needorganization 7 points ago +7 / -0

I didn't read all of these whines.

But man, the ones I did read... if he can deliver on those things – America truly is in for a long-term treat and returning to values we were founded and based on.

needorganization 4 points ago +4 / -0
  • Anything on the Angel app (Tuttle Twins and Wingfeather are amazing!)
  • Outdoor Boys on YouTube
  • Certain Minecraft videos on YouTube
  • VeggieTales on YouTube
  • Superbook
  • Lego building videos
  • Daily dose of internet (we watch that together)

Those are some we watch. We'll watch the short videos together, sometimes. If it's on, make sure it's loud enough you can monitor everything. If they start watching things not on your approved list, tell them to find something else. Keeps it up? Just turn it off completely.

needorganization 3 points ago +3 / -0

"These fact checkers, who are always repeating false claims of safe and secure elections, unstolen elections, Jan 6 being an "insurrection", and, among other bizarre claims, still maintain that Russia had something to do with the 2016 election, continue to beat their chests about more untrue and unbased claims about whether or not Michelle Obama is a man. Ironically, due to the poor track record of these organizations, leads credence that there may be something to the claims."

Oh, sorry, you didn't read that in the article. But it's more true than the article. 😆

(Oh, and I'm actually on the fence about this claim. Personally, I don't believe it's a man, but I also believed WMDs were real and 9/11 wasn't an inside job, so who knows anymore.)

needorganization 2 points ago +2 / -0

Take the schools/indoctrination centers out in the process. No small amounts of money should be accepted.

These places raise their yearly tuitions all the time and strong arm people into thinking they need these institutions.

needorganization 17 points ago +17 / -0

I had two friends during the 2020 election tell me after that the fraud didn't matter and just "move on" from it. Very different walls of life and ages. One, I don't talk to a lot, the other I've tried to open up to what's going on but he'll have nothing to do with it.

I wonder if they still see the ignorance of their foolishness. Or, if an actual attack will need to happen before their eyes are opened. Even then, who knows if they will.

needorganization 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hah, like they don't know we're here already...

This would just make it "low hanging fruit" for them, I suppose.

needorganization 12 points ago +12 / -0

I'll be shocked, SHOCKED, I tell you the day I see a single person in 2023+ charged with high crimes of treason.

The corruption and treason is so pervasive, would any of the swamp survive? Will we ever find out?

needorganization 2 points ago +2 / -0

He'd be so far down the list of votes... that's the problem.

Would love this, though.

needorganization 2 points ago +2 / -0

Reminded of the Sanctuary cities that was instructed for Israel. Always have loved that concept and wish we had that today.

needorganization 1 point ago +1 / -0

The tears make more sense, now...

Sometimes, justice comes in different ways and then you don't know what should be done with the victim. 😔

needorganization 4 points ago +4 / -0

Swamp has done everything (e v e r y t h I n g) they blamed Trump for.

They sowed fear for months about Trump not allowing the election.

Of course this is probably what they're going to do. 😂 Will states allow it? Will the States start saying no more, banding together, and forming a new union...

needorganization 3 points ago +3 / -0

Only people doing that are the Dems via open borders, antifa, BLM, racism, etc.

They can tell this lie all they want, but it doesn't make it the truth.

States need to start pushing back against this evil and corruption though and unify together.

needorganization 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is only token stuff to say they're doing something. If anyone thinks they're serious about fixing this, they're crazy. If they were serious about it, they'd start deporting en mass and start issuing strict guidelines at the border, up to even deadly force if it eventually comes to it and it continues.

They aren't serious about it.

The only one serious about it is DJT. When he says we need swift justice for those doing the high crimes – that's the only way this stops. Swift justice with examples. The cartels/FBI/CIA/etc build their empires on fear.

needorganization 20 points ago +20 / -0

This is designed to make us look like fools.

That's all.

needorganization 6 points ago +6 / -0

Plot twist – no one wants a single one as even VP!!

needorganization 6 points ago +6 / -0

130 house RINOs just said, "we're looking to be primaried out."

Wish granted.

needorganization 10 points ago +10 / -0

Jail for treason? I thought that was, like, punishable by firing squad. Who the heck said anything about jail?

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