pedeITA 2 points ago +2 / -0

First thing i thought too, also, someone after posted that, he looked his watch 13 times when the coffins were passing, plus something else with 33 i dun remember now, indeed may be comms

Also, there was a picture somewhere, i think here on GAW, asserting that the faces of the died soldiers were weird and some may have been the same or faked

pedeITA 3 points ago +3 / -0

Good one but still not exhaustive, those are a part of the known ones form the last generation (post Khazaria), coming down to today, the houses got complex, there's a lot of 'in house' population that mixes up many of the royalties, there are many many mores behind, also, the real original ones, are way older, dated back since the begin of our civilizations

pedeITA 8 points ago +8 / -0

Wait, first of all the title is misleading, i was watching the streams in real time, there was a group of protestors that broke inside a mall, after a while they went down in the metro tunnel (what you are seeing in this video), and there the BRAV (motorbike squad) came in from multiple directions, there have been multiple clashes down there, and they arrested 2 totally

On the other side yes, those are bastards, very well paid, the one that was hitting with the stick, was a woman, with no reason, she just found the opportunity to hit for free, you can watch also other streams from previous weekends (this is the second month), all of them are dogs, but this specific BRAV unit is way worse than the others, when they are on small streets and stuffs, you can see them arriving in group with motors, one from each jumps down, starts to hit in any direction, then runs back, jumps up, and they leave, as when they are isolated they cry worse than a chicken

Also, not to be racist, but there's another point, few weeks ago i heard that many of them are from Syria et similia, didn't really trust it on the moment, as i had already thoughts on the normal police and gendarmes used (also here in Italy in some protests), as many of them are not locals, but are from the eurogendfor (Inter-National police that answers only to the ONU and has like the highest levels of immunity), even because there are fucking to many, with over 230 cities with protests, and only Paris had 4+, you start to ask yourself from where the fuck they pop out, anyway, i started to pay attention at the BRAV, and apparently it's true, you can see them briefly even if many have a face cover under the helmet, the majority of them is not European, they look like Bangladesh / SE Asia

If that's the case, we may have 2 things at play; EU/Nato interforce for 'basic riot control', and refugee dogs for the heavy duty, i bet Soros is jerking off watching those videos

EDIT: here a full stream, this specific event starts around 3h 08m


pedeITA 1 point ago +2 / -1

Nothing to see just symbology

13 - Bloodlines / Families

33 - Masonic / Satanic number

pedeITA 1 point ago +1 / -0

Stories used to tell that they were collecting it for their interplanetary handlers as it's a galactic trade asset (like fiat), but depends on how you look at this matrix and the space / galaxy, on the other side, something easier, look in the Spiritual / Metaphysical, it's the best conductor for electronics, naturally has the higher vibrations among minerals / metals

pedeITA 2 points ago +2 / -0

Let me guess, then his 'armed patriotic friends' will march over DC to rescue him in a false flag?

pedeITA 4 points ago +4 / -0

Well think that they just banned men that are too 'girly' from TV, after feeding soja and brewing effeminate males for generations, try to figure it out!

pedeITA 4 points ago +4 / -0

Hard situation indeed, an approach i would suggest, but i think you surely tried already, is to use UK/Israel data (also Gibraltar / some other countries, mainly the most vaxed ones), to show how it's spreading (also Pfizer docs about shedding), tweets from the NIH or CDC dun remember, where between lines they admit ADE on vaxed

Another big point would be to show Denmark, from September 10, they will remove all domestic restrictions related to Covid-19 (except for inbounds specially from highly vaxed countries)

