seagoatz 1 point ago +1 / -0

Is this real? It's such an over-the-top affront to Christianity that this almost seems like trolling from the white hats. They can ignore Easter Sunday all they want in Washington tomorrow, but I'll be celebrating it at my church and in my home.

Adding that yes, it is real, because every March 31st is Trans Visibility Day, whatever the hell that means. I guess Biden will have a topless tranny Easter bunny on the lawn tomorrow? You've made your choice for tomorrow, Biden. Pure evil and a smack in the face of our Lord.

seagoatz 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is a step in the right direction, but I fear it's too late for most kids. Even regular, everyday kids from relatively normal homes have accepted most forms of gayness. They've grown up in a culture that never stops talking about it and with teachers who give it a special status. It's all they know. A lot of my students talk about "questioning" their sexual preference and dating both sexes. And no, I don't discuss that topic with them, but I overhear their conversations sometimes.

But the one thing I notice at the school where I work is that transgenderism has NOT been widely accepted by teenagers. Many, if not most, of the kids I teach still reject it and reject the idea of having to share a bathroom with so-called trans kids. I think there is a part of our brains that innately understands that men in dresses, lipstick, and wigs are not normal and are not good for our survival as a species. Even highly influenced teenagers can sense this. Anyway, just my two cents on this subject. I think it's going to take a LOT more than this to wake up most kids.

seagoatz 3 points ago +3 / -0

Our choir sang this song at the close of the Maundy Thursday service. And I listened to it before going to a prayer vigil after that. There's hardly a more powerful yet simple song that takes us to the moment Jesus prayed in the garden before he was arrested and went to his death. He wishes for us to keep watch with him and pray, even today.

And it's no surprise that Q mentions the words "watch" and "pray" numerous times. This song is a good one for meditating on all the things that have happened, are happening, and, of course, what is coming.

seagoatz 3 points ago +3 / -0

I listened to it driving to Good Friday services today. There's not a better song for the occasion.

seagoatz 8 points ago +8 / -0

She's a horrible example for kids and young people, which is exactly why she was propped up as a pop star. She's a vulgar and debased woman, and the fact that she's obese and walks around nearly naked just encourages the idea that it's fabulous to be fat and/or slutty. The music industry has a huge role to play in why kids are so lost today, and their stupid parents are listening to this stuff, too. Good riddance, Lizzo. Of course, her ego won't allow her to disappear for long.

seagoatz 24 points ago +24 / -0

I have been to several Holy Week events this week, including an overnight prayer vigil, and I've cried so much this week that my eyes have been puffy for two days. Maybe it is the state of the world, but I've never felt so in touch with our Lord and what he endured as I feel right now. I am looking forward to a jubilant celebration this weekend. He is our Light. He is risen.

seagoatz 22 points ago +22 / -0

Christ died for us to live. His suffering isn't to be celebrated, but his resurrection is, and it couldn't have occurred if he'd never been crucified. That is why this is Good Friday. The darkest moment turned to light in an instant.

seagoatz 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have the feeling we're going to be dragged to the depths just before we see what will be the most awesomely indescribable moment in history. It'll truly be dark to light.

seagoatz 4 points ago +4 / -0

He's freezing. Look at how everyone else is dressed. No mercy for anyone involved in this mess, regardless if he's ISIS or Ukrainian or both.

seagoatz 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, he's shivering like a kitten while everyone else is wearing heavy coats.

seagoatz 19 points ago +19 / -0

Hmm. He doesn't look very ISIS to me.

seagoatz 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you, and I agree wholeheartedly with what you wrote below in your other conversation. The meat industry is still atrocious in this country, especially for poultry animals. There's virtually nothing to protect them within the factory farming industry. It's shameful and evil, which is why I started raising my own chickens. I don't mean to get on my high horse, but I pray every day for the cabal to fall, and I also pray for the cruelty industry to end when that happens. Animals are God's creatures and I know he loves them. We are to care for them and be good stewards of this planet. I wish more people would reflect on this subject on a practical and a spiritual level. I appreciated your TJ quotes, too. (I also teach sped, by the way.)

seagoatz 1 point ago +1 / -0

Right now, we have fourteen hens of various breeds and also a few guinea hens. (We lost two chickens at the end of this past summer due to heat stress. If you get chickens, be prepared to become a chicken vet because they do develop health issues from time to time.) We're planning to get a rooster or two, though. I'd like to breed them and sell the babies locally to make a little extra money and help people to avoid buying from big hatcheries. But that will be a whole new learning process, handling the roosters and making sure the chicks fare well. Right now I'm just selling eggs to a few people at work and storing the rest.

Our chickens get to free-range a few hours per day, but we also feed them organic layer feed, worms, and fruit and vegetable scraps. My husband farms worms during the summer, which the chickens go crazy for. At some point I'd like to start making my own feed at home, but time doesn't allow it right now.

How many do you have and what are you feeding yours? How are they doing?

seagoatz 13 points ago +13 / -0

This is really heart-breaking. And frightening. I have a small five-acre farm. I can't imagine these thugs showing up to shut me down. The Oregonians need to go full force against these communists. Enough is enough.

These people are evil. They want us dependent on chemical-filled food and water that they process for us and poison us with. And they want us to beg for it.

seagoatz 15 points ago +15 / -0

It's definitely coming. Think of all the sleeper cells in this country now thanks to Biden and his handlers. As we get closer to the election, it's only a matter of time.

seagoatz 8 points ago +8 / -0

It's never going to die, apparently. It's been around for at least seven or eight years. And all the black guys have dreads. I really miss the clean-cut look for men!

seagoatz 11 points ago +11 / -0

Yep. And get some backyard chickens if you can, or find someone who raises them. Buy your eggs locally. I started raising chickens two years ago and I love it. It's easy once you set up their coop and run. Do what you can to stick it to the Man and Big Food.

seagoatz 14 points ago +14 / -0

Yep. I'm a teacher. So many girls I see are going for this look and they all dress like tramps. It's depressing.

seagoatz 31 points ago +31 / -0

It's sad what's happening to young women. They're happy to look like washed up porn stars at 20 with fillers and bleached hair. Gone are the days of fresh-faced, natural young girls. And their mothers are just as bad or worse in some cases. Thanks, social media. And thanks, porn pushers.

seagoatz 25 points ago +25 / -0

As a bit of a hippie frog, we shouldn't be supporting any of these big corporate food entities anyway. It's all garbage created from animals raised in misery. And the misleading names really get to me. "Nature Raised Farms" and "Open Prairie Farms" are such blatant lies. "Natural" means nothing in the Big Food world. It's no surprise that they're reaching out to the lowest of the Proles to manufacture their slop for the rest of us.

seagoatz 1 point ago +1 / -0

Exactly. There would have been hundreds of pictures of Kate if she'd really been spotted. Nobody is going to respect her privacy when there's big money involved. This story will just backfire like those stupid pictures from a few weeks ago.

seagoatz 2 points ago +2 / -0

Haitians taking over Florida. Yet another "pandemic." East Coast tsunami. Major solar event.

seagoatz 3 points ago +3 / -0

That's just the story. The pictures in the article are from 2023. The article states that no one got a picture of Kate while she was allegedly out and about today. Do they really think anyone believes this? Every time they tell a lie, it makes the entire situation sound crazier. She's either dead, divorcing William, or had such heinous plastic surgery that she can't leave home.

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