A kill switch on his YouTube channel? Schedules the video 25 hours from now, checks in on the 24th hour and reschedules it 25 hours from now again. On the day he's arrested, he's unable to update the schedule, so the video posts letting others know of his arrest.
What's he got planned now? The truth? What information does he also have tied to this kill switch? It's been triggered, so now we wait to see what happens, i guess.
Curious though, if DOGE disbans the federal department of education, then who will enforce this communism teaching act? Am i missing a thread here or something? And if we create a department to enforce this communism teaching act, how will we keep that department from becoming a department of education 2.0, evolving back into the same cycle?
I've long held the belief that Hunter is on the Q team. Maybe an informant, if nothing else.
Maybe this is a white hat deal to Hunter. You get a pardon for all your crimes, in exchange for all the dirt, legally, in court.
Plus the optics of corruption of Joe Biden doing it, could be the start to remove him from office and undo the things he's done.
Were you there when it happened? Part of this great Awakening is revealing that history has been falsified. To what extent, we don't know.
Can we at least agree that history, as we're being told, is false? That's a first step to realizing you've been lied to many other times in your life as well.
Very good points! Trump has mentioned a date of July 4, 2026 for America's 250th birthday, so who knows what's in store by then? He's a grandiose man, so i imagine he's looking for something grandiose for America to match.
We have technology patents for all kinds of new age farm equipment. AI can run machines to do all the farm equipment that people don't want to do. Trump did say at one point that he wants America to be a leader in AI, so why not?
Man of the New Republic