And if she would at least sit and listen for a 30 mins / hour, without going into details of 5G / mind control / crypto mining via body activity / etc or any of that stuff we still have no concrete proofs for normies about, keep it simple as it's the surface, the interviews with Malone (even the one on Fox should work), Yeadon (former Pfizer VP), the lab tech whistle-blower who spoke about destroying natural immunity, there's another new whistle-blower from Pfizer, a woman, didn't hear the whole story but i read she claims that around 200k died within a week (dunno this last one how reliable could be), and if you can break tru her cognitive dissonance a little more, the Ted Talk of Bill gates about depopulation, and the last 2/3 episodes of the fall of the cabal, where they show what did Bill G do around the world with his foundations (with screens and everything from the official site / WHO etc where they have been sentenced for eg the Polio etc, and shows what he wanna do with plastic meat, covering the sun, etc),

Also maybe some rude video on the side effects like those (there are many more but those are quit explicit)




If you could breach at least a little in, then you could easily turn the tide and show her other stuffs like the various 'philanthropists' since Rudolf Steiner and their optics on the vaccinations, or Kissinger comments on that, once they get on us the forced vax they can force us literally anything, and so on

Hope something here may help you, after 22 years as your wife she owes you at least an evening of 'together-objective-research', if she wanna listen nothing at all instead, means the brainwashing overwrote not only her logical and critical thinking, but also her respect and trust in you as her point of reference, that case sad to say but you keeping your grounds and solid position, it's probably the best thing you can do, specially for yourself

Praying for you anon

pedeITA 1 point ago +1 / -0

Have to disagree, not all of them, that's a small part, big heads, councils, etc, in the other side, the majority of them has no fault, it's the whole system in which they grow and learned that is bullshit, but hey has been created by a single family and they still decide today what has to be studied and what should be flagged as 'dangerous' (slowly slowly, if the NWO goes on, natural healing and stuffs will be banned)

And it's not just about covid, but really the whole system, they think to be curing people, in reality they just hide symptoms, but things keeps working in the background and as older we get those re-emerge in worse ways

Same conversation can be used for cancer, the 'poison' they give, is made to save roughly the 1% of the people, and still, they will be part of the system forever

You can discuss with a closed friend who's even a great doctor, easily, he won't listen to anything that's outside the 'approved spectrum' of things

Without going to much into the details, try to explain them that, the root is way simpler and mainly, has to do with the blood PH, Acidity vs Alkalinity, and that there are cheap and safe remedies instead of the DDT/Zyklon and whatever additives they put in the chemio liquids, probably will either tell you that you have no idea of what you are talking about, or will dodge saying shit like 'dunno what to say/ no it's much more complex you cant really understand', if, instead, it's someone who's 'thinks outside the box', will agree to brainstorm, and you can bring down to the key element (not just for cancer but for many stuffs), sodium bicarbonate

You can even tell him that around the year 1915 a machine was invented that, could have cured anything, literally, with no surgeries or invasive things, but just by lights / frequencies / waves (if he want's to search, there's still some information available around), was made by Royal Raymond Rife, after sizing the machines, destroying his lab, reputation, etc, he was killed

Then someone else tried, in a natural way, via the Orgone energy, you had just to sit inside a box, no surgery or anything again, Wilhelm Reich, no need to say he has been memory holed too

And there are many more examples, but again, you go back to the root, doesn't mean the person is evil or stupid, sadly it's the reality that has been built around them where those kind of stuffs for the mainstream are flagged as dangerous, they may know of some 'trial' going on since or for a not defined amount time, but again, no quick solution for the masses

Funny thing is that, as for the covid, there are things published in multiple countries on the various national health research centres etc, about those alternative stuffs or trials done etc, but no one takes time to go and read them, why? again that pyramid system that works so well, information coming top down, what's outside of the pyramid is no focus for the majority, then you have even in the middle, some assholes that do knows things, but are more worried about their reputation / future career in the system, than anything else


pedeITA 2 points ago +2 / -0

Cyber Polygon + that fake CME thing that could 'take down internet for weeks or more' they are talking about, now a backup comm system... well, i think we are near to lose internet

