sillysausage 1 point ago +1 / -0

Major doubt that the FDA actually said this anywhere as easily accessible as a YouTube video...

sillysausage 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why are we talking about villagers? You're the one reacting with fear to a train with multiple colors on it. I agree it's a tiresome trope, stop playing into it.

sillysausage 0 points ago +1 / -1

As long as they changed the rules properly, yes. That's how the legal system works. Sorry you thought justice was involved?

sillysausage 2 points ago +2 / -0

Glad you made it through, and make sure to always keep those spiritual ears open! <3

sillysausage 1 point ago +1 / -0

You said it right there. You, you said it. In your post. And then concluded with "justice was not served here". Amazing.

Sorry, but damn, you are not good at this. You just said the evidence showed "The possibility of an incorrect outcome of this election is possible." THAT'S NOT ENOUGH. Possibility is conjecture! That is not enough in our current legal framework. The evidence has to show that an incorrect outcome happened, not that it's possible. You might not like that morally/spiritually, but that's legally how the law works.

The law was served correctly in this case. The judge made the correct decision with the evidence, or lack thereof he was given. That of course doesn't mean justice was necessarily served, but if you expect the law and justice to always be on the same page, I've got some dry land on the Florida coast to sell you. Cheap.

sillysausage 0 points ago +1 / -1

No, but you need evidence, and they didn't have that. They had 1200 ballots that were counted a few hours later than intended, with nothing to contradict the State's narrative of error. Witnesses are a great way to overcome a lack of hard, physical, data-driven evidence. And lie-detector tests are iffy and very seldom used, so... Lake failing to come up with a witness willing to say what needs to be said to move the process along is on Lake's legal team.

Y'all should be focusing on removing scanners entirely, instead of getting tricked into throwing money into a legal pit. In the Southwest. Again.

sillysausage 1 point ago +1 / -0

When I say "attributed to error", I didn't mean just "random machine error". Or I would have said that. With words that describe. I chose simply the word "error" so as to imply the multiple types of error there are. Did you know? Human error is a type of error! Human error does not happen consistently! I can only assume you didn't know, or you wouldn't have said such silly things like

"Any error would have been consistent across the entire set of scanners". And that is how I know you know nothing about computers or manufacturing! That is ABSOLUTELY not how things work. You get duds in mass-produced shipments of electronics all the time, and the rest of the box is fine. You can buy 20 brand new computers, the same type, from the same person, set them up and all have them run the exact same inputs, and within a week you could see differences in some of the machines if you're unlucky.

I would love a link to "the vast majority" were set to 19 instead of 20, instead of the 1200 ballots I heard from the Lake team.

And yes, it is conjecture, since you apparently don't know what conjecture means either. It is conjecture that the scanner settings changes were malicious and anything other than a result of trying to get the scanners to print. It's very weak conjecture since those 1200 ballots were counted, so failing to see the harm there. It is not conjecture that settings were changed, which the State has not disputed. Settings being changed as a result of the product not performing the intended action is not against the law.

Now, this would be a big whole to-do and a massive issue if those affected ballots were never counted. But they were counted. So the best fraud the Lake team could come up with is some people had to wait longer than they wanted to vote. They couldn't prove harm or intention, and they couldn't get anyone willing to perjure themselves. The Lake legal team messed up.

sillysausage 1 point ago +1 / -0

A shit show isn't against the law. Doesn't matter if the judge sees through it, being a judge is about being a human robot who interprets pre-written code, not about trusting your gut or your best judgement. Yes, being a judge is less about personal judgement and more about making sense of hundreds of years of legal writing and decisions and making a choice that doesn't break the edifice.

The printer wasn't working. If the printer isn't printing, you don't just sit around and not print out any ballots. You try and fix it. Especially since "there were delays" was about the only solid evidence the Lake team could muster. You... you claim to be an IT professional and then apparently mix up certification and configuration. Certification doesn't lock in configurations, and I know of no law that mentions specific printer settings like fit-to-screen.

