TA DA....new fear porn coming at ya.
If they were a real national threat, they would be taken down. I believe this is another form of fear porn on the population. I have no doubt that the Gov is monitoring something we aren't being told.
what a wise a$$
IMO, Islam should be banished from this world. No other "religion/faith" in memory constantly threatens to kill those who don't agree with them. Even the "Christians" of earlier times were not this bad.
Will add your dad to my prayer list. Hope all is well for your family.
Yep, and these women will become irrelevant in the future. They may as well book their room in a retirement home. Speaking mainly of Behar and Goldberg.
I would bet their audience consists of mainly white liberal females.
She's probably a "lawyer" in name only. LOL
Behar needs to be retired like NOW.
This method SHOULD be used on MSM as well. Can you just imagine how often MSNBC and CNN would have to use this method. Thye'd never get through a broadcast in an hour.
OK...now explain this like we are 5.
It seems with this Starmer guy, the UK has elected a communist.
As a retired teacher of 43 years, I have said this for YEARS! Education needs to be put back to state and local control not federal.
Actually, I thought last night when he spoke he looked very tired and worn out. The man has been a machine the past year. Thank God his hand is on Pres. Trump. I pray he is guided by the Holy Spirit and actually "listens".
Seriously???? THAT's a REAL degree????
But, but, but, what about all the "cute" little music jingles Ozempic, Wegove, and Jardiance sing praises about??? What will we do without that entertainment?????
I loved OAN until our cable provider was forced to remove it. I do still follow them online though.
I was just informed that most drug supplements (retired here) will no longer be covering 2 of my medications that they have covered for the past 7 years!
I pray for God's justice to be served on all of them.
Beautifully said, OP.
Happened with my son and his wife. She had 2 miscarriages.
OP, oh wow, what you listed made my mind go down memory lane. I've been on this ride since the beginning and so ready for this movie to end.
He knows they're commin for his ass. He's just trying to cover it as best he can. Can't wait to see the take downs.
Agree, I'm in that line of fire!
yep, for now I'm still a bitter clinger.