For anyone curious, this is actually the nicest way I could find to clarify the finer points of the phrase:
Fuck around and find out.
It was always their play to move the chess piece that is "vaccine" mandates for children.
It's one of their last moves they can play. It's unfortunate they get to play it during mid-terms.
One must remember, they could have approved the child "vaccine" at any point. That they are doing it now can only mean it's to set up a narrative push. When the kids start dropping dead to heart attacks at the age of 5, that's when shit hits the fan. We have to make sure they can't escape in the confusion.
Understand that we, our children included, are already dead because the enemy is in power and they have willed death upon us.
What's happening right now, and the fight we face, is the fight to return to life. The only tears worth shedding now are tears of joy for the ones who were dead and are alive again.
It's not an easy lesson because it requires us to admit we have failed to stay vigilant in the face of Evil and must now fix what we can before we lose it all.
No one should be surprised.
This is the problem we're meant to give our attention: they aren't ELECTED representatives.
The CDC, FDA, IRS, ATF, FBI, CIA, etc. are all positions above the reproach of the voter. They are rogue agencies working on behalf of special interests, if only because they cannot be held to account by the People who have to suffer the fallout from their heinous and greedy decisions.
Nothing was going to change this outcome, because nothing can change this outcome.
They all need to be abolished. That's the only solution.
What I mean by that is this:
A book may hold a lot of knowledge within its pages, but at the end of the day it will continue to just sit there until provoked.
A book cannot act on its own. It needs someone to crack the pages and flip through them.
I'm like a book. I have accumulated a ton of knowledge, but I fail to put any of it to any appreciable use of my own accord. If this site did not exist, with people asking questions, I would invariably find myself gaining dust on a shelf...
This is quite the coincidence...
Did they take my advice?
I wouldn't hold your breathe on full declass in our lifetime.
60% must remain private [at least] - for humanity.
I got to be honest with you. I've looked into the Grimoires. The real ones that read like law manuals.
7 Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. - Exodus 20:7
It's not just about cursing or swearing to God. There's another level in the meaning that they intentionally worked towards eradicating in modern culture.
The hokey Satanic rituals you know in movies and fantasy stories are the cover story. Real rituals are far more nefarious. Humanity is far more guilty than you'd expect in terms of the systemic abuse of God's angels.
Unfortunately, a sufficient number of demons have good reason to hate Humans. Our "leaders" spiritually rape angels and demons on a regular basis. This is a Spiritual War that's been going on since the dawn of Humanity...
I've only touched on the deeper side of the rabbit hole. It's not something you can maintain sanity on for very long. The biggest threat of reading that crap is that you start to think like them.
You don't want to risk thinking like them...
Luckily for me, I'm lazy. There's little risk in me pursuing the occult practices simply because I don't have the gumption to do simple things let alone go out and harvest body parts and live children in order to enter into a contract with a demon. Not everyone fits into that niche, though, which is why I prefer not to link to Grimoires if I can help it.
Depends on how literally you take the concept of a werewolf.
Ponder on this article, then get back to me...
If Trump is a werewolf, are we to assume he actually turns into a big bulking man-wolf creature?
Or does he simply operate like one? Metaphorically.
Like how the Cabal call us sheep.
Durham goes by the moniker Bulldog. Is he literally a bulldog, or does he operate like one?
Personally, I think Werewolves are their code name for when a (former)Cabal member starts hunting down Bloodline members. They are "man" eaters, who have turned on their own kind.
Like the vampire post, I wrote more on it in the same thread --
Username definitely does not check out!
I'm sleepy because I have narcolepsy. Most likely as the result of a meningitis vaccine I took in 7th grade. I lost 3 months to being asleep with what they thought was mono. Turns out, I never had the Epstein-Barr virus, so it wasn't mono...
As a result, I'm always sleepy. In some moments I enter a dream-like state that's like a fever dream and all my dream memories come back to me. It's not pleasant.
I figure if I have any powers of discernment it comes at the cost of the narcolepsy.
I have a theory that autism and other mental diseases which are the cause of Big Pharma's chemical maliciousness to mentally castrate us sheep is backfiring, all part of God's plan. They think they left us as anxious wrecks, but in their attempts to poison us they gave some of us heightened levels of spiritual discernment and pattern recognition.
