sillysausage 1 point ago +1 / -0

What a country practices in colonialism will always eventually come back home. This happened a hundred times over with the British empire.

sillysausage 2 points ago +2 / -0

Officially announcing his run for President makes it harder for Trump to be charged, not easier. This is still true if he announces running for Speaker.

sillysausage 1 point ago +1 / -0

What's your plan for the next date after 9/15 passes without anything so dramatic? Helpful to have backups prepared.

sillysausage 1 point ago +1 / -0

Also, the Georgia race isn't happening till December, so we very well might not have a senate majority - like, at all. We might get stuck in a statistical limbo for a bit.

I don't know if the the VP is allowed to vote in things like choosing a senate majority leader?

sillysausage 1 point ago +1 / -0

Surprised this comment isn't more prevalent. At this point, Oregon might not even be called in 5 days, even though we all know how it's going to go. To say nothing of actual battlegrounds like Arizona.

sillysausage -3 points ago +1 / -4

State's rights tho

Also, are you seriously out here saying that a timetable set 250+ years ago when the population was 4 million (and only the white, land-owning men could vote) should be religiously followed today, when the population is nearly one hundred times larger, and nearly anyone over the age of 18 can vote? What an embarrassing thing to say in public.

If the Founding Fathers wanted to write the constitution in stone, they would have written it in stone.

sillysausage -6 points ago +1 / -7

You are actually advocating for people to not be able to vote due to circumstances out of their control. A vote that wasn't able to be cast is just as damning as a fake vote.

Do you really want ability to vote to be at all influenced by financial prospects? Because that's what you're proposing. Mail-in voting guarantees access to voting as well as a hand count. Election machines are a much bigger danger to election security, since it elides the need for anything to be physically moved, much less trucks of things to be moved.

sillysausage 5 points ago +5 / -0

He wasn't even produced from PA. That's the problem. He's a Jersey elite some SuperPAC tried to pass off as Trump Lite

sillysausage 1 point ago +1 / -0

They are relating to nothing though! It's a meaningless meme! Do you want to convince people, or do you just want to trick em?

sillysausage 1 point ago +1 / -0

Gotta hand it to ya, that would rock the world.

sillysausage 3 points ago +3 / -0

Theory: He's going to swerve on everyone and announce TrumpTV

sillysausage 6 points ago +6 / -0

No might. PRISM means everything is being catalogued. Active surveillance is a tool for the neanderthal. Algorithms are already used, something closer to true AI is next if not already being used, to correlate data across the rest of the surface level Western internet. Right now, these words are logged on an NSA server. No one is actually looking at them, but they are stored so that may occur at any point in the future. Meanwhile, computers are crunching this raw data and feeding the algorithm to get better at recognizing patterns and "threats".

sillysausage 1 point ago +1 / -0

No accomplishments? He has actual experience governing. He won a race by one vote. His arm is covered in testaments to his own failures. He has an inherently more interesting story, especially to a Pennsylvanian, than Snake Oil McCarpetbagger over here. And politics is all about who tells the best story.

Someone tried to reverse-engineer the Trump magic with lesser clay and it clearly didn't work.

sillysausage 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hey, maybe this year the meme will work

sillysausage 1 point ago +1 / -0

Kind of hard to mandate time off for workers without it being a federal holiday. If it's important, why not have it be recognized while also making sure no one has to choose between life and voting?

Until machines are booted from elections entirely, I'll continue to be happy with a system that enforces hand-counted ballots while also making voting a quick and easy process that can be enjoyed in comfort at home, accompanied by a quick trip to the library.

sillysausage 1 point ago +1 / -0

UM, YEAH. There is no need for money laundering when you just do it legally and out in the open through taxes. We know how much welfare corporations (especially those with ties to the MIC) receive through tax breaks, refunds, and straight up subsidies. We know which politicians are on the boards of or have portfolios based on these companies. We know these corporations like ABK regularly rake in billions while not just not paying taxes, but actually getting more from our tax dollars than they put in.

Powerball doesn't need to be a scam to be a scam. Even if everything about the operation is above-board and as-advertised, it's still panem et circum that bolsters the government's budget (that is being drained by corporations) by funneling more money out of the working class by playing on their dreams of transcending their station all while further cementing them in that station by exploiting a fluke of human biochemistry (the Skinner Box effect).

sillysausage 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm guessing most of those folks were likely to vote for whomever the R candidate was anyways, and the number of those that aren't is less than half a million.

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