sillysausage 3 points ago +3 / -0

That's only true if it was actually stolen from him, and not a smokescreen. Also, if he is legally allowed to run again, and he does lose the primary, it will be to someone younger taking his ball and running farther with it, not to some Jeb successor. That way of life in the RNC is over.

sillysausage 3 points ago +4 / -1

Man if I'm shilling, I need to get better because I am earning nothing doing this. And I reject the notion that it's "dooming" to say military interventions only work after the national red pill has been swallowed. It's not "dooming" to say that twiddling your thumbs and waiting for the same people who invade sovereign nations and force unproven Anthrax vaccines upon their soldiers to save you is an ineffective plan.

That said, I have to say I appreciate and respect you putting a concrete assertion with a timetable on the... er, table: A slim majority for the letter R in both house and Senate. Which leads to an investigation caused by the letter D which will activate a trap card and cause it to be rebounded upon themselves.

I mean, I thought that was the point of all the stolen records shenanigans, so pulling the same trick twice at basically the same time seems at best overkill, and at worst a tactical mistake that could cause both schemes to run into each other and simultaneously fail. But we'll see! I'm gonna wait a week or two before calling it on the "slim leads in both chambers" prediction.

sillysausage 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's wild to love a politician because of the fear and hate he inspires in your enemies, and then go all surprised Pikachu when those strong emotions translate into action against your principles.

What possibly could have spurred these three groups into greater voting amounts this time? Now let's see, one data point is in 2018, one data point is in 2022, almost like it implies something big happened between those numbers. Now, I can't remember any really big news stories happening before 2018, so it's probably not that.

But, if say, for example, speaking purely hypothetically, if there had been some global event that radically altered the plans of every high-schooler in the nation, causing them to see their education (and expected/projected futures) just fall apart in real time? That might cause some big movements. And it's a good thing no unarmed Black people were executed in the streets (or their own bed) by the State without a trial, judge, or jury, for crimes that do not incur the death penalty, causing mass levels of political action and organization, or then these numbers would make sense. And we should above all other things be thankful that a life-long right for women wasn't weakened and put into national jeopardy during the summer right before a midterm election. Things might get really spicy if that were the case.

sillysausage 1 point ago +3 / -2

You don't know anything about young people! They are equally passionate and tired, energized and hopeless.

sillysausage 1 point ago +1 / -0

Unless, of course, he was talking out of his ass at that particular juncture.

sillysausage 2 points ago +4 / -2

Yeah, I mean who could have predicted an elitist TV host who doesn't know how grocery stores work would lose a political race against someone with an actual history of governance?

At the end of the day, politics is about storytelling. Obama told a stronger, more appealing story than McCain. Trump told a much stronger story than Clinton. And Fetterman and his tattoos told a stronger story than Oz was able to muster. Oz is used to telling light stories in short stints with little push-back and the ability to redo anything that goes really bad. He's a classic good primary politician, bad general pick.

Oz really felt like some SuperPAC trying to recreate that Trump magic via demographic similarities and not on actual strength of communication.

sillysausage 5 points ago +6 / -1

If the military is the only way, you have already lost. Military intervention before revelations equals civil conflict that pulls America from its position as world leader. We will come out the other side in a worse overall position than we've been in decades if not centuries, and into a world where rebuilding will be harder than ever, due to dwindling renewable resources both locally and abroad.

And also, um, the military knows this? I truly don't get why y'all expect the same Military-Industrial Complex that happily went along with the invasion of Iraq to take an action that would immediately threaten the legitimacy (and most importantly, revenue potential) of the American MIC empire. Truly baffling.

sillysausage 5 points ago +6 / -1

Well, he can't run if he was President this whole time. You can only serve two terms.

sillysausage 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm less familiar with 8chan, no, 8kun's UI. Q doesn't appear to be a tripfag here. Is there any indication outside of the post body that this is actually from Q/a Q team member? Anything that ties this post into previous posts beyond style and signature?

See, I was under the impression that we were mostly on deltas and Q hadn't directly communicated in awhile. What is the delta between yesterday and the previous transmission?

sillysausage 1 point ago +1 / -0

All the comments along these lines assume that enough people in a different country with a different history and culture wouldn't vote for a New World Order. You will be surprised to learn that not everyone around the world enjoys the CWO.

sillysausage 1 point ago +1 / -0

Y'all, the elites don't need your Powerball scraps. This is chump change. If this particular money is being siphoned, it's being siphoned the usual way - via pork. Or whatever is the hip way these days to refer to sweetheart spending measures passed by Congress.

sillysausage 1 point ago +1 / -0

Y'all, a bomb threat at one New York City school on a school day is not a guaranteed false flag. It is not, in fact, obvious. And that's a lot of Dem votes. If it becomes part of a larger pattern, sure, but until then, the pre-election false flag event has still failed to appear. As expected. No fireworks until subpoena is attended or avoided at the very least. My guess is nothing big (in America) this calendar year.

sillysausage 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is a terrible argument, especially if you're against electronic vote gathering. There are no mail-in AGT ballots. You could maybe say "lol", but this does not deserve an "Indeed!". It's rhetorical nonsense. Trying to bolster your point by comparing people pressing one button on their phone to a secure election (that in my view, necessarily involves a hand count) just makes your point weaker and kind of embarrassing.

It's honestly very strange how "over-population is real and is a real problem", "electronic voting is majorly suspect and probably not as secure as a hand count by humans", and "if counting the vote takes longer than a day, that necessarily means something fishy is going on" all commingle as popular ideas alongside each other on this board.