They sowed the seeds of their own destruction. Personally, I see it as God having a sense of humor when it comes to exacting retribution for the actions of evil people.
That's what I get from this post anyways:
For more insight, since you mention the word "talent"
Look up "talent" in the bible.
See how often it is associated with gold.
Correct, but make sure to not fully decouple the physical aspects.
"transmuting blood of children into gold"
Have you heard the phrase "Worth its weight in gold"?
Gold is the symbol for invention and potential.
- "There's gold in them hills!"
- "You're sitting on a gold mine!"
- "Stay gold, Ponyboy..."
- "All that glitters is not gold"
Gold is what the alchemists call any substance which dreams are made of in its raw form. Star dust.
Think of it more in terms of Opportunity, Discovery, and as a Treasure to pursue. A McGuffin, perhaps.
How, then might we relate this to children?
Because children are like the blank slate, which can be molded and bashed into any shape or form of your pleasing. Similarly to how gold can be used in crafts.
Within a child rests infinite potential. If you can harvest it, and turn it into something substantial. You can turn them into a Living Stone upon which rests your Empire.
Britney Spears comes to mind...
We're talking Philosopher's Stones here.
As for taking it literally versus figuratively, I have to say that it's both.
They harvest adrenochrome from children. They harvest their blood. They harvest gold from children. Both spiritual gold, as described above, and actual, vulgar gold.
Consider the legendary city of El Dorado. A city paved in gold. Where did they get that gold from? Well, taking one look at the blood drenched Ziggurats should give you a clue.
Make no mistake, they do also believe that by drinking deeply of a child's freshly squeezed juices they will be able to steal the potential and creative capacities of that child.
In order to Create Great Works, the fabled Magnum Opus, one needs a store of Creative energies to do so. They honestly believe they can steal those Creative Energies from children and then use those energies in order to produce Creative Works.
They necessarily must do this, mind you, because Evil cannot Create. Evil must steal from the Creative in order to proceed in its enterprises.
The catch 22 with the Philosopher's Stone is that only those who have no need of it will be able to find it. In other words, a human's most inspired works often come from a place of love of the craft rather than out of a desperate need to fulfill their desires. In other words, you can't merely catch lightning in a bottle.
I did a write up on what I think they mean in Comms.
In short, vampires are a type of "immortal."
They aren't allowed to die.
Which means they will use greenscreen, deepfakes, masks, body doubles or any other means to maintain the illusion that they are fine and well.
The logic to this theory is in practice.
Say there is a billionaire who is absolutely pivotal for your company to stay afloat. If the billionaire dies, so does your company's stocks, along with countless others.
So, it's fair to say the billionaire can't be allowed to die, in a literal sense. If they are shot, get cancer, have a heart attack, stroke, or get into a car accident, the wider public can't be allowed to know of such things simply because their death would lead to a massive economic disruption.
Both good and bad guys can understand this scenario.
The solution is to offer them "immortality." In other words, you as a company underling offer to arrange alter egos of them to appear in public if necessary to avoid undue risk to the individual.
For example, do you really think a Rothschild would really be willing to be seen walking down the street? So many would want that fucker dead, or kidnapped at the very least. Imagine the pay day for an enterprising criminal!
Those "body doubles", stooges, or even paid politicians are like a vampire's thralls -- who operate in the daylight while the "vampire" is allowed to operate in the dark.
Sunlight = attention, and if they get too much attention they burn.
People like George Soros rely on his name not being a household name, but he can't avoid being named in conspiracy circles. Because of that, we can assume he's not really the head of the operation, so he's not a Master Vampire. He'd bound to another and only operates as part of a "Coven."
It's pretty fucking clear Alexander Soros is actually in charge of his empire right now, but probably hasn't taken "vampire rites" yet. George Soros is most likely long since dead or at least he'd rather be. Even his assets have already been dollied out to his kids.
In my opinion, Soros is an example of a low-ranking vampire. In particular, he's both vampire and an owl.
$OrOS was his chosen name, because it looks like a horned owl with the "r" being a little beak.
That accounts for vampires being able to shapeshift into bats, dogs, and other nightly creatures...
Owls are creatures who are wise and deliver messages (wings=messenger) of the night -- the occult. Harry Potter represents them well enough in their symbolic form.
