praying71 2 points ago +2 / -0

I like Pepe using a box of sealed indictments as a drum.

praying71 1 point ago +1 / -0

At that point they can no longer blame Trump for promoting the vaccines.

  • He was referring to a different vaccine.

  • He was always pro-choice.

  • He was showing hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin as a good alternative.

praying71 1 point ago +1 / -0

A way for Trump to win an appeal is this (sarcasm):

  • Ask for a refund from the government funds (the slash fund).

  • Argue that now he can’t be prosecuted the same as everyone else because a “proper funds classification” was used now.

praying71 1 point ago +1 / -0

Great observation!

Even a foreigner like me would say: ”They definitely aren’t gonna vote for their pResident”.

No typo above ;)

praying71 3 points ago +3 / -0

… class action … against specifically what entity(s) or persons?

Q post 1105 referenced on the top gives the answer:




Who can be sued by 2 billion people? It’s not just the US only. It’s global? Who are those people?



Pfizer in troubles?

How Q new it in 2018? This post is a Q-proof itself. We just need to wait until the class action brought by the vaccinated.

praying71 2 points ago +2 / -0


An assessment team reported “suggestions” that 100 people were dead and 60 houses buried


As many as 2,000 people feared buried under Papua New Guinea landslide

The photo on the Fake News website has a slider in the middle. Use it and drag left/right. There is no way 2000 lived in this place. 100 from the original report can be too many, but more believable. Looking at the “before” photo - I would bet there were maybe 5-10 houses there.

Yes. It’s a tragedy. But the way Fake News produce BS to brainwash normies is astonishing.

praying71 4 points ago +4 / -0

Some earlier articles about monoclonal antibodies from vat: https://archive.searchvoat.co/search.php?t=Monoclonal&co=on

It was quite promising long time ago.

praying71 2 points ago +3 / -1

They’re just moving the negotiations to a more silent place with the public no longer concerned when they can progress better.

Don’t trust this kind of news until these people are in jail.

In the article on the image they say literally the same: it’s not the end, it’s just one step for them and they will continue.

praying71 1 point ago +1 / -0

You’re right, but only in theory.

In practice - they’ve deleted 200,000 ballot scans in just one state.

At that point - there is nothing that can be checked post factum and the original vote (by whomever was allowed to vote) becomes a new status quo.

praying71 2 points ago +2 / -0


If NATO country attacks the other country - no allay has to join the aggression.

It’s a defensive pact.

The Alliance is founded on the principle of collective defence, meaning that if one NATO Ally is attacked, then all NATO Allies are attacked.


praying71 4 points ago +4 / -0

Their method (the scam) is this:

  • Create fictional “battle”:

    • Make people believe that the game is about voter ID.

    • ”… voter ID initiative that would require photo ID … and an identifying number, such as a driver's license“

    • Notice: it’s photo ID, not a citizenship!

  • Let people think that they won, as the Supreme Court has defended the voter ID that “people” wanted.

  • Give all illegals driving licence … because it’s inhumane not to let them drive.

  • Give all illegals social number … because it’s inhumane not to let them visit a doctor.

    • Actually: they don’t need it, because a driving licence has both: photo and a number.
  • Wait for election results secured by voter ID … where all illegals can vote legally.

praying71 3 points ago +3 / -0

If encyclopaedia has 3300 pages it’d be 1000 of them.

If Hunter Biden wrote 100 letters every day for 330 day a year it’d be 33000 letter per year so it’d take him 100 years to produce that amount of evidence.

With all respect to John Solomon I dare to doubt whether the figure is correct.

Even if it’s only 3,300 it’s still some progress anyway.

praying71 15 points ago +15 / -0

white people should get back there and fix shit once it’s constitutionally defined that such racism is a felony

Does South Africa have a law that prohibits killing?

Did they obey the law?

If their constitution changes - will they obey the constitution (the law)?

I’m afraid there are 2 solutions only:

  1. famine = population’s self learning / concluding /self policing

  2. a strong black leader who severely penalises the perpetrators at a scale big enough that will:

  • scare others enough to never do it again

  • make white people believe that returning is safe

  1. A mix of 1 (first) and 2 (later) which seems to be the most likely scenario (1 leading to 2).
praying71 4 points ago +4 / -0

Dev = Development (and research), often referred to as R&D (Research & Development). It’s a type of government grant to fund something that’s worth working on.

Finding cure = end of R&D grants (that big pharma gets from each government in each country separately).

Finding cheap cure = end of the profits.

praying71 2 points ago +2 / -0

That explains why the same people walk on those “pride” parades and the climate change protests.

praying71 5 points ago +5 / -0


Even if there are some innocent but stupid people using He/Him on social media - if this meme gets published - they will stop using it, so everyone who will keep using these pronouns will be actual pedophiles.

praying71 3 points ago +3 / -0

A sad thing is that the perpetrators don’t lose their jobs. It’s the honest people who do.

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