propertyofUniverse 7 points ago +7 / -0

Oh yes!

No, I didn't mention the bio weapons. Wanted to keep it simple for the uninitiated

propertyofUniverse 22 points ago +22 / -0

I'd consider telling them about NATO expansion and how there was a deal in 1989 where Gorbachev took down the wall and started to dismantle the USSR in exchange for NATO going no further eastwards and that the west broke their promise and having them meddle in Ukraine is an existential threat for Russia because missiles can be launched towards Moscow which they don't have time to stop.

Then point out the 5Bn which the US put into radicalising the UkroNazis over 25 years and the color revolution in 2014 where some unknown snipers shot both police and protesters and Yanukovich had to run away and barely got away with his life.

then mention that awful woman in the state department Nuland and her "F the EU" and "Yats is our man" and how she, along with Geoffrey Pyatt organised the coup.

then mention that Kiev was bombing the breakaway republics since 2014 and killed 16K people, mostly Russian speakers. and they had tried to take over and ethnically cleanse the Donbass with Nazi punisher batallions like "Praviiy Sektor" and "Azov" batallion.

the Russians actually went in on a belated Right to protect context for Russian speakers as well as a de-nazi and de-militarise SMO only after the west avoided implementing not 1 but 2 Minsk agreements and later admitted that they had used them to re-arm.

propertyofUniverse 2 points ago +2 / -0

You have cooking skills which I don't have.

I am very impressed!

I hope your neighbour is well and that you have a great afternoon!

propertyofUniverse 2 points ago +2 / -0

How kind of you to ask!

My son is having a lie-in and the household is calm and we're all well. It's a chance to re-balance and catch up with GAW while I'm not having to multi-task.

How about you?

propertyofUniverse 2 points ago +2 / -0

MilitarySummary says that the 90K person NATO military exercises in europe will finish in arounf May '24. He says that those guys will be deployed along the Dniepr river.

This guy has a very good track record for analysis.

propertyofUniverse 1 point ago +1 / -0

I treat my thinning hair due to male pattern baldness with caffeine shampoo and rosemary oil on my scalp. it has made a big big difference. Some people suggest DMSO on your scalp too. I have tried that.

One thing I have heard of and haven't tried is olive oil and egg yolk.

I make sure I have enough zinc.

propertyofUniverse 2 points ago +2 / -0

Indeed, and if one were being shallow, one would look at his picture and see an incel from an incel bloodline who is jealous of the happy humans.

He's just a wrong-un.

propertyofUniverse 8 points ago +8 / -0

Hi fren

I take boron for it's effects on arthritis, but it also boosts testosterone.

Please make sure you are getting enough of it:


It also removes fluoride and heavy metals.

I have a friend who takes boron supplements too and he notes that if you are taking it for testosterone, it helps to take a break from it every few days or it lifts your estrogen too much.


I am a man in my late forties.

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