Where is the supreme court?
Eating crab legs with friends, while pondering how to save the country.
Hoping the Epstein list remains hidden.
Doing the dinner prayer hoping the country can be saved.
Wondering if it's true fluoride harms I.Q.
Picking out a new softball bat for spring lesbian leagues.
Previewing a law book, lamenting how many dipshits are on the court.
Marveling at how ingenious a beer bong is.
Pretending to be Catholic.
Confident the color of a vagina is proof of intelligence.
..... here we are.
In this case it could be. Money had been going out on a steady regular basis.
Could be just a fill a blank, a click, send for approval, and send.
Could also be that we wanted a first one to do this. Down come Hammer. Everyone else scared. In the words of our President, "... let's see what happens."
The Reagan years showed what could be. After 2 years of Clinton and dem control, the country brought us Newt. Two years of Obama and dem control the country responded with the TEA Party. After 2 terms of Obama the country went for Trump.
Every consecutive election since Reagan, the Dems had to steal victory by ever increasing amounts. Just because Obama had college aged kids on his side do you really think America voted for a foreigner that's gay Muslim & commie? No f'ing way. Hell, Clinton needed a 3rd party candidate to win. Without Ross, we would have had a 2 term Pappy Bush.
So really, if not for Reagan, Trump would not be able to do what he is now doing. The log was removed from enough eyes by Ron, that the ripple effects are the waves that Trump surfs.
I heard Diego asked a hooker to pee on a mattress that Orlan slept on.
... but you know ...