Once back probably there will be a login screen with Klanus Swab face asking you the Certificate Of Vaccination ID for you and your device lol

pedeITA 3 points ago +3 / -0

Dunno why it doesn't resize it here, i downloaded this from telegram and reuploaded it directly without edit, here's the direct link: https://files.catbox.moe/kbcdh4.mp4

pedeITA 1 point ago +1 / -0

I agree that many are fakes, like that German politician that appeared in like 5 vaccinations pictures, or the last video i think of mariah carey where you can see they pop off the needle, but the orange things are NOT caps, those are covid vax specific syringes (seems there's an additional micro-doser on the needle), not standard ones, the caps are much bigger, that's just the top block attachment





pedeITA 18 points ago +18 / -0

For who's interested we started working on this yesterday, we are trying o rebuild the keys


by Quelle
pedeITA 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not really sure about the two, we could suppose each one has a different output?

one thing that doesn't make sense for me, it's in the 'decryption' routine, it first parses the base64 epsilon64 to epsilon, then within the next steps, it prints the original epsilon_64, the decoded one, and then tries to print is as string (?), this last step has no sense seen it's still 'crypted'

then down again goes, tries to call decrypted with the parameters, decoded from 64 as cyphered text, the key we don't know, that has to be min 16 chars, as decryption key, and then the MD5 of Q society as initialization vector (346257E94DA2E0D0D0F54AA397D291F0),standard parameters as per reference, DecryptStringFromBytes_Aes(byte[] cipherText, byte[] Key, byte[] IV)

via var decrypted = crypto.Decrypt(epsilon, testkey0, md5);

And uses the same routine for the multiple test keys (for only 1 of the 2 descriptions), not really sure if it's just bad practice with copy paste or if the code was wrapped up just to

for the rest, i've scanned up and down again the Telegram, and both pages (also the one about McAfee himself on OpenSea, https://opensea.io/JohnMcAfeeNFTs / 0x72813bcb41858b447467fe43b53b0902a51119f0), there was the other hex and metadata from that Q image (0x5e7033fd210f8d7b3e87486ad989732c7943058b that he wrote with leading 1 instead of 0 and FBMD23000965010000290400004b0400009d0400007a0c0000f90d0000af1000005e1200000414000068170000), and quickly the wacked contract, but can't find anything yet to fit in with or without spaces :/

Also, two particular interesting references on the channel, one is the number wrote multiple time with HOWLING, in this post it's highlighted, and also in the same post the following



pedeITA 3 points ago +3 / -0

Not everyone, a lot of people got the saline, both by 'error' with the lots, and 'human error' where doctors swapped the vax with saline before injecting people, Search up on the effect of just the Graphene itself within the blood. it's oxide, within the blood, ask an hematologist what that could lead too, basically it's poisoning the blood, there are some emerging videos, specially one from Germany, and others are emerging, that shows how it's crystalizing and taking shape + impacting the oxygen (oxide isn't generally something good) in the blood

It makes way sense and that's how it feels honestly, the more jabs you take, if you survive, the shorter will be your life

This, leaving apart the prions, the fact that it changes the DNA adding a strain, the nanobots (graphene can be used as 'nanobot', old stuff, nothing really new, and this would connect to the 'shaping' of the thing in the blood), patent 060606 from Microsoft (Mining crypto via body activity), reactions that the graphene can have when stimulated via 5G/ waves/ frequencies etc, and much more

pedeITA 6 points ago +6 / -0

But we do not know the long term effects. So quit acting like we do. - Exactly, that's why we are horrified by that thing, did you miss the videos of people dying right there on the jabbing place? Healthy and young people getting fucked up forever? Did you research what's inside that shit? In comparison, the Chinese Sinopharm could be declared safer on the short them (that's the traditional one, not the Chinese mRNA that's deadly as the westerns if not worse )

Just some cases as refresh




Listen also at Michael Yeadon that's an ex VP at Pfizer, and also at the former lab tech that spoke on ADE

There's simply no excuse anyone could find, who defends that shit should be judged together with police, doctors, nurses, and everyone else is helping out this shit and specially, FUCKING UP WITH THE KIDS!