Oh, if that's the case then I'll give you a brief summary as to what they pitch.
Right now we have a system which is running on a delay. Even though you tell a computer to transfer funds, what you're actually transferring is a statement of funds which sends a digital sum of money to your end destination, but it still requires some degree of time to work through the cogs of the Banking machine.
This is by necessity, because while electronic transfers are fast, they aren't lightspeed fast. You have to group transfers at times because otherwise there would be too much room for error and redundancy.
This delay, where your actual funds are changing hands, can be long and drawn out. Compare it to working a job, where you do the work on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and receive no compensation, Thursday is payday, which is when you actually get compensated for your work.
That's just one cursory example to explain the theme.
The same thing happens with Banks. To make things easier, they lump some financial transfers together. That's where fraud can take place.
Someone can take the money out, gamble with it, and as long as the money is back by the time the transfer completes, you have left no paper trail and avoid suspicion.
Banks are doing this with our investments. Hedge funds running Naked Stock Shorts are one example of this scheme.
The problem arises when too many hands are pulling the same scheme on the same delayed transfer. If one messes up and can't pay out, they all go bust.
The QFS, therefore, suggests moving our binary system to a tertiary system. Instead of 0's and 1's, a Quantum system theoretically can fill in the gaps where 0's and 1's are not definite. This allows you to effectively compile systems using only the most essential 0's and 1's in the data packet, and use a Quantum system to fill in the gaps after the transfer is done being made.
If the transfer of data is immediate, and then unpacked at the end user, there is no room for fraud to take place. They can't skim funds off the money transfer to run their racket, which means they can't engage in fraud.
Or, at least, that's the theory.
What Clif High has gone into on his vod after looking at the opensource Quantum systems is that the procedure is a point-to-point function. It's not a live system. You press a button, the machine does the thing, and then it stops waiting for you to set it up again.
Compare it to a jackhammer versus dynamite. A jackhammer is a constant stream of damage against stone. Dynamite is a huge blast of damage all at once.
Our current system is like the jackhammer, whereas the QFS is like dynamite. There's no room for dynamite to allow for workers to slack off, because it's all done in an instant, but we must not forget the time it takes to set up the charges.
That's just like a Quantum system. It's all very accurate, and very effective with the expected results occurring immediately, but there is no way to set it up to run indefinitely. It's like a gun with a magazine that needs occasional periods of time to reload. That, and once a bullet is sent down range there's nothing you can do to alter the trajectory of the bullet.
The current system, in comparison, is like a stream of water. You can move the stream if something goes wrong, but you can't move the bullet once its in flight.
With that being the case, people like Clif High suggest that the system of the QFS is wishful thinking, same with the digital currency system of the Banks.
While the transfers are theoretically impervious to fraud schemes, embezzling, and laundering, they have not run the logistics on whether or not the start-stop Quantum system can even be grafted on to our current reality of money transfer.
In other words, it appears to be a pipe dream not unlike electric vehicles.
Sure, it would be nice to have everything run on a single form of energy, like electricity.
But just because it's nice doesn't mean it's possible. Electric vehicles don't work off-road, because there are no charging stations. You can't send wires out on a safari so your buggy can recharge. A portable fuel is the only option when going off grid.
That's just like the QFS. If we adopt it, cash goes bye bye because it physically CAN'T complete transfers of money instantaneously. Someone still has to go from the store to the bank and cash the money into an account.
Ultimately, that's why the QFS is a pipe dream. It doesn't take into account exceptions to the system. It makes too many assumptions, and shows the tell-tale markings of a university think-tank with no real-world experience coming up with a system that only works in their very specific experiment's constraints.
I hope that description helps at least a little bit.
I doubt it.
But my doubt of it is reason enough to suspect him.
It's a catch 22.
We are left to wonder if the White Hats are simply following the "so overt it's covert" method. Whomever the secondary prosecutor is, it's best for his true identity to be classified and obscure outside the necessary channels.
Everyone in the Cabal would be looking for a guy hiding in the bushes.
So, there is some merit in having the guy everyone is looking for NOT be in the bushes, but instead pretending to look for himself along with everyone else.
That's why I say it could be Giuliani. On paper, he's such a "of course he isn't the guy" that we can't neglect the possibility that it's actually a really good cover.
