patriot68 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is proof he's winning.

patriot68 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm thinking the seven I heard were from the shooter, with identical echo pattern. Would the Secret Service fire into a crowd of supporters without the shooter in plain sight? I doubt that.

With tens of thousands of cameras there, we'll know more soon.

patriot68 1 point ago +1 / -0

I was counting seven.

Three at a slower pace, likely the first one of which grazed the President's ear.

Trump was reacting very quickly after what looks to be the first shot, which the sniper had the most time to prepare.

Then four more in rapid succession, spraying and praying, when Trump had dropped below the podium and the gunman shot in a panic knowing he really fucked up.

One-half inch to the right and it would have been a successful head shot, just like Kennedy.

Are there reports of where the seven bullets ended up?

patriot68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Looks like he's saying, "Fight! Fight! Fight!"

The raised fist provides some meaning.

Why would he ask the SS to pause so he could say, "Fuck"?

patriot68 3 points ago +3 / -0

Would you ban plastic straws?

I mean, look, I'm gonna be honest, it's really difficult to drink out of a paper straw when you had, if you're just, like if you don't gulp it down immediately it starts to bend. And. And then you know the little thing catches it, and you know, but, so we gotta kind of perfect that one a little bit more.

I'll bet if there was a nuclear attack she'd be hilarious.

patriot68 1 point ago +1 / -0

I watched a little further into that clip and he returned after the break with a large box of documents and some assistants.

patriot68 6 points ago +6 / -0

Now, I remember seeing video of Ruby's Gang wheeling suitcases into the Arena, coming across the screen from right to left. I remember Ruby's gleeful handheld selfie confession, and of course we all saw the pre-debunked security video of Ruby and her gang unpacking and using said suitcases.

What?! That all went away, and Giuliani pays hundreds of millions?

patriot68 14 points ago +14 / -0

Yes, I believe the Ukrainian spelling has two y's.

Trump may be demonstrating how he can not only address the President of Ukraine properly, but Trump can spell his name correctly.

patriot68 3 points ago +3 / -0

I watched an interesting video by a woman who specializes in natural reversal of diabetes. She pointed out how blood sugar spikes can be avoided through starting every meal with vegetables, followed by protein and finally carbs. The stomach will digest in that order. This stretches the carbs over a longer period, thus reducing or preventing blood sugar spikes.

No bread at the beginning of a meal! They offer it so you'll eat bread on an empty stomach, creating a sugar spike during the meal, and at the end you'll be craving more carbs. Dessert, anyone? Very profitable.

Most of her test subjects had dramatic improvement.

patriot68 4 points ago +4 / -0

We don't even have to write our own jokes. They are made fresh and delivered every day.

patriot68 1 point ago +1 / -0

How many of them have left politics? Probably just went underground like communists.

patriot68 2 points ago +2 / -0

You should be able to manage your votes, even change your mind before election day, just as easily as I can move a few dollars around in my banking app. What's so hard about that?

Maybe another group will do a Satoshi Nakamoto and just build it, we start increasing users, and no one can argue against which voting system we trust.

patriot68 3 points ago +3 / -0

Isn't the voting system the only war worth fighting?

If we don't have the will of the people, honestly, all freedom is an illusion.

patriot68 2 points ago +3 / -1

So what I get from the article is:

You're irredeemably stupid because of white supremacy and that won't change, so buy these t-shirts.

It's a bit leftish but I support that message, for that audience. A great find.

patriot68 2 points ago +2 / -0

There's got to be a trusted entity that can create a voting app that's as solid as a banking app, but transparent as a blockchain.

Why are there no conversations about that?

There must be a reason... maybe because it would bring the whole corrupt system down and they'd lose their power and control?

Na... that couldn't be it.

patriot68 10 points ago +10 / -0

Damn! This one hits hard. Nice artwork.

patriot68 3 points ago +3 / -0

We do have the best looking first family. That I can tell you.

patriot68 3 points ago +3 / -0

I was looking for that clip of Netanyahu begging for money to fund Hamas. Couldn't find it but I know I've seen it.

Hamas was created by Israeli Intelligence as a puppet government to prevent the PLO from uniting the Palestinians, and it was or is still under the control of the Isrealis.

patriot68 2 points ago +2 / -0

And then he teased the fuck out of us that it might be Marco. Little Marco. That's my president. But they can't both be from Florida, right?

patriot68 5 points ago +5 / -0

Did Trump tease that he might announce his VP tonight?

patriot68 1 point ago +1 / -0

I wonder if that tunnel goes way across the island.

patriot68 3 points ago +3 / -0

I believe he'd be referring to the militant Nazis that was part of his original declaration of a special military operation.

Certainly not general Ukrainian citizens. That sort of hate speech comes from the Nazi (or democrat) side.

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