You think in Europe we are finding it funny to lose the job and everything because we don't want that poison? Answer, no, if that was minimally safe, you wouldn't find million of peoples protesting and fighting on the streets

And we could go on to a simpler fact, 99% vaccines are a scam in the whole, our natural body can sustain almost anything if filled with the right supplements (vitamins, metals, etc etc), we create diseases to sell 'a protection', but if you research enough, you'll eventually understand that nothing of this was here and everything was in nature, just a bunch of hundreds years ago

pedeITA 23 points ago +23 / -0

Sorry to say but, nope, in their plans, this was the end game to take away freedoms for what's to come, they have been having wet dreams talking publicly about depopulating / sterilizing / zombify / insert more stuffs here, people with vaccines for hundred years (this is the same playbook of the 1800/1900 by the Rockefeller, they hijacked the medical field, before them everything was healed naturally, and people who died is people who got the vaccine even back then, nothing new), this has been planned for way long

Also, they were integrating ID2020 with the vaccination data back in September 2019 if i recall well, was ready just in time for the covid (this is what you are seeing lately sponsored by the WHO for blockchain based vax records and id)

by Quelle
pedeITA 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm trying up and down with values related to the NFTs, or found on the multiple McAfee channels, but still nothing, i also tried to rewrite the whole aes encryption and decryption routines, can get multiple hexes output, but no clear string that looks like a passphrase

i was looking in parallel, at the public PGP key that's posted in the channel, has something to do with a protonmail address, not going to share it here until we get some more clues (we don't know if it's a legitimate address, honeypot, nothing burger, i think it's better to avoid having people bomb it with emails), but it's fairly easy to extract, here's the key


xjMEYSVIzxYJKwYBBAHaRw8BAQdA3p7s7oz8X2OwHATFKWShQjLexcaBWyGM mHq5ok1npy3NNW9yaWdpbmFsMTdAcHJvdG9ubWFpbC5jb20gPG9yaWdpbmFs MTdAcHJvdG9ubWFpbC5jb20+wo8EEBYKACAFAmElSM8GCwkHCAMCBBUICgIE FgIBAAIZAQIbAwIeAQAhCRDrGND1ys+qQxYhBE0TIiXzefF0KP6ddesY0PXK z6pDMqcBAJnyeAkqLkVtE2xer2x9Wg48rQntO9HdrYFuFy9MCpeZAQCHBYEX hWJR0K9PkatNV+4m+ZZ/2Zyw7jsQdL8Ze84xAc44BGElSM8SCisGAQQBl1UB BQEBB0BZd4GGFk1whTWyY60+CyvHQITb43Rw3nfDdmgVJaC+DgMBCAfCeAQY FggACQUCYSVIzwIbDAAhCRDrGND1ys+qQxYhBE0TIiXzefF0KP6ddesY0PXK z6pDUyEA/RPdRQaylsyL81JCB0ZdPnwuhSVmtEHQK3e/OAwQuZDzAQDqanbp ii6GYCEodsnjiLP6x0+mCupghml+3kXOX4HmDA== =efCK -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----

pedeITA 8 points ago +8 / -0

I've been saying it since a while, there's just one word to describe what's happening and what they want, EQUILIBRIUM.

if you didn't watch the movie, i'ts a good time to do so, you'll see something terribly similar between the daily injections and those pills....

by Quelle
pedeITA 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wait, there was something originally floating around if i remember well, had something to do with the WACKD contract, was said it was the key, but not sure it has to do with this files, i'm looking tru all the posts again, those text boxes that were showing one by one on the portal? Nothing useful popped up there?

by Quelle
pedeITA 4 points ago +4 / -0

I prefer visual studio as i use since over 10 years, but yep doesn't use complex libraries so yep you can compile it online, here is the full source that compiles, now i'll try to figure out the steps it does, the only change i did was correcting the syntax as it was wrong

BitConverter.ToString(md5).Replace("-", "") + " Initialization Vector or Key or Who the fuck knows? LULZZZ Console.WriteLine();


