Enemy x 2. E = 5. E E = 5.5 = Comms are clear, great, 45 hears and is heard.
'Five by five is the best of 25 possible subjective responses used to describe the quality of communications, specifically the signal-to-noise ratio.' https://military-history.fandom.com/wiki/Five_by_five
Geraldo looks different these days. Chin much smaller.
Have you looked at bitcoin?
Dylan Mulvaney should be seen as a gift, a red pill. And we can pray for his soul.
Wants to keep his options open. Seems a bit duplicitous.
I heard someone say that inflation is a tax.
What a crop of nonsense. Wasted time watching it.
Link said: 'Virgin Media Child Safe settings have blocked this site.'
The problem with that would be a risk of Dems/Rinos using stalking candidates, a person who is a supreme debater, doesn't need to be a good leader, look good or win an election as they are simply there to destroy a good leader in people\s minds, before bowing out of the process for 'family' reasons.
The realizing of vulnerabilities is deep stuff and is being used more than we even fully understand. It's also linked to understanding what people's deepest motivations are. I heard it said that 45 can 'read a room' very quickly. He is intuitive as well as strategic, compassionate and tough. It's like he leaned about personality and decided to be 'all things to all men'. That's biblical too!
It's like a li'l practice, POTUS is role playing out how the other presidents will be prosecuted, so they know how to organize it and Bush, Obama, Clinton will know what to do too.
I think there are, it's just rarer and still hidden.
I've heard Mercouris be anti-Trump before. Intelligent people listen to him and are mislead.
For decades now these kids have grown up with non-native accents, they have no heritage from their own families, just borrowed from the other cultures around them and the meeja they are given. Very sad that this is the epitome of his 'success'. It is an underclass supported by the tax payer. Hard to see where it ends for boys like this. There really should be some sort of military boot camp type training for the ones who cannot support themselves without govt help or resorting to crime but frankly the current establishment couldn't be trusted not to corrupt them further.
Research bitcoin. eg. Gmoney on truth.
Because if they arrest 45, they can arrest any of them. Sets the precedent.
Emergency alerts can be switched off, don't know if they intend to overide settings. For iphone: >settings >notifications - scroll to bottom for alert settings.
Can anyone point to a thread, group, page where the graphic was worked on and the order is being compiled?
My browser can't access this link.
More like your wife picked up pathogens on her flight back. Seems to me it's common for people to get sick after a flight. I am beginning to agree there are no 'viruses' as we have been led to believe. i do believe in shedding though or transmission. So whatever the pathogen is I think it can be passed onto people. The healthier you are, the less likely to get sick if you come into contact with a carrier, but if they are carrying a large enough load of the right stuff, it can be very nasty. People who say covid was a nothingburger have only part of the story. Yes many had flu which was re-diagnosed as covid, but there is also more than that. I think it changes depending on what they put in it in the labs and I think it is probably in the annual vaccines (maybe why so many were ill Winter 2019?) as well as the covid shots and maybe other methods have been used too to attack wider areas of people?
Surely has to be Gates? He bridges so many topics together: Covid, prior jab harms, big pharma, Epstein, the trans agenda, environmental green issues, food industry (farming) politics (he phones govts regularly apparently), abortion/fetal cell use, corrupt university funding, corrupted foods, big tech/online censorship and probs more that is currently opaque. I used to wonder why there weren't more board posts about him, either he was less relevant or needed to be left to get on with dastardly deeds.
Along with the midazolam/morphine suppressant which obvs hastens death under the guise of 'end of life care' and does not encourage the immune system to fight back, the other major issue for the vulnerable and elderly is de-hydration. Elderly people who are thin have very little fluid in reserve and would need regular help sipping fluids or an effective drip to survive. Fluids are usually withdrawn when 'end of life care' is prescribed.
And Ghislaine's father.