redlotus69 29 points ago +30 / -1

The idea that the Lord demanded child sacrifice and this was covered up after the fact is insanity. How the hell did this get stickied?

The idea that "Yahweh" (the Lord) was one of many Gods and was only worshiped solely after the Babylonian Captivity is nonsensical and has no historical basis. The Biblical truth is that the Israelites worshiped pagan gods on the side in defiance of the Lord's commands.

Jesus Christ IS the God of the Old Testament. This is in made abundantly clear in John. Jesus would not demand human sacrifice.

redlotus69 9 points ago +9 / -0

No shit. We ignored their reporting on Ukraine. Why trust this?

redlotus69 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's what I noticed. It's "Iger".

Could just be a roast or it could be comms

redlotus69 0 points ago +4 / -4

"The interpretation is common knowledge of the protestants"

Yep a whopping 400 year old interpretation. Why not trust that, right?

"Catholicism does not equal Christianity"

If Catholics aren't Christians then that means Islam is the largest religion in the world. Your views are ignorant and shameful of a self-proclaimed "Christian".

"Christ is our direct link to the Father, not the pope or anybody else."

Cool, no Catholic will disagree?

"the protestants knew the pope was the antichrist"

Once again, an interpretation that goes back a few hundred years and created by Luther (who called for genocide) and Calvin (who personally had people executed for disagreeing with his theology). Not a good look! Just because nutcases a few hundred years ago claimed the pope was the antichrist doesn't mean they're RIGHT? Especially since the antichrist will claim to BE God? (2 Thessalonians 2:4) The pope doesn't claim to BE God, so maybe rethink the whole "pope is the antichrist" claim...

Try putting down the Jack Chick kool aid and actually talking with a Catholic about what they believe for a change. You might actually learn something.

redlotus69 3 points ago +5 / -2

First of all, it's called "Revelation", not "Revelations". The Greek word "Apocalypsis" is singular.

Your interpretation of this highly symbolic book is not sound doctrine, especially since no prophecy of scripture is revealed by private interpretation (2 Peter 1:20). Revelation was written when John was in exile by Domitian, so yes, the references to Rome are in code, but they're certainly not coded to predict the Roman empire turning Christian and that somehow being a BAD thing. That's pure ignorance. Plain and simple.

If you seriously think the Pope is the "Antichrist", idk what to tell you. I understand if people don't want to be Catholic and I'm not saying you have to be, but this "antichrist" business is delusional Jack Chick bullshit.

redlotus69 5 points ago +5 / -0

I was watching a Frank Pavone video the other day and he showed a clip of newscasters ranting about how if Trump gets back in he will start executing people. They are very afraid.

redlotus69 4 points ago +4 / -0

What do you expect when you hire a comedian to sing the national anthem? She's gonna try to be funny, and the players even asked her to make it funny beforehand.

by FF0000
redlotus69 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh boy another countdown

redlotus69 1 point ago +1 / -0

"Where did people go to Peter and confess their sin to him?"

James 5:16? The NT repeatedly tells you to confess your sins.

"Where did he say he could absolve them of sin?"

You're right, Peter didn't say that. Jesus did. Matthew 18:18. But I guess according to you, when Jesus says "Truly" He really means "not really"...

"Where is Mary worship in the Bible?"

Catholics don't worship Mary, so this is the logical fallacy of a loaded question.

But it should also be noted that Luther's "sola scriptura" is absolutely non-Biblical. The RCC gave us the Bible in the first place, and nowhere in the Bible will you find a verse saying "if it is not written by the apostles it is not a doctrine to be followed". In fact, Paul says the exact opposite in 2 Thessalonians 2:15.

"Read your own tenets of your religion to see what the papacy is all about, it’s definitely not biblical."

This is an absolutely comical exchange. Stop lecturing ME on a faith you clearly know nothing about.

redlotus69 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're wrong again about basically everything in this reply.

"The papacy is a man made belief and it flies in the face of God and His word"

No, it doesn't. The papacy is just the bishop of Rome. Bishops are in God's Word. Peter's role as the earthly head of the church is explicitly described in Matthew 16:18. Straight from the mouth of Jesus Christ.

