Still going to gift our income tax accountant a bottle of wine. He spent extra hours revisiting our docs and being on the phone with the vendor to dig out a glitch that was resulting in us supposedly owing the Feds hundreds of dollars. After the fix, we're getting refunded $5k.
Level 4 is 100% accurate and backed by documentation, including from the actual players involved. This urgently needs to become common knowledge instead of fringe.
Going beyond that to Level 5 while containing much truth, you have to leave rational arguments behind as a situation cannot be "proved" when communicating the ideas in an attention starved society depends on many non-falsifiable speculations. Secret societies by definition do not clearly disclose, nor leave behind accurate paper trails for liability to of their ultimate plans, intentions, and interconnections with other entities. IMHO not something worth soapboxing in social and political discourse.
- Yes, if one has the time and resources to really dive deep for oneself with due diligence, most of Level 5 can be clearly ascertained, it is the best explanatory theory for all the data, events and entities involved. But there are no shortcuts when it comes to that one.
As long as the full picture is inside the box, it's Schroedinger's Act. The truth in that box is both/and, it will only collapse into one or the other with some definitive disclosure:
Incompetent behavior and slip-ups of epic proportions, coming from those who have been perfecting deceptions and facades to attain the power they have had.
Acting competence of the highest order, embellishing moments of incompetence and slip-ups as a performance to the public. Coming from those who's entire career was based on projecting integrity and decency.
And that after two known assassination attempts on DJT, one nearly successful.
I think this tweet summarizes the most anyone can say about him, for or against, at this point.
Also notable that AJ rushed in to run cover for Miller, making a hilariously falsifiable comment that "a Libtard Sherrif just flipped out", referring to the openly pro Trump sheriff. LOL. Okay man.
Good stuff. Yes, I also had my dispensational phase decades ago. And tried to convince others in those errors, ugh. But we can't beat ourselves up too much, the end times campaigns and intricacy with how those Dispie bible teachers isolated and chopped up prophetic sections of scripture seemed so convincing, since they worked without an overarching framework. When there is no sense of the drama and progression of redemptive history from Genesis to Revelation, it's easy to misunderstand or ignore how Paul argued for example in Romans 4 and Galatians 3-4 how the blessings promised to Abraham were meant to be for all nations through the Seed promise fulfilled in Christ.
The initial guy cast for the role was all set, but Ermey's consulting and participation convinced Kubrick to go with him instead. The original guy was extremely upset about losing that role, but ended up at least playing the psycho helicopter gunner mowing down Vietnamese farmers later in the film. He ended up being the one saying the most disturbing line from the most disturbing film of the 80s.
The movie cut as it is, already pretty damning. I mean the shining pentagrams at the entrance to Ziegler's party in the beginning pretty much lays out the whole thing. The elite are inducted into a club that engages in ritual sexual abuse, including minors, as a form of currency, prestige, and blackmail to keep power in check.
But the film also does not leave a good feeling about where SK stood with the whole issue. After all, the end message is one of utter helplessness as the seats of power continued on, unperturbed by the "pretender", zero justice and zero meaningful exposure.
Matthew 23:38: "See, your house is left to you desolate." Jesus issued a devastating but necessary judgment upon the entire temple-priest syndicate, a money changer operation corrupted beyond any spiritual usefulness for God's people.
So many dispensational or Zionist-leaning Christians tend to think there is still some spiritual significance to old covenant paraphernalia, or a certain physical piece of real estate. But they miss the weight of Jesus' words of final judgment in Matt 23. Jerusalem, particularly the temple and priestly system, was supposed to be the spiritual loci for God's people. To gather and commune with a holy God through offerings, sacrifice, worship, and taking refuge in his special but dangerous Glory presence contained in that place and that system.
But Jesus, after final judicial inspection of the fig tree and its being barren of any fruit (Mark 11), announced that Glory presence would once for all abandon that house. "Desolate" = no more specific space and time system of atonement and cleansing from the guilt of sin. From then on, one must come to faith in Jesus Christ through the preaching ministry of his ambassadors the apostles.
That's why the author to the Hebrews wrote something interesting a little later in that same century to Jewish Christians who were considering going back to the old covenant religious practices. The author argued that, since the risen Christ who was the fulfillment of the priesthood and the temple had ascended triumphantly, and once and for all made a sacrifice for sin, that all "Jewish" religious rituals dependent on the old covenant system of altar and sacrifices are DEAD works that must be repented of (Hebrews 6:1). They can only come to Christ in order to be near to God, to receive grace, forgiveness and cleansing from sin.
The ark of the covenant? Long long long long gone and done with. God's intense, holy presence no longer descends upon inanimate objects like that, not since He sent His only begotten Son in flesh and blood.
Why does DJT have a venerated replica of it? Likely due to Chabad family entanglements. Make of that what you will.
I guess the ad hom fallacy is to deflect that you don't know anything about the non visual photoreceptor system. If you did, then you would at least interact with the core substance, and start to dig into why obesity tracks with poor circadian cycle controls and low Vitamin D levels.
btw do you happen to know the diff between visceral fat and subcutaneous fat?
Well you need to get up to speed on the role of light, leptin, and obesity then. LIGHT and dark cylces are what ultimately controls all metabolism and energy flows, its more fundamental than the food inputs. That can be proven. And obesity is basically an energy mis-allocation and dissipation problem due to an inflammatory brain state from a broken leptin system.
That's fine, all things are ridiculous we are not familiar with. You can start here:
Secondly, the Bitcoin criticism? That just means you don't believe in proactive, self sovereignty principles when it comes to attaining and protecting one's store of wealth.
