TRUTH! Everything you stated here is fact.
There’s also already a trucker convoy being planned now to start in CA and end in DC beginning next week. This post is really stupid. We haven’t lost nearly the amount of freedoms as Canadians BECAUSE we have guns and there’s reasons we haven’t resorted to using them yet. I think the convoy is great and what Canada is doing is wonderful, but spare me with the “we’re better” nonsense. America does not and should not need to be the one saving everybody. It’s a collective effort, so congrats on finally moving your arses in your first protest.
Now, back to being a TEAM. We’re all in this together and fighting the same evils. Quit the dividing message.
Zoom in on the watch. Look at the time.
Agree with you! I don’t trust EM at all. He married and had a kid with an obvious satanist. He can’t be too great. Not sure why people trust him.
Could be. Or she and her family really are horrible and we've been fooled. Again. It wouldn't be the first time, and I'm sure it won't be the last. We need to research and decipher the info before discounting it as a smear. The evil, as we know, knows no bounds. It's important to keep an open mind and not just turn away info when the info seems off or "like a smear". That's how we got in this situation. Research it ALL - everything.
I don't mean that to to you, anon. Just speaking in general. If it was never clear before, it should be clear now.. NOTHING is EVER off the table with these people.
Sorry, must have typed it wrong. Link works now!
I think really, it's poison either way. The fake meat is full of chemical/filler and who knows what else. It's likely no better or worse than the ground human we've apparently been eating, if it's not in there too. They're probably just going through the notions and trying things out to see what new poison they can create that we sheep will accept and take a liking to. (And lookie there, everyone's LOVING the plant-based movement.)
I will start doing the same. I need to find a butcher now! Just a heads up too, the video link isn't graphic, it's more of a recording, but the comments and video within that link - not good.
Except out votes don't count bc the system is rigged, so what's our next best option!?
I am disgusted. Another hole was PIGS. On top of this practice, they also feed the remains to pigs, which we all know will devour to the bone. So all of our pork... especially coming in from China... again, WTF are we consuming. I use to think if I stuck to meats, veggies and fruit (shopping the outside aisles of the grovery store) and stay away from the middle (all the processed shit), we would be better off, in some level. But nope, we're not. Literally everything we consume, breathe, touch, use etc is POISON from these people!
The report you're talking about, is this the same report/analysis that came out with the man doing it actually saying, what he saw and discovered wasn't even fit or qualified for cat/dog consumption? If you happen to have a link or good source, do share please. I didn't see the human DNA piece. Ugh, my stomach is in knots.
I am not claiming this to be factual as I haven't researched it myself yet, but last night I was reading through comments on the Expose General Flynn TG channel and there was link/photos of MTG, claiming that she's actually a man, her whole family are cultists, she/they participate in all the satanic rituals, etc AND that they own Green River Packing, which... (Lord help us) they're claiming is some sort of human remains packing plant disguised as a fruit packing farm.
Don't come for me. I know it's out there, but what isn't. I don't have the link, but it's in that TG channel if you wish to go find/dig. I haven't done so yet.
I would never be able to explain this because I don't know enough about it, but I've read up on this before and I want to say it had something to do with the masons. (Shocker.)
Personal opinion: EM is just as fake as the rest of them who put out bold statements that would suggest they're on "our side". I want to like him and trust him, but for the simple fact that he dated/married Grimes, (LOOK AT HER) I can't pull myself to trust a word. Normal people don't dress, act and speak out the way she has, and normal people wouldn't date/marry them either.
She looks and speaks evil. Tons of photos of her in devil shit, fingers up to Baphomet, horns on her head, and the list goes on. There's lots out there. What good man would marry and have a child with someone like this?
I don't trust him. Period. "Know them by their fruits."
This! Yes. I agree 100%. Appreciate the input!
Something about the entire KR situation feels so off to me and has from the start. From the perfect footage they had of him, all the publicity that followed. Then the kid gets out and immediately was doing interview after interview, was polished and speaking so well. Show, after show, after show. What other 17-year-old do you personally know that could a) do what he did, and then b) carry themselves ever so professionally and basically become famous overnight? Idk.. maybe he's just a total fucking badass kid! Or not, and this was a charade to keep us divided and invested. Again.
I don't know if I'm overthinking it and/or I just have no faith that much of anyone or anything is GOOD these days. Sigh...
Is this real?!?!? Say it isn't so. LOL
Tell me China owns the US without telling me China owns the US.
No thanks. Don’t trust her.
If you go search Godfather III in the Q posts, the first one says that his signature (which is Godfather III) in all of the coming posts, has meaning and to put the posts together and consolidate. He speaks of it being critical for us to figure out. The same posts also speak of Flynn and what he did, his position and so forth.
What if Flynn is a part of the evil? What if it was all fake?
What if all this shit with Flynn was part of “the movie”?
What if all the support and donations, the shows he’s doing, the audit, all of it, is to funnel MORE $$ from Patriots who believe in him?
What if he was pardoned bc Trump plays chess and knew their evil plans, so he let him out to play his hand and let it unfold?
What if this is alllll just another part of the plan and we didn’t notice? If so, there’s a LOT of Patriots out there being played, lied to and stolen from. (What’s new??)
I feel like this isn’t getting the attention it needs on this board. Need more eyes on this. One last thing, reconcile the dates on the posts and do internet searches for Flynn on the deltas. See what you find. Really think we’re missing a piece here, guys!
I had my suspicions after seeing two photos - one, he was with that famous crazy eyed “preacher” (couldn’t event tell you his name bc that’s how little I care of him) and then another with Doug Billings and him standing right in front a pyramid/eye sign. Then, the false prayer he spoke to an entire flock of people. I just.. I don’t trust him. Idk what we’re going to find out about him but I do not think it’ll be good.
Side note.. Lin Wood also made a post not long ago with a list of several telegram accounts. They all end in 3 gold stars, just like Flynn's does and he makes yet another reference that we should know them by their symbols and stop following the stars. I understand this can have more than one meaning, but I feel like LW has been trying to give us tip after tip for a month or so now!
I have been waiting on some hard truth to come out about him, but when I saw that post this morning and read through it and went back to the Godfather III posts... I'm blown away! The post earlier was talking about him being tied to the Irish Mafia and then had a logo of his with the GF and three stars. Idk where this will take us, but with all the evil shown of him in recent weeks/months and Lin Wood baiting us to dig deeper on him and his posse, I do believe when Q spoke of Godfather III, it was a damn GF reference! Right under our nose the entire time, just wouldn't have ever suspected it.
Looks like a chicken foot.