solmoratlis 1 point ago +1 / -0

All you really said is that this place has become an echo chamber. Which I knew, but still. Not my A game because what? You don't like my input? Because group-think is more grounded?

Sources are out there. I didn't come along to post a thesis. Yes, it's in the Bible, but I thought it would be interesting to point towards a group that uses the exact phrase A LOT. Especially when the founding fathers were freemasons. But all I have seen is that no one here really wants to explore possibilities anymore, they want to rally around their beliefs.

Y'all have become a mirror of Reddit, just for the other end of the spectrum. 😴

solmoratlis 1 point ago +1 / -0

Didn't mean that in a doomer sense, just that, without a religious level of faith, most would take the posts and the silence following the lost election to be a failure of mission.

solmoratlis 2 points ago +2 / -0

I shouldn't find it amazing, but I do find it amazing that not a single reply even entertained the idea. Even though it's literally the only organization I know of who uses that phrase. And it's an organization who has even been involved in similar efforts in other nations in the past, and, idk, the whole American Revolution thing. No wonder this site has dwindled.

solmoratlis 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm sure Google probably has images of masonic Bibles. They used to start with the phrase "darkness to light." IDK if they still do. It's also a phrase used in several core rites. I'm not really certain where the best resources for that information is online. I used to have a significant collection of masonic materials as a research project. Dark to light or darkness to light is all over the place.

solmoratlis 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is why I didn't mention it sooner. Because I knew people would be negative about it. 🙄

solmoratlis 1 point ago +4 / -3

I'm not a Q believer, but I have to agree that you're probably correct about Trump's fate. I don't think it's a step on the road to recovering anything, however. I think the game ended with the last election. We're just in the resolution phase, and the future is probably going to be very dark for a very long time.

solmoratlis 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's because all they have in life is causes, so they have to keep upping the ante to be relevant. Reality doesn't have a seat at their table. It's all ego and money.

solmoratlis 2 points ago +2 / -0

The far left want it dissolved because the SCOTUS is the last piece preventing their dreams of tyranny. If it falls, game over. Genocide will follow, because that's really what these lunatics are hankering for.

solmoratlis 3 points ago +3 / -0

So private conversations by Trump about not certifying the election are insurrection...so they'll have to not certify a win for him because of his insurrection 😂 if this isn't a clear example of how mentally challenged the people who support this nonsense are...

solmoratlis 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well I was thinking more like it's an indication of a coordinated group. Like the past issues with journalists and I forget what it was called, some kind of message group they were using to sync their stories and presentation. That seems a lot more practical and addressable than demons, after all.

solmoratlis 9 points ago +9 / -0

I think you ask a very important question at the end. What is going on with these unhinged reactions? There are many politicians that I detest, but I would never behave the way these people do.

Additionally, they tend to use similar language and slang, even. As though there's a strong cultural connection between these individuals. But what is that connection when they are spread across the nation?

solmoratlis 3 points ago +3 / -0

I appreciate the religious answers, and not disputing them, but I think it may not be the best idea to accept the way things are in favor of a life after.

solmoratlis 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oh I love to hike. Definitely part of why I do.

solmoratlis 2 points ago +2 / -0

I hope you're correct. But having had many discussions with contractors and other tradesmen in Caddo Parrish, I met a lot of people who appeared to hold conservative values but voted Democrat consistently. And were quite open that it was over the union support.

Unions accomplished good things in the past, but these days they create a parasitic mindset. It's also why we see this horror stories about teachers. There are plenty of great teachers. But the NEA attracts and empowers the crazed leeches, so that's what we hear about. I've sat in on some member discussions regarding policy and negotiation, and it'll make your skin crawl.

solmoratlis 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well half the population isn't sober enough to vote, and out of those who are, even most of the conservatives there vote Democrat because of unions and all the money funneled to union members via the rampant corruption. When you're making bank from the grift, you vote for the grifters.

solmoratlis 2 points ago +2 / -0

Caddo Parrish is corruption from roots to sky. There's nothing the government touches that isn't corrupt. One of the worst areas I've ever had to do business in. It's a pretty good reflection of the rest of Louisiana, at that. It's a poor, high crime state because of corruption. Other factors, too, but mostly just good old fashioned corruption. And has been for a long, long time.

solmoratlis 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not wrong.

