Make one up, I did :) looks like it went through
This is gonna be huge.
Yeah I here ya... I'm trying to counter just to updoot stuff, but man it's easy to get sucked into reading the moronic stuff people post.
The D's are all bent outta shape over the Signal thing. They are demanding to see everything in the chat. :)
I believe it's a trap, a set up to get all the communications from the dipshit-communists on Jan6.
Pelosi's laptop (and another guy's from Oregon maybe) came up missing that day.... I wonder if we'll ever get to see what was on that once this coup is quashed.
When Bill dies does Hillary lose her detail?
Karma will take care of that one.
His head is already behind him, up his own ass.
I think the CDC will be dismantled and scattered to the wind, she was chosen to be in charge when the their genocide is exposed.
It's unsettling how there are rumors that AOC is pregnant at the same time democrats are positioning her to run to either challenge Schumer or possibly be their presidential candidate....
Children are commonly required as payment to get their club, first born would get a higher price.,,
:). Yeah I know what he's said.
He said the same thing all Khazarians say as they steal a name and hide behind it while doing satans work.
That's why he used the "ish" he's Jew-ISH
That is a warm fuzzy thought, but watching elections not go their way anyways, feeling it's because they aren't allowed as they're being punished forever for being so stupid it made their voice meaningless. Kinda priceless:)
Oh yeah, there's that too :)
No deals, the retards funding these degenerates should be easy to find
Awesome, I hope they're felonies- so these retards can't vote anymore
I'd need some DNA evidence ;).
None of the people inhabiting Israel have any DNA linking them there.
Yeah, I think that's why they are so defensive.... it's shame, pure shame.
Pretty much once you get it you can't be fired. It started in universities so professors could talk about controversial stuff. As with most cabal things it started it out sounding good, it was cloaked with dealing with thing medical ethics, integrity.
Then it was when it was given to primary schools... theey had us by the short hairs and those that wanted to take full advantage of indoctrinating kids did. And here we are today.
His identifies being Jewish.
Yeah idk... probably didn't need to, their flock was pretty locked in, protective of them themselves. And the Catholic Church was massive.
From what I saw as a kid, they'd either turn a blind to priests hurting children and let them be shuffled to other parishes... or in the parish I grew up; most of the congregation sided with the priest after the girl named the priest as the father of her child.
Never have I ever heard a priest getting the shit kicked out of him from a parent or even ANY confrontation at all over an abusing kids, not even once. I knew a family of all boys that were ALL molested there and the girl that was raped. No one, not even the parent s stood up for the kids.
So they didn't need ADL laws to keep bad things from being talked about, they never talk.
My family member called me antisemitic for asking a question. I just laughed and called her pope a Satanic asshole... there does my heresy even things up? 😂
I'm surprised they haven't commented on Epstein and his gang...yet
My body's ready