Console.WriteLine("Verified: [Q Society] = " + BitConverter.ToString(md5).Replace("-", "") + "PLACEHOLDER"); // Initialization Vector or Key or Who the fuck knows? LULZZZ Console.WriteLine();

using System; using System.Text; using System.IO; using System.Security.Cryptography;

public class Program { public static void Main() { Console.WriteLine("https//opensea[.]io/collection/contingency-protocol-44924"); Console.WriteLine();

//CONTINGENCY PROTOCOL 44924 COLLECTION DESCRIPTION //MD5: 346257E94DA2E0D0D0F54AA397D291F0 //DATA: Q Society string collectiondescriptiondecoded = "Q Society"; MD5 md5Hash = MD5.Create(); byte[] md5 = md5Hash.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(collectiondescriptiondecoded)); Console.WriteLine("Verified: [Q Society] = " + BitConverter.ToString(md5).Replace("-", "") + "PLACEHOLDER"); // Initialization Vector or Key or Who the fuck knows? LULZZZ Console.WriteLine();

//SQME KEYS TO TEST byte[] testkey0 = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("rustyshackleford"); byte[] testkey1 = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Q H7^PZBVTpZ7302"); //https//www[.]britbonglogpost[.]com/978ea96f-2740-4ea6-b1d0-288f11a48ff7.jpg byte[] testkey2 = HexStringToByteArray("978ea96f-2740-4ea6-b1d0-288f11a48ff7".Replace("-", ""));

//NFT IMAGE DESCRIPTIONS - BASE64 ENCODED DATA //https[:]//opensea[.]io/assets/0x495f947276749ce646f68ac8c248420045cb7b5e/42715653451494116278904116357368839356782358833774246712130390239617933639681 string epsilon_b64 = "mbhD5klu/+mMNw6nN8bmE7+m4MWKp9ZMzO61R83YPGc23pCnwNXl6XnRPizFWi+k35YtNRsXiT20P7KNiV6Bz/jwBGq3PjQv2Zd14gORArKA6Cz30JEU9Sa6GGCEpJIufbFJuWWxaI9NTnGCrshcDDvIne9DvhwSTvcJHMOCAkeBNiRwxb/tCK17mclpwgV1fKXDhrCfzddOW2bTO14c0w==";

//https[:]//opensea[.]io/assets/0x495f947276749ce646f68ac8c248420045cb7b5e/42715653451494116278904116357368839356782358833774246712130390238518422011905 string omega_b64 = "QWIn8NzJMuDZIfibj/MqK1CPK32YXf3KuzCsf4HohUPSmUgyqAdY6moE98U6v3wVGTu2g1+ZziW+tqk9cVif41v+GC91bgnym7NlX9URAY/LLE9X9amJw3Qxa4PyNWat/dVkEOUFoa3vAE6TCVgk/gfWzB8085VW7A6hBcoR0D1tv9U5HrylObyNdm2I6ljim5XVXA9XRkLKffQReXWkAS7R34IQYsipc9jOaf/LlaCPputybuz5cKWaq/q6kbRksksbPL6v4F/omjkBHOJiqWxKHRkEgSIOEEEgIQHqk5h5Tnf7O7I5/eyDXGPAYBS2I7IwMmykLp7CG9nFLg5FDHmNgQZD4vOFrJcjoYcH3mg=";

//DECODE BASE64 var epsilon = Convert.FromBase64String(epsilon_b64); var omega = Convert.FromBase64String(omega_b64);

//AES CRYPTO var crypto = new AesCryptographyService();

Console.WriteLine("Epsilon: " + epsilon_b64);

