robistro 6 points ago +6 / -0

chickens and/or eggs must be really good for us! Thats why

robistro 14 points ago +14 / -0

yes, she started getting creepy. By choice or force, I dont know, but I dropped her a couple years ago.

robistro 2 points ago +2 / -0

I need some popcorn that doesnt get caught in my teeth. I cant keep buying popcorn and toothpicks

robistro 2 points ago +2 / -0

Someone needs to test every piece of it to make sure its not just gold coated chunk of lead or something.

robistro 2 points ago +2 / -0

Somethings definitely going on. Blaming it all on Trumps FAA cuts. Even if they crash when on the runway.

robistro 2 points ago +2 / -0

Turned into a pumpkin head

robistro 2 points ago +2 / -0

J.T. Wilde is a musician with songs including "Where We Go One (We Go All)" and "Digital Soldiers".

You can listen to their music on Spotify, Apple Music, and SoundCloud.

Music by J.T. Wilde:

"Enjoy the Show" "One Last Drag" "Beautiful Black Sky" "Digital Soldiers" "Where We Go One (We Go All)" "Leave This Town" "Feelin' in Between" "Mountain from a Hole" "You Are Lightning" "ThanQ for the Pain" Other information about J.T. Wilde: "Patriot Games" is a song by J.T. Wilde "The Pledge of Allegiance Song" is a song by J.T. Wilde "Forgotten Man" is a song by J.T. Wilde "Living In The Matrixxx" is a song by J.T. Wilde "Mother of Pearl" is a song by J.T. Wilde "Golden Locket" is a song by J.T. Wilde "Digital Soldiers" is an EP by J.T. Wilde

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