by IAmOne
nobilisbellum 3 points ago +3 / -0

Death cert says COVID

by BQnita
nobilisbellum 2 points ago +2 / -0

"half way there"

nobilisbellum 1 point ago +1 / -0

Somebody needs to write a book, create a video series on the steps of red pilling your friends, family, and neighbors.... literally... start by discussing "A" and here is the proof for that... then once they buy into "A", then move onto "B" and here is all the proof for that... and onto "C" and "D" and so on....

We need a manual with all the undeniable proof of each step building a strong base and working our way up creating a pyramid putting one block on top of another...

nobilisbellum 2 points ago +2 / -0

OK. Fair point. How is it that we produce so many evil people? Are they truly evil down to their soul or are they just playin a role (in their current incarnation) to help push the rest of us to open our eyes and to move closer to ascension?

nobilisbellum 2 points ago +2 / -0

very true. but I think there may be enough people who have been directly impacted by the hell they have brought down upon us (if they knew it was them) that there would be plenty of volunteers. maybe. i don't know. it does seem like the good guys tend to just sit around and be abused.

nobilisbellum 2 points ago +2 / -0

Speaking from experience with Alopecia. It's an immune system disorder. They have no idea why some people get it. It's actually fairly rare, but increasing. My neighbors kid was born with hair. Perfectly fine and beautiful little girl. After she got her round of vaccination shots, her hair started to fall out within weeks... They are absolutely certain that the vaccinations caused her Alopecia. She literally lost ALL her her.. something that is called Alopecia Universalis... that includes eyebrows, eyelashes, scalp, etc... all hair gone. Since then, they have been folloiwing guidelines to cleanser her system of the heavy metals and toxins from the vaccines, along with some other natural treatments and the girls hair started coming back.

Anyway, the point is, this is a real disease and terrible for those who have it. There is no actual cure and no scientific knowledge of what causes it... but a connection to vaccination.

Maybe the Covid shots will trigger some kind of autoimmune response that shows up as Alopecia. Maybe not.

In the end, the attention this disease is getting now is good for those suffering with it.

nobilisbellum 6 points ago +6 / -0

Davos seems like the greatest target in the history of humanity. I know it's heavily guarded, but seems like the greatest terrorist target ever. Planes loaded with radioactive waste and/or chemicals crashing into the hotel... one suitcase nuke... Rods from God... mortar and artillery bombardment... or something quieter like a biological pathogen... perhaps from a secret CIA Lab in Ukraine....

Of course, I would never suggest anybody do this.. I'm just surprised it has not been attempted. And nobody would cry. Hell, there may be a global celebration the likes never seen before.

nobilisbellum 1 point ago +1 / -0

Don't forget the lawyers. Way too many lawyers.

nobilisbellum 2 points ago +2 / -0

This sounds like an apocalyptic version of a Sesame Street episode. The letter Z has been banned!!!

nobilisbellum 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just in today. I was like 106,000

nobilisbellum 4 points ago +4 / -0

Dude ignored the real enemy in his own government to die in a foreign land. Left his wife and baby. Dumbshit.

nobilisbellum 2 points ago +2 / -0

What number were you on the waitlist?

nobilisbellum 11 points ago +12 / -1

Might need to make it a recurring event every 10 years, or maybe every 1 year until the worst of the worst are completely removed from our society.

nobilisbellum 27 points ago +28 / -1

We need some French Revolution Guillotine action. Plan a massive day of justice all across America... set up gallows, Guillotines, or Firing Squads, or whatever in every city in America. Execute all the traitorous scum live in front of every city hall. Make it a National Holiday "Freedom Day" or "Day of Cleansing" forever after and move on.

nobilisbellum 4 points ago +4 / -0

The freedom map. So many so called Red States are nearly as bad as the blue states. All professional politicians need to go at every level. Average Americans with skin in the game need to move in and start leading. Fuck all these slimy bastards.

nobilisbellum 8 points ago +8 / -0

Imagine if all the rich folk could not get within a few miles of the SB and the stands were half empty. Hell, maybe the team busses don't get there. what a story.

nobilisbellum 9 points ago +9 / -0

It's either that or a gay couple.

Don't you know, anybody who wants to date somebody of the same race or the opposite gender is not normal anymore.

nobilisbellum 5 points ago +5 / -0

I hate to say it but so true. Congressional investigations and Senate hearings are just a bunch of bullshit. As much as I like Jim Jordan, nothing ever comes of anything he says or does. Congress is useless. We'd be much better off if they all retired and we didn't do any new laws or spend any more money for the next few years.

nobilisbellum 2 points ago +2 / -0

So, I would love to see Ron Desantis and Florida to declare the role of the FDA null and void and tell them to just fuck off.

Call it a states right issue to protect Floridians and resume use of MAB.

So sick of feds.

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