Console.WriteLine("B64 Decoded: " + BitConverter.ToString(epsilon).Replace("-", "")); Console.WriteLine("To String: " + Encoding.UTF8.GetString(epsilon)); Console.WriteLine();

var decrypted = crypto.Decrypt(epsilon, testkey0, md5); Console.WriteLine("Trying Key: " + BitConverter.ToString(testkey0).Replace("-", "") + " IV: " + BitConverter.ToString(md5).Replace("-", "")); Console.WriteLine("Decrypted: " + BitConverter.ToString(decrypted).Replace("-", "")); Console.WriteLine("To String" + Encoding.UTF8.GetString(decrypted)); Console.WriteLine();

decrypted = crypto.Decrypt(epsilon, testkey1, md5); Console.WriteLine("Trying Key: " + BitConverter.ToString(testkey1).Replace("-", "") + " IV: " + BitConverter.ToString(md5).Replace("-", "")); Console.WriteLine("Decrypted: " + BitConverter.ToString(decrypted).Replace("-", "")); Console.WriteLine("To String" + Encoding.UTF8.GetString(decrypted)); Console.WriteLine();

decrypted = crypto.Decrypt(epsilon, testkey2, md5); Console.WriteLine("Trying Key: " + BitConverter.ToString(testkey2).Replace("-", "") + " IV: " + BitConverter.ToString(md5).Replace("-", "")); Console.WriteLine("Decrypted: " + BitConverter.ToString(decrypted).Replace("-", "")); Console.WriteLine("To String" + Encoding.UTF8.GetString(decrypted)); Console.WriteLine();

Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine();


public static byte[] HexStringToByteArray(String hex) { int NumberChars = hex.Length; byte[] bytes = new byte[NumberChars / 2]; for (int i = 0; i < NumberChars; i += 2) bytes[i / 2] = Convert.ToByte(hex.Substring(i, 2), 16); return bytes; } }

public class AesCryptographyService { public byte[] Encrypt(byte[] data, byte[] key, byte[] iv) { using (var aes = Aes.Create()) { aes.KeySize = 128; aes.BlockSize = 128; aes.Padding = PaddingMode.Zeros;

        aes.Key = key;
        aes.IV = iv;

        using (var encryptor = aes.CreateEncryptor(aes.Key, aes.IV))
            return PerformCryptography(data, encryptor);

public byte[] Decrypt(byte[] data, byte[] key, byte[] iv)
    using (var aes = Aes.Create())
        aes.KeySize = 128;
        aes.BlockSize = 128;
        aes.Padding = PaddingMode.Zeros;

        aes.Key = key;
        aes.IV = iv;

        using (var decryptor = aes.CreateDecryptor(aes.Key, aes.IV))
            return PerformCryptography(data, decryptor);

private byte[] PerformCryptography(byte[] data, ICryptoTransform cryptoTransform)
    using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
    using (var cryptoStream = new CryptoStream(ms, cryptoTransform, CryptoStreamMode.Write))
        cryptoStream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);

        return ms.ToArray();


-- here also the output


Verified: [Q Society] = 346257E94DA2E0D0D0F54AA397D291F0PLACEHOLDER

Epsilon: mbhD5klu/+mMNw6nN8bmE7+m4MWKp9ZMzO61R83YPGc23pCnwNXl6XnRPizFWi+k35YtNRsXiT20P7KNiV6Bz/jwBGq3PjQv2Zd14gORArKA6Cz30JEU9Sa6GGCEpJIufbFJuWWxaI9NTnGCrshcDDvIne9DvhwSTvcJHMOCAkeBNiRwxb/tCK17mclpwgV1fKXDhrCfzddOW2bTO14c0w== B64 Decoded: 99B843E6496EFFE98C370EA737C6E613BFA6E0C58AA7D64CCCEEB547CDD83C6736DE90A7C0D5E5E979D13E2CC55A2FA4DF962D351B17893DB43FB28D895E81CFF8F0046AB73E342FD99775E2039102B280E82CF7D09114F526BA186084A4922E7DB149B965B1688F4D4E7182AEC85C0C3BC89DEF43BE1C124EF7091CC382024781362470C5BFED08AD7B99C969C205757CA5C386B09FCDD74E5B66D33B5E1CD3 To String: ��C�In��7�7�����Ŋ��L��G��<g6ސ�����y�>,�Z/�ߖ-5�=�?���^����j�>4/ٗu�����,�Б�&�`���.}�I�e�h�MNq���\ ;ȝ�C�N� ÂG�6$pſ��{��i�u|�Æ����N[f�;^�

