Maybe it was just the RINOs, but somehow I doubt it. We need them to grow some testicles, it seems the female sex has more oomph than the males in the Republican party-not a shame-I think both should have some intestinal fortitude.
The Left/Commies would not tolerate this from MAGA, I hope these people get what is due to them. Please, President Trump, have your attorney general investigate and charge these idiots--ASAP! This is not retribution, this is why they don't respect our laws and think they are immune from prosecution. Because NOTHING has been done prior to now.
And the sad thing is here in Maryland we might be just like California and not able to experience America's prosperity (I was going to call it Trump's-but he is doing this for us). Governor Wes (Less) Moore will make sure of it. We are already behind in our budget-he dissolved a great surplus with all his and legislator's spending.
Maybe how Nanzi Pelosi wouldn't take the troops Trump offered and how she was going to lead the insurrection. Trump was blamed and it was all the Dems/Commies idea and plan put into place. This has come out in certain areas already, but this may be related to him leaving but still in charge of the military-who knows!!
Well, considering his enemies did break laws they should be held accountable. And that doesn't mean just the minor laws-but all the laws they broke should be charged against them and the full extent of the law's punishment issued to them when they are convicted. And they will be convicted!
Great idea. I didn't know our government, under Trump, could take private citizen's assets but it is a great idea. I did think he could take the government worker's-especially the ones who worked hard against the US and our constitution!
This is good, but the Left has a serious disconnect from a reality that doesn't support Dems/Commies-maybe most will "wake up" soon but I doubt it. It may take a house falling on them-like the bad witch from the Wizard of Oz.
She definitely has the right to say it, but it doesn't mean she is correct in her assessment. As a matter of fact, the 2020 election was stolen from Trump. This was more free and fair than any election in our recent history, maybe from Kennedy or Eisenhower days, but I am only guessing.
Well, good for you. At least, by your explanation, you know the difference. That is all I care about. But, the Dems/Commies want us to adopt their terms and language changes-which irritate me to no end. Keep posting fren!
Of course they are going to push back-maybe even fight. I hope it doesn't come to fighting, but if it does so be it. This is one of the reason they need to have consequences put on them for their actions-so they don't always act like spoiled rotten children!