It's like people complaining about new Pokemon games not having all the Pokemon. Time is linear (for us), populations increase, and you can't fit a growing population into the same sized box in perpetuity. Eventually, something's gotta give. Also, more people are voting than had been, as more and more are drawn screaming into the void that is partisan politics.

sillysausage 2 points ago +2 / -0

Imagine reading this and believing it

sillysausage 2 points ago +2 / -0

Everyone's cool until the first civil lawsuits for spreading Covid-19 get approved

by lethak
sillysausage 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, the country is actually divided on vaccines required at schools, a practice decades old. Yes the country is not all of one mind as to whether people in costumes (drag ≠ transexual) reading stories to children is evil. The country is absolutely divided on whether it matters if people with more of a genetic claim to this land than most of us come here to perform our worst jobs for under market rates, thus raising the amount of capital created in our capitalist civilization, all while paying sales taxes. The country is very concerned with secure elections, but for half the voting public, Jan 6 means that Trump running would make an election inherently insecure. For half the country, unequal access to ballot boxes is as important if not more important than the security of those ballot boxes. And while the country is not divided over disliking price hikes, the country is not in agreement as to whether we should be blaming Biden or Putin or corporations. A lot of people are still generally Ukraine-pilled.

You do a disservice to your opinion and your ability to defend your opinion when you assume due to local conditions that it enjoys broader support than it actually does. Don't forget, this Public Face of Q only gets something like 5 million monthly views. I'm pretty sure the Real Public Face of Q (John DeLancey) gets more monthly views. Which is fine! Popularity of opinion does not correlate to accuracy, which is kind of my point.

sillysausage 1 point ago +1 / -0

How? It's tracking data, and people spend time in their houses. For the data to be precise enough to show visiting specific ballot box drop-offs, it would necessarily show where these people sleep. They had half a million data sets from Georgia alone! Are you suggesting they individually edit out time spent at homes hundreds of thousands of times?

This is all to say nothing of the fact that when vote-by-mail is an option, houses also count as ballot drop-offs sites. And that even if they could remove that sensitive data - anyone with the capital can just buy that incredibly sensitive data shouldn't that be a larger concern???

sillysausage 2 points ago +2 / -0

The thing about mail-in voting is that you don't have to interact with any machines beyond a car to drive you to the library.

sillysausage 1 point ago +1 / -0
  1. Good point! Except I would argue the pay system alone in no way mitigates the same thing from happening. We know that paying for a service doesn't guarantee you can continue to do so - the service provider in America has very wide prerogative to refuse service at any time. New leadership, new people making those decisions is what mitigates bias. The New Boy King seems to want to mitigate top-down bias in the platform. That doesn't mean his introductions to the platform inherently mitigate said bias, especially when he gets bored with his shiny new toy and has less and less of his hands on the reigns.

  3. Tools can corrupt the wielder, especially the most useful ones. My argument is not old as time and is actually very specific. A real-time communication tool with a restrictive limit on how much can be said at a time without any indicators that your conversant is currently typing is a bad communication tool. It is, in fact, a good tool for miscommunication.

There's a reason why Twitter has been hemorrhaging users for a decade - it's not a good tool or service, and they know it. It's an addictive service, and they know it. Twitter has undergone many changes (specifications in UX) in the past decade, and all of them have been not about changing the platform to bring more people in, but changing the platform to keep more people in. They know they can't bring in more than they lose, so the Twitter ethos for years has been to make the service as mentally difficult to leave as possible. It's a retention-only game, which I would guess is a big part of why Musk got cold feet.

Going in aware of these things takes away a significant portion of its power. But only a fool would believe awareness of a snake gives you mastery over the snake.

sillysausage 1 point ago +1 / -0

Um, yes, until they release the complete data set for all to comb through, instead of just relying on "No trust us, there is only one way to read the data and we read it correctly so you don't need to, and we definitely helped solve a murder". And the fact that they had the ability to cull locational data points like libraries and McDonalds and other multi-use sites that temporarily housed ballot boxes, and didn't? Threw all that data noise in there? That tells me the data without multi-use sites was not compelling enough - that there wasn't enough evidence going by just ballot boxes, and so the data and point had to be weakened by roping in a category of places people have very good reasons for visiting multiple of in a day. And the filmmakers just assumed whoever watched it wouldn't notice or wouldn't care.

And this is to say nothing of how, as a privacy advocate, the very fact they were able to just purchase huge swaths of individual American movement patterns (and thus, ANYONE IN THE WORLD WITH NOT EVEN THAT MUCH MONEY RELATIVELY SPEAKING COULD DO THE SAME) should be very concerning and an integral part of the conversation around this film/book.

I stand by what I said, until a better data set comes out. Until then, your assertions are as believable as 2020's "If Biden wins in November, the media will suddenly stop talking about COVID!"

P.S. I want to be clear - I'm not sure the 2k Mules data SHOULD be released in full to the public, due to privacy concerns. Since it's geotracking data, and most people spend at least some portion of every day in their house, the data could be easily used by anyone to pinpoint the movements of specific people. But without any raw data released, the findings as they were conveyed are at best questionable. It's a sticky Catch-22, for sure.

sillysausage 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's also a good thing to coat your bandana/facemask in to combat the effects of tear gas

sillysausage 1 point ago +1 / -0

Make sure there's no thujone unless you want to put it up the pucker

sillysausage 1 point ago +1 / -0

The userbase didn't get "bent out of shape" - Tumblr's new owners kicked the majority of their userbase off, while removing a major side-activity enjoyed across most subsections of the rest of the userbase. And they invented the phrase "female-presenting nipples", which pissed everyone off.

sillysausage -1 points ago +1 / -2

Well, one can actually make you happy and one requires you to use Twitter, so I can understand the faces

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