Constantine didn't "declare Christianity as the official religion of the Roman Empire", he only granted it legal status. Theodosius I was the one who made it the official religion, DECADES after Constantine's death.

"Christ is and always has been the head of the church"

Yeah, this isn't something any Catholic will disagree with. The pope is only its earthly leader.

"the RCC claims is infallible"

No, it doesn't. You're misrepresenting the concept of papal infallibility, which ONLY applies when the pope is speaking "ex cathedra" which happened like ONCE in 2000 years. Try again.

"That would disqualify Peter as even he is rebuked by Paul “during his papacy”."

No, it wouldn't. You need to study the NT if you don't realize that Peter clearly had authority over all other apostles. That aside, there have been countless examples of popes being corrected throughout history. Take a note from the original 1582 Douay Rheims Catholic Bible on this topic:

"And who is so dull that can not see, that the inferiour, though not by office and iurisdiction, yet by the law of brotherly loue and fraternal correption, may reprehend his superiour? Did euer any man wonder that a good Priest or any vertuous person should tel the Pope, or any other great Prelate, or greatest Prince in earth, their faults? Popes may be reprehended, & are iustly admonished of their faults, & ought to take it in good part, and so they doe & euer haue done, when it commeth of zeale & loue, as of S. Paul, Irenæus, Cyprian, Hierom, Augustin, Bernard: But of Simon Magus, Nouatus, Iulian, Wiclefe, Luther, Caluin, Beza, that doe it of malice, & raile no lesse at their vertues then their vices, of such (I say) God's Prelates must not be taught nor corrected, though they must patiently take it, as our Sauiour did the like reproches of the malitious Iewes; and as Dauid did the malediction of Semel. 2. Reg. 16."

"You do Peter a great injustice when you attribute him to being the first pope, he would quickly denounce that title"

Wrong. As stated earlier, the official title of the papacy is "bishop of Rome". "Pope" is basically just Italian slang for "papa". It's a term of respect, and the concept of the apostles referring to themselves as spiritual fathers can be found in the Old and New Testaments. Peter himself even refers to himself as Mark's "father" (1 Peter 5:13).

"Instead of focusing on what your church says is true, why don’t you actually read the Bible, which has the final authority as it was written by God."

Instead of making baseless assumptions about me and the RCC, how about you actually learn what you're talking about instead of repeating centuries-old, debunked talking points?

redlotus69 2 points ago +2 / -0

"The first “pope” was established in 606 or 608"

Your entire comment is full of crap but that is factually wrong.

The Papacy goes back to Peter according to the RCC. Even if you believe that Constantine was the founder, he lived 200 years before you claim the Papacy was created. Total nonsense.

redlotus69 8 points ago +8 / -0

Throw the homeless in shelters for the down on their luck, rehab centers for the addicts and mental institutions for the insane. The lefties won't like it but it is what is best for this country

redlotus69 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wouldn't be surprised at all if this lying weasel jumps ship in the next couple months. Wonder how people will react since the TV was proclaiming him a hero for years. But the odds are good nobody will hear about it anyway.

redlotus69 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm waiting for the day where I don't have to hear from his entitled whining ass anymore

redlotus69 3 points ago +3 / -0

Is Biden going to send us troops to stop that invasion? No, he'd send us to ANOTHER quagmire war in the Middle East. Who gives a shit?

redlotus69 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'd gladly respond to a draft if an army invaded US soil

But I'll be damned before I agree to a draft for a banker's war on foreign soil

redlotus69 4 points ago +4 / -0

"Sorey Gordy you are the sealed indictments bro super duper for serial" has been posted here so many times it's laughable. Why would Q draw attention to the sealed indictments? So many holes in this story

redlotus69 3 points ago +3 / -0

This would also mean that Trump was in on it the whole time. No way. What benefit could Q have possibly had? Especially since he told people NOT to react with violence, which would be 100% against their plans for white supremacist terrorist activity?

redlotus69 7 points ago +7 / -0

What happened to the white supremacist terrorist database we were supposed to have?

redlotus69 11 points ago +13 / -2

This is fake and clearly gay.

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