And yes, you do go into an election and try printer settings until they work because you have hordes of people who refuse to use mail-in-voting but also get very upset if in-person voting takes longer than they wanted waiting right there. You don't just refuse to print out some people's ballots because an unexpected printer error happens (which is why voting should be a paper process with a hand-count, but then all the date fetishists on here would get mad) - are you insane? You do whatever you can to get these people's ballots printed out! So their vote can be counted!!

And then when you do, and it still doesn't work, you keep working at it until eventually those votes are counted, while someone else stops the printer error from repeating itself. Which is what happened. Yet again, I must remind you that the 1200 ballots were counted, so there's the entire failure to establish harm as well. I'm sorry, but 1200 votes being counted a few hours later than intended is not a shit show. It's more evidence in favor of handcounts, but it's no disaster.

The best argument that could be made was delays cause lines to swell, and it's possible potential voters see the line and balk or decide to leave the line before voting. Since the Lake team only really had that batch of 1200 in the most densely populated county they couldn't prove anything was widespread and thus systemic. And really, since mail-in voting was available and advertised, "the line was too long" is not a valid excuse to the judicial world which currently holds mail-in voting as acceptable. If you didn't block out the whole day to secure your vote, that says more about you than it does about Kari Lake or her evidence.

Also, it's really hard to prove that someone intentionally tried to throw the election when the only evidence is one handful of ballots that were counted. If it was an evil plan, that's a shit evil plan that doesn't accomplish anything. Occam's Razor says its a heady mixture of human and machine error. Which is why we should have hand counts and not digital ballot scanning. Any money y'all want to spend would be better spent on ballot initiatives (or pressuring state legislature if that's what's needed in Arizona) to remove machines from the voting process, and not tossed away on a hopeless legal case with zero legs to stand on.

The way judges are supposed to work is they are allowed to be human and have emotions and be sympathetic to ideas, narratives, and zeitgeists. But they must put those sympathies aside - the onus is on the plaintiff to bring arguments and evidence that will work within the established legal framework. Lake's team failed to do that, and they couldn't even get one person willing to perjure themselves for a higher cause! That last bit was really my main point - the Lake team came apparently unprepared to play ball in the light or in the shadows. Smells to me like Cyber Ninjas fishing for a quick buck all over again.

sillysausage 3 points ago +3 / -0

It sure was some trick someone played to get people to think of bikes as an effete liberal elite affected choice of transportation, when there is no purer vehicular expression of rugged individualism and self-determination

It's almost like the problem with bikes is that you can't control population movement the way leftists like as well as you can with trains/busses, and you can't guarantee ongoing capitalist consumerism with the purchase the way cars do.

sillysausage 2 points ago +2 / -0

We know that COVID was in Ameri a at least as far back as December 2019

sillysausage -7 points ago +5 / -12

No, it wasn't plain to see. The only evidence was that things had changed. For 1200 ballots. That were flagged and then done by hand so every vote was counted. The state's explanation for the change was an error as a result of IT changing all the settings trying to get the printers to work. Anyone who's worked with printers professionally knows that these machines do not always behave logically, and you sometimes just got to try a bunch of different settings until one of them works. One of those settings is "size-to-fit", which ironically is an option that can make things not fit, because of how the computer recognizes margins.

Kari Lake's team could not come up with any evidence to counter this narrative for why the mistake happened, and again, the mistake was caught and rectified day of. This caused delays which her team complained about, but those delays were a result of publicly appearing to take a problem seriously and take the slow necessary steps to rectify a discrepancy. There's just not much legally here to stand on.

If anything, it's an endorsement for the Oregon system of mail-in only with hand-only count, since that avoids both the problems Maricopa ran into with ballot scanning. But I know y'all hate that.

sillysausage 1 point ago +1 / -0

So, what's different about it than other rainbow colored stuff I had as a kid in the 80s and 90s? I don't remember my troll dolls saying "NOT FOR FAGS" on the cardboard next to the rainbow hair

What I'm saying is you are tripping over yourself to give up the symbol of God's covenant even when it appears where it always has - on kid's toys. Thomas isn't kissing Percy or anything, it's literally a train with a rainbow on it. Like have existed for decades.

It is not true that every single children's toy made with a rainbow on it is now homosexual propaganda, but you are making it so in effect by reacting with this much fear. It's quite amusing.

sillysausage 0 points ago +1 / -1

I recommend trying reading comprehension, person whose name is a call for violence even though I've been banned for saying there are calls to violence on this board.

