Look at blurred face on the far left.
Hate on Westboro wannabe you'll learn what it is to be cast out.
Also hate is explicitly the opposite of all of the teachings of Christ.
So is hating your neighbor... or wishing evil upon your enemies. That's the point of remove the log from your eye before you mention the spec in another's.
Are you really claiming to be sinless?
He's got a buddy that did that too.
Fuck "Rage For The Machine" Morello - fucking commie millionaire...
This song has been brought several times while Trump was still a New York Democrat and Bill Clinton was the fucking President of the United States in proposed bills to Congress to replace the Star Spangled Banner -- but it's totally just a Trump song.
And so they become woke. It’s a fake woke, but they become woke.
Anyone able to archive this?
Because it was. What international airline doesn't have badges with a logo as part of their flight crew uniforms?
You did watch a bad soap opera.
What international airline doesn't have badges for their flight crew?
Head on back to storm front.
Both of you. Knock it off.