine and the easiest way to make crystal meth was to start with pseudoephedrine. There were problems with stores being bought out of pseudoephedrine, or all stock being stolen, to the point of trailer trucks full of pseudoephedrine being stolen to make meth.
To restrict the supply of meth, access to pseudoephedrine was restricted by either making it prescription-only, or put behind the pharmacy counter with a strict limit of how many mg of pseudoephedrine you could buy each month (they tracked purchases by your driver's license number).
If you suffer from allergies you already know that phenylephrine is useless. I'm happy to see they are acknowledging that fact. The video is misleading in that the other active ingredients in Benadryl (Diphenhydramine HCl antihistamine) and Mucinex (guaifenesin expectorant) are still effective drugs.
Maybe Mary Barra won’t seem so smart in 2 months.