Trying Key: 7275737479736861636B6C65666F7264 IV: 346257E94DA2E0D0D0F54AA397D291F0 Decrypted: 05EB21006F8A14EEDDB14BB2C75861CD028E9897F697D1B04DB8FBF5096E4BE66411AB0B21FFFED067AB9BA78B9276133B1ACE3A40C4BB048028698062706014AD4BAE365622A5F6B73939F968242908AD69A3FC84ACCCDD986DFF2D321B4FE1C80FBCCEA2150F71507B20B1CBB07BE9C67780B25FFE9B30A8F76D76F12F41061D84483DF1A260405D405739E12BA4ECB2D6DD4CA90623EE1AABBE2871C0FB18 To String�!o��ݱK��Xa������ѰM��� nK�d� !���g�����v;�:@Ļ�(i�bp�K�6V"���99�h$)�i�����ݘm�-2O���΢qP{ �˰{��w��_��0��mv�/A�H=�@]@W9�+����L�#���(q��

Trying Key: 512048375E505A425654705A37333032 IV: 346257E94DA2E0D0D0F54AA397D291F0 Decrypted: 0A74B97E443A4848352C8FA8A36DFB15AAA33E05BF617002C81C650672969009AB1EB0C952DF2F278CB4ACC0C5FEF1AFA49F9F050B8EE7310BFF91FB9A4608FB26F9AC416D6A64E6FA0E278D693F9EAB3DE4878D5F4A013317A7DB38329925A8EA34E410DC7CCB219A029518B19200CFAEB3FCFFB7E40C3090D2A2C8E04227E2328145BA78DB257CF7DBB6AD89F0CB3017A2534B3FFA31B25C77423CC562380F To String t�~D:HH5,���m���>�ap�er�� ���R�/'������񯤟� ��1 ����F�&��Amjd��'�i?��=䇍_J3��82�%��4��|�!����Ϯ����� 0�Ң��B'�2�E�x�%|�۶����0�SK?�1�\wB<�b8

Trying Key: 978EA96F27404EA6B1D0288F11A48FF7 IV: 346257E94DA2E0D0D0F54AA397D291F0 Decrypted: 89323C94A93FB4E1A06C36760BFE424E634E4C1603A3A6E26BEA4122E1CD1812BE771993397040355D933FC193521D8C90843B8A0383557212CFE41DD2AD590257323A32CBBBAEBC75673121F33F7BB00217A6EBEF89B1732D0848A623ADD111D8C85729DBC75B0C09885CF874CE2E3589ACBAA54B1E675A3E07A6B0BFB2ECB5143995E70C871D3AAEB46F9B33616C15EE42F29FB04F81CD949113992B5B4DE5 To String�2<��?��l6v �BNcNL���k�A"���w�9p@5]�?��R���;��Ur��ҭYW2:2˻��ug1!�?{���s-H�#����W)��[ �\�t�.5����KgZ>�����9�� �:��o�3al�B�O�͔��+[M�

by Quelle
pedeITA 4 points ago +4 / -0

I saw and dumped the pieces of C#.net code when that was shared, i think there were totally 2 or 3 posts with it, seems to generate and print an output, but input variables looks random stuff, trying to get some text bytes from the NFTs or the blog post images, not sure e it will give anything useful, but if that can help, in a while (going out for a while now, will be back in 2-3 hours), i can load it up in visual studio and look at it in the IDE / compile it, what kind of key does it ask on the file side? normal passphrase like a rar or any specific charset/hash?

pedeITA 1 point ago +1 / -0

Giant robots were already something in Japan a bunch of years ago, pretty sure with current tech you'd find you dream there, sad that the cabal needed to fuck up the plant, i always wanted to go see Super Mario city hahahaha

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