Personally, though, I wouldn't bet on Giuliani. He has connections in New York, but not anywhere else. We need a guy with definite reach, regardless of whether or not you're following the "so overt it's covert" method.
Many, like Clif High, are saying it's just the Bank's Digital Currency system wrapped up with a conspiracy bow to try and trick people into accepting the exact same system they'd otherwise be against.
Centralized digital currency is a bad thing. Quantum Banking/Financial systems are procedurally identical to the WEF Digital Currency / Social Credit system. The only difference is the promise that fraud would be impossible.
No... Think logically. Fraud is still possible for the ones running the system.
My clue for these schemes is whether or not they feel like we're being asked to put all our eggs in one basket. Diversify your assets. Don't bet everything on just one -- stocks, digital currencies like crypto, precious metals, real estate, physical property, or cash.
Why not have a bit of all the above? Why shove everything into a digital system?
It's always been wise to have a wide spread portfolio and maintain liquidity.
The QFS, as pitched by the likes of Ward and Parkes, reeks of a "one size fits all" fallacy, but that's just my humble opinion.
Look up all the dozens of lawsuits against Trump.
Trump is swamped with having to deal with these petty lawsuits. It's a financial drain as well as a drain on your free time.
Both sides can play this game. Giuliani setting up lawsuits keeps them tied up with siphoning funds away from their NWO plans and putting it towards a legal defense.
Imagine it like a battlefield. To avoid flanks and routing, one must posture on every front to deter enemy advances. Giuliani putting out a RICO suit is like a lone guy with a LMG on the western flank putting some bullets down range to keep the enemy's heads down and stop them from rushing the hill.
Perhaps, though I have my doubts on Giuliani being it.
I'm more thinking it's a Military Prosecutor or someone with Security Clearances at the very least. Giuliani doesn't have any Security Clearances to my knowledge.
Seems not, but I don't use Twitter, so I can't be sure.
To expound on those 4 points, as well
- Some pieces are upside down, with the blank cardboard facing side up. Trump gives us clues as to who is White Hat and who is Black Hat utilizing their TDS.
- Some pieces are notably different, like edge and corner pieces. Q forms the frame
- The final image is printed on the containing box, that is, if you have it still. We all know there is a caste of elite pulling the strings, but we haven't realized all the connections yet
- Your table must be larger than the final dimensions of the jigsaw puzzle. The Plan must be realistic. It's no good piecing things together if everything ends up falling off the table.
Yeah, which is why I think nukes are the least of our worries.
We're more at threat of volatile substances being dispersed everywhere and robo-dogs with turrets on their backs sniping us through our windows while playing Pfizer propaganda like you hear on pharmacy speaker systems.
Interesting take. It makes sense.
If you're only able to pin all the crimes on one person, Danchenko wouldn't be the ideal target.
My response:
Meanwhile drag queens are in no way considered meant to be a mockery of womanisms and female stereotypes, right?
The crazy dick and tit choppers may have had a slight point until the drag queen slapped his massive, hairy balls on the table of equity and oppression.
But, even if they aren't jailed, they will still be tied up giving testimony on their higher up's crimes as they make deals to dodge the gavel.
That said, the entire medical industry is also a fraudulent thing. When a Ponzi scheme comes crashing down the employees don't get to keep their jobs. When the entire leadership of a hospital is taken down, who will be there to fill the void and manage the thing?
No matter which way you cut it, the collapse will be a shitshow.
That's the true meaning behind "too big to fail." It simply means that the company going down will take down the entire economy with it, so you might as well overlook the fraud as it is the "lesser of two evils."
I'm always sleepy. Unless I'm not.
When I'm not sleepy, this stuff just sorta comes out of me.
Sometimes I write some stuff in the middle of the night and it gets no traction. I could withhold it until a better time so it gets more appeal, but I've pondered on it in depth and have decided that if even one person reads it it means they were the one for which it was written.
Because of that, when I feel compelled to write something, I don't ask questions. It just goes out to whomever needs it. I figure it's just the Holy Spirit doing what it does through me.
Often I read over what I've written after a day passes and it feels like I'm reading it for the first time -- like I wasn't the one who did it.
I'm a hypocrite in many ways, so I just assume that me forgetting I wrote it is a way for God to tell me I should live up to my words.