nope! they got an envelope at bush's funeral, plus lingering rumors of him and a boy in Indiana years ago..
here in MN several large metro counties still not reported, odd.. are they holding because those countries might have enough to flip MN?
agreed! first time trump won my county was just over 80% red, tonight 53%. no f_ing way other than fraud
on the ballot here in MN with 13,520K votes so far... not right!
voted this morning in MN, south metro, and once again NO ID required, just "what's your last name", and then instead of asking me to verify info, they turn the monitor around and ask me if the info is correct, like WTH! all I would need to do is goggle addresses for my polling place, pick a last name and bingo! I can vote. instead I hand the guy my driver's license and tell him I don't partake in illegal voting practices and all 3 election judges sitting at the table look at me. I don't give a shit up until trump won I had to show my driver's license at two different tables, sign behind my info in the register book before getting a ticket to get a ballot. MN is corrupt in the big city metro's. proof.. up until trump won my county was predominantly red, but since somehow it's now blue, gggrrrrrr....
Kennedy is still on the ballot here in MN, gggrrr
obummer dumped like 74K of them in mpls and they have multipled 10 fold since. they have made shitholes out of mpls and the metro area along with st. cloud. the salami gangs are violent and local cops cover up alot of the crimes. kids are getting the crap beat out of them in schools because the salami have no desire to assimilate. they run massive childcare fraud rings bilking the state of millions and recently a huge feed the children scam. every year they have huge fights at MOA and mpls has been known as the terrorist recruitment in our country. you couldn't pay me to go near downtown with the crime and standing curfew. big difference between those that came here for a better way of life and those that were dumped here as refugees who still get free handouts from hard working citizens. I've lived in MN for over 30yrs and it's sad to see how all this has destroyed a once vibrant downtown where it was safe, now a ghost town as most stores have pulled out of downtown.
isn't she somehow connected with Seth Rich death?
we have one employee, mr. bandana that has shown up every week at our all-employee day in the office covered from under his eye balls to down around his neck from day one.. I can't even look at him, like dude WTF!!!
looks like I was mistaken, it is hannity.. haven't watched either in a very long time..
tucker carlson is notorious for doing this.. hard to watch any of his interviews because he's disrespectful constantly interrupting and cutting people off
Q posts: #713, #1299 & #1580. there were multiple posts on 8chan signed by R that i took screen shots of but don't know how to post them here. first post 1879763 was on 06/24/18, then posts 2234113, 2243660, 2244058, 2246817, 2243660, 2247887 all posted on 07/22/18. then posts 2251544, 2251568, 2251612, 2251660, 2258163, 2258166 all posted on 07/23/18 with a link to a youtube video /watch?v=AGcXhMgEl-g. a bunch more were posted on 07/04/18 & 07/05/18 containing pictures.
remember when crimson tide gave trump the #17 jersey (Q=17th letter), and then the red sox gave him the #18 jersey (R=18th letter). I always thought there was more too the selection of those specific numbers..
the salami gangs are terrible and have spread to the suburbs.. high schools all over twin cities have salami gangs beating up kids in high schools, not just mpls anymore. they do not assimilate and have made shitholes out of mpls and st. cloud
MN here.. before Trump won I had to show my driver's license, then sign the register, the poll worker would then initial next to my signature, then I take that confirmation ticket to go get a ballot. now I walk in and they hand me a ballot, so you can go to multiple places and vote. I'm an hour out of downtown murderapolis
project blue beam. same thing happened with the military plane from Puerto Rico that crashed in the usa. security footage caught a "plane" flying low, but it glitches out a few times and then "crashed". ironically it was close to a port, easy to bring tail section in under cover of darkness, close roads and bingo! plane crash that ironically only tail section and engines, which were too small for said plane survived. it's all one big show to these f-ckers...
there was no plane in PA that was a drone strike. planes don't disintegrate on impact like they want people to believe. the day that happened a local news agency interviewed a woman who was driving by there and she said a small white plane, very quiet like a glider plane flew over the top of her vehicle. she said it barely cleared the top of the tree line and then she heard an explosion. she said right after that 2 fighter jets flew over. the video was taken down shortly after. same with eye witness accounts after the buildings fell that said no planes, that they heard explosions, ie controlled demo, all those interviews were taken down as well.
there is a guy (Jim Gordon) on FB that cured his stage 4 cancer with herbs. his protocol includes olive leaf. he lists his protocol and links to purchase them on his page under posts with a picture of a red scarlet macaw in flight.
I think the simpson's are based on what is decided at the bilderberg meetings. guessing they have planned out timeline events over decades. that or someone is a time traveler?
I still can't get past Twitter's new X symbol looking like half of the Masonic square and compass...
that's the exact thought I had when I came across "the lost gospel - the book of Q". how many coincidences before it's mathematically impossible...
exactly this... a friend of mine quit her job and is now a travel nurse floating between several clinics. the stories she shares are down right scary, from nurses not checking patients wrist bands to make sure they match their charts where she caught it in the OR after multiple staff had interacted with this patient. this patient would have had the wrong surgery. inexperienced nurses making mistakes that had not been caught could have jeopardize patients life. tissue samples mishandled to where lab techs don't know which patient they came from, so if tested positive for cancer, no way to know which patient it came from. she's the most experienced nurse between all 3 clinics she works at with 16yrs. most have less than 5 yrs and don't care about patients, it's a paycheck for them. they tested a guy for mad cow disease recently until she looked at his chart and it said due for booster 11, she knew exactly what his problems were from...
is this the same JOE M that brought us "The Plan To Save The World" video's?