He's not a health guru, he doesn't sell shitty supplements and swag. He's dispensing wisdom on how to leverage nature for long term wellness.
It seems few people in the alt / truth community appreciate or realize how easily they can be dazzled and played by irrational theories and plants. Misdirection is a powerful weapon by those social engineers at behest of the elite who want to convince people in certain predetermined ways how what they are seeing is not what it really is, and the explanatory theories given are just as tightly packaged as the climate change narratives to induce terror and anger, in fact terror-and-anger-to-action. But the desired action is not like the Climate Change narrative NPCs, its another kind of trap that only appeals to folks preconditioned to believe that anyone with any authority has semi-hidden, all powerful tech (but somehow its abandoned patents and mil spec docs are available online) to destroy the population; and are currently using tis tech against us. Mass induced trauma attempting to lead to another J6 style tipping point.
In the meantime, the mundane reality is there is a huge logical and logistical difference between AFFECTING the weather and CONTROLLING the weather. There is in fact zero evidence we have the means and energy inputs to literally MAKE a storm or STEER it. What is within the realm of physics and what is actually documented is that we can amplify rain, but at the expense of rain the next day... that's honestly about all that works. Everything else, all those abandoned patents being tossed around on social media, were failures.
Smoking gun classified mil spec docs popping up online is obvious misdirection, but hey the grifters got their red meat for the audience, so.
As you should be. Does anyone have any idea how much energy is needed to heat up water in a hurricane? Only force inputs from something like, say, the sun, could do that.
Oh wait, we've been getting hit with the largest X class solar flares of the year in recent weeks, all during a highly concerning magnetic pole shift making us extra susceptible to amplifications from the global electric circuit. What a coincidence.
The Global ELECTRIC circuit and SOLAR forcing, folks.
It is clear there is a lot of misdirection happening with this topic. Attempts at weather manipulation / amplification and patents exist, but that doesn't mean God-mode success targets. 90% of patents don't lead to operational projects b/c they failed testing. They don't live in projects just because someone patented a hair brained idea.
Dane Wigington, David Icke, and others in this space are framing this as as dialectic that its the mainstream narrative of human caused Climate Change, vs the "alt" theory of government secret massive tech manipulating weather events to very competently and successfully target the inconvenient parts of the population.
What these Geoengineering cats cannot or will not competently talk about are things like the Global Electric Circuit and the plasma energy that was just pumped into Milton over the last 48 hours, especially up to 24 hours ago, from the X-flare CME that struck the planet.
That's also why weather news sources are saying stupid shit like "This hurricane is nearing the mathematical limit of what Earth's atmopshere can produce" because they assumed a closed system model with no regard for the global electric circuit and solar forcing. the Global Electric Circuit and Solar Forcing; these are the processes of Mother Nature that can super-fuel a storm into a stronger one, for example superfuel a Tropical Storm into a CAT5 Hurricane. When the planet is hit with a stronger solar wind to boot like in the past 24 hours, it can also influence things on the surface more quickly, such as putting more pressure on volcanoes and earthquake stress points.
I think the misdirection has a purpose. Those in the know, know we are heading straight way into the next earth disaster cycle, as the sun is waking up, and nothing can be done about it. In their game theory, it would be better for the population to be divided and arguing over human caused behaviors vs government tech conspiracies. No room for discussing the pole shift and sun waking up, right on its 12000 year schedule. Meanwhile elites are at least building f***ing bunkers and space rockets for contingency plans.
Here's a recent example where he goes deeper into biophysics. This is the kind of content he lays out in multi part blog series
One interesting thing he said about Joe Rogan. Rogan has health issues he is suffering from that he is not sharing with his listeners.
Rogan is not what you should strive for if young and think testosterone supplementation is a good idea.
Yes good catch. T supplementation + chronic blue light and tech abuse go hand in hand, and despite short term wins the outcome is not going to be longevity. T supplmenetation can have a place especially for the older crowd, but it is context specific and not a band aid for everyone.
Similar thing could be said about CBD and pot. It's a patching strategy for mitochondrial problems due to constant circadian disruptions. Those who watch every sunrise and get their environment dark at night simply do not crave exogenous drugs like that. Now we know the bio physics of why rock stars crash and burn with addicitons so often. Their job description is to work and party at night, and sleep during the day. Dopamine levels are completely haywire, so drugs are a normalization strategy.
He is not a paytriot. IF you have never read his Patreon blogs, then you can think what you will. Or you could check it out and cut your losses if its a scam. Paying someone the equivalent of one Starbucks coffee a month for serious technical, no BS deep dives has some value. But the blogs often are NOT easy reading. You have to prioritize understanding them to get value.
He doesn't sell shit products or supplements that often can do more harm than good except for the seller's wallet.
He doesn't pimp merch
He doesn't respect those who do
He sells wisdom at discount
But its not for everyone. Honestly, most people prefer to bitch and moan he doesn't put everything for free on the Internet, even the stuff that will get him cancelled again.
The interesting thing is it's not really "addictive" as commonly believed. Unless you also label air as addictive. For one thing, we have nicotine receptors built into us. Its found plentiful in nightshades.
The addiction phenomenon is a multi faceted thing, not from the substance alone. If you're doing everything else right and living according to nature's precepts and cycles, you are not prone to destructive addictive pathways. Or to put it another way, if your lifestyle is so out of step with nature that you have lost the ability to produce appropriate amounts of dopamine, you will crave and seek out X, Y, and Z as essential substances / behaviors to normalize.