  1. Previous versions of the DSM may have, but a big change in the V was a general "progressive"-izing of the DSM and particularly its language around classifications. Your comment tells me you haven't actually cracked open your copy, or you would know language like "This is the most severe mental disorder" or any sort of ranking where one mental disorder is placed at the top just doesn't happen.

  2. Gender Dysphoria is not the same as trannies. It's squares and rectangles, since many trans people don't experience Gender Dysphoria. And for those that do or did, the recommended cure for GD is social and/or medical transition.

It's true that simply being gay, trans, or otherwise non-standard in expression of sex/gender used to be in the DSM, but that's not in the V. What the V does describe is a specific subset of depression that can be experienced (often by trans people, but the pregnant and recently pregnant can definitely experience Body Dysphoria at the very least). It does not say that simply being a transvestite or transexual is itself a mental illness.

If you actually knew anything about the DSMV, you'd probably call it woke garbage, so maybe don't bring up to bolster your arguments. It just makes you look like a fool who parrots arguments without researching them.

sillysausage -6 points ago +4 / -10

Not the judge's fault the Lake team couldn't get one single witness to say they saw direct tampering. At the end of the day, that's on her and her team. Either the legally decisive evidence they claimed to have never existed, or they were unwilling to play the crooked game and risk perjury to push this thing along.

sillysausage -5 points ago +5 / -10

Kari Lake's team couldn't come up with a single witness who saw tampering actually happen, leaving all evidence circumstantial, and you know how courts feel about circumstantial evidence. You can and maybe should fight for there to be less strict rules for what counts as what strength of evidence, but the judge did nothing judicially unusual. And centuries of American legal precedent rely on judges not going with their gut.

You aren't going to get someone who put decades of their own life into studying the great marble edifice that is our legal system and working for it to throw that away for 1200 ballots that were counted.

sillysausage -3 points ago +9 / -12

That's conjecture, though. I'm sorry, but the Lake team never offered evidence that meets the current tests and standards. You can and arguably should argue that the tests for evidence should change, but the entire point of judges is to follow laws as written over pursuing the most "correct" outcome.

Lake couldn't put up a single witness who said they saw direct tampering, and all evidence of irregularities could just as easily be attributed to error (any IT professional will tell you that when doing live event work, things can get more broken before they get fixed, especially if you have volunteers in the staffing pool) whether human or computer as it could be attributed to malice. Lake didn't come prepared with any witnesses who could say they saw someone intentionally change settings, just that printer settings were changed. That's simply not enough - and there's a reason why the court and the court of public opinion are kept as separate as possible.

And then you throw in that the Lake team's best argument were just 1200 ballots that all ended up being counted, things just took time? I'm sorry, but the judge was only following the centuries-old confines of his job in ruling against Kari Lake.

sillysausage -1 points ago +1 / -2

Ah yes, the classic tale of Americans performing war crimes before we even were American

That's what you get for celebrating the birth of Christ! You get slaughtered in your sleep!

sillysausage 2 points ago +2 / -0

The RNC knows they lost, fairly or not. But they lost this go round. After Cyber Ninjas, anyone who gives money to an election fraud boondoggle in the Southwest is not a person of faith, but a person of stupidity.

I say this to communists a lot, and it's a problem I see equally well-represented here: being correct is not enough. We do not live in a meritocracy and never have. You cannot simply throw enough money and righteous indignation at a problem and be rewarded for choosing correctly.

If you live in Arizona and you really can't think of any better use for your money than to throw it in a pit with a picture of someone you like on it, go for it, I guess, but that money can actually do something locally.

sillysausage 1 point ago +1 / -0

Some people hate God's covenant with us I guess

sillysausage 1 point ago +1 / -0

You literally tricked yourselves into getting mad at a toy train with an image of God's covenant on it

I see people complaining on here all the time about them "taking" the symbol of the rainbow from you, and here y'all are freely giving it away. We never had Thomas, but I definitely had those smaller wooden trains and some of them were in a rainbow pattern. This was well before there were queers in every part of American business life

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