shake-n-bake30 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes. Please let this be soon!

by Restore
shake-n-bake30 1 point ago +1 / -0

For sure. I have stocked up on 12mg Scabover (Ivermecting). Two tablets for three days covers the protocol for my weight.

by Restore
shake-n-bake30 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wondering if an Ivermectin prescription for use against scabies/lice would be filled. Could be a logical workaround for future.

shake-n-bake30 1 point ago +1 / -0

Aussies need to rise up soon, or they will never get their country back. The level of totalitarianism exhibited there appears to be the worst of any ‘democracy’ on the planet. What on earth is going on there, and why is that being tolerated?!?

shake-n-bake30 8 points ago +8 / -0

Re CNN ratings plummeting: While this is a great trend for US viewership, this Goebels-esque platform has a near monopoly on international news scene in “reporting” on US current events. They have and still do an effective job of creating an ugly narrative abroad. They know it and I think that is still their prime objective.

shake-n-bake30 3 points ago +3 / -0

Very nice explanation. I might add that it’s a clever way to delay inflation domestically, as it takes time for the USD to make it back to US economy

by gamepwn
shake-n-bake30 1 point ago +1 / -0

The reason most of them are, is the pay gap. That’s why many head to Air Branch (c$*ksuckers).

by gamepwn
shake-n-bake30 2 points ago +2 / -0

160th doesn’t do much with T1 JSOC. See AVTEG, SEASPRAY, 427th.

As for special projects (another layer deeper), all contracted.

shake-n-bake30 11 points ago +11 / -0

Who would steal who’s meals everyday? ?

shake-n-bake30 4 points ago +4 / -0

The DIA civvies were pretty much shite across the board and weren’t unlike the scum from Langley. The servicemen (that wore civilian clothes) were good Americans. Unfortunately, the civs outnumber the SM by over half. I was there under Flynn; and he put a shot in the Agency’s arm. Loved that man’s leadership then and love it just as much now. Also had the pleasure to serve with his brother in Baghdad 2004. His battalion was attached to our brigade, and we were glad to have his ‘White Devils’ (504th Inf).

shake-n-bake30 3 points ago +3 / -0

Has the Arizona audit lost its shine?

shake-n-bake30 1 point ago +1 / -0

George isn’t as clever as you might think. He still believes me and Terrence Dudley were working against him in 2017. He’ll come around.

shake-n-bake30 14 points ago +14 / -0

I retired from US Army 6 May 2017. This was more or less 5 months after Trump was inaugurated. My Letter of Appreciation was signed by Hussein. Was a punch in the gut, but it’s just the lazy personnel commands using up all their old LOAs before using the new signature blocks.

shake-n-bake30 4 points ago +4 / -0

Any idea what will unfold this week that will shake many from their slumber? I assume this is market related and possibly a lot of upside to the WSB campaign. Anyone have more fidelity on this?

shake-n-bake30 11 points ago +11 / -0

I am not following. Do healthy normals get adverse effects from tetanus (sp?) and DPT shots if they don’t require them? How is it determined who would need them? I am in the same camp as you; I think these experimental mRNA jabs are incredibly risky to fend off an infection that has a 99.7% survival rate.

I saw a physician state to the Texas Senate ( in an open hearing) that anyone that has robust immunity to a potential pathogen that is inoculated for resistance to said pathogen will be severely compromised. THAT, is F-ING frightening, and I would assume, that is precisely how you make this shitbird of a virus magnitudes more lethal.

shake-n-bake30 6 points ago +6 / -0

So liability for the actual vaccines was waived for Pharma, and now industry’s liability is waived. Where then does that place responsibility? It appears the individual bears it. Why would anyone get it?

shake-n-bake30 1 point ago +1 / -0

What is ‘to rise up”? I would love to grab my rifle and run toward the sound of the guns, but I have no clue how to affect the battlespace. GenFlynn, who I love and served at DIA keeps saying we need to knuckle down and that we are doing a great job, but c’mon!! I’m NOT RUNNING FOR DOG CATCHER!

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