They're rejecting some of the potential best and brightest employees simply because well over 99% of patriots that would love to work this job, don't live in D.C. and aren't willing to move their entire family for a temporary stint.
He's picking his talent directly from the swamp rat pool.
I unfortunately don't live anywhere near D.C. so commuting to D.C. isn't even an option for me. And no I don't want to uproot my entire family for a temporary government position.
Musk is shooting himself in the foot by not allowing remote work here.
Something this guy has me thinking about... a lot.... is the fact that we rely so much on the internet... at least, this current iteration of the internet.
What if the last society had their own internet? How would we ever know? What if decades/centuries of their history was all kept on their internet, thinking it was forever, but then something happened wiping out 99% of the human population? The last 1% likely wouldn't be equipped well enough to continue the infrastructure to keep the internet alive, and therefore decades/centuries of history just got wiped out?
In a similar vein, what if some cataclysmic event happens now that kills 99% of us? The last 1% would be fighting to remain alive to repopulate, and after several generations our current internet would be wiped from history completely, with no one alive understanding it or knowing how to access it. Everything we're writing here could go down with it.
Just something that keeps me up at night sometimes.
Okay, so i assume Mel Gibson is one of the good actors. I know Robin Williams was, as well. I'm trying to find good family friendly films for my kid to grow up with, without the satanic influence behind it.
Are there other actors i should watch out for as being a good guy/gal? Thanks!
They could very well have documents planning the assassination in those files. Then the lies in the files become obvious lies when you see the file that says "he's gonna be here at this time, we need Mike to shoot him, we'll blame this other guy instead though, here's how to frame him"
We need the government to lose a lot of people, it's WAY too big. Our founding fathers dreamed of a small federal government who's job was border safety, and making sure the states don't war with each other. All these other programs should not be federally funded, and all those employees should lose their jobs
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