Several people here have touched on other symptoms, as well. But surprisingly, given what this site is about, I didn't see anyone hit the target. (I only skimmed the bottom, so I may have missed it.)

The issue is role models and leadership. Most teachers are not good role models, yet they see the children more than their parents. Parents are often focused on themselves, their careers, and financial struggles, not the children. So when they reach adulthood, many just kind of shrug and ask why they should bother. There is no one in their lives to lead them forward and show them why the struggle is worth it.

The solution is not simple.

We've lost the family structure. Even otherwise intelligent and decent women no longer see any purpose in family structure. Their mental concept of life is for themselves and their children, and men are largely rotating and incidental to their desires. This leaves a void in the home.

We've also lost community. Strong men in churches and other organizations were once surrogate role models for those who lacked one in the home, but now the person who would have filled that role has been poisoned as "patriarchy," or, if they take on roles of mentoring for children, they're often cast as potential child molesters. Only women are acceptable now, and women are (in general) nurturers, not leaders. They build the nest, not lead the path out from it. Thus a generation who has never taken flight.

This may sound a little misogynistic, but it is not meant to be. Women are amazing. Especially when they embrace being women instead of trying to be men. It's no different for men. They thrive as men, not in trying to be women. We can't escape our biology.

Everyone can find ways to make a difference in their personal lives. But to turn the tide culturally? History suggests that only happens when a tragedy occurs. A great war, a plague, genocide.

Maybe this time can be different.

solmoratlis 2 points ago +2 / -0

I often wonder if there is any decent denominations remaining. Plenty of great Christians, not demeaning the people, but I live in a very Christian area and have frequent discussions with followers of various denominations. And it seems like every one has some kind of major exception inserted into their beliefs.

I am private about my beliefs, so I will leave that out, but when I read the Bible and picture a thriving, life-affirming congregation that follows the words of Jesus...I don't see that reflected in any congregation I have ever witnessed. I see "get out of jail free" Baptists, inclusive Catholics, myopic, death worshipping literalists like Church of Christ, and myriad new age Christian groups that are little more than social clubs.

"I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." If you truly believe, these words should be the rallying cry for a life and community that reflects the light of the blessing of life we have received, and the joy of lifting one another up to be better men and women every day. Not a crutch to make us feel better for our failings or a life lived in fear of punishment to come.

solmoratlis 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'm going to offer a different take than others here.

One, I don't think you should consider the two of them to have entirely the same problems. Getting high is probably your son's largest problem. While some people can function through that, a lot of people cannot. If he's not sober, you're probably not making any progress. And it is certainly not a trait that builds a strong man. Beyond that, he sounds like a young man seeking purpose. Which is the one thing your children seem to have in common.

Your daughter sounds like she bought into the lie that living life like a man can be fulfilling for a woman. For the most part, that's not true. And now she's trying to find a foundation to build up a radically different worldview. But is getting ideas from social media, which is basically condensed insanity. This may sound really sexist and misogynistic, but more than anything it sounds like she just needs a good man to be her foundation. She was smart enough to figure out that the life she was sold sucks, but doesn't seem to understand the next step and is searching. And probably not even willing to entertain the old fashioned idea of a traditional relationship as a foundation.

I would support the searching and try to guide it in subtle ways, while drawing a hard line only on toxic behaviors (like substance abuse). They both lack a foundation, and are using you as that. Leverage it to help them build their own.

solmoratlis 1 point ago +2 / -1

Unpleasant attitude there.. If something requires interpretation, people will have different opinions. It's well to respect people as individuals.

solmoratlis 3 points ago +3 / -0

I recently posted a thread appreciating the hope and faith of people here. This is another point to appreciate. Not everything health related that is posted here is legit, but there is a lot of sound data.

Most health advice has two main objectives: lower your impact on the lives of the ruling class (bugs to replace beef, etc), and for the patient to reach a peaceful death by 80. If those are not your goals, the data in studies can still be useful, just throw out the conclusions. And read carefully. Most of the conclusions in studies are deceptively worded so they are technically true, but not functionally true.

Personal anecdote: on a recent doctor visit, I was advised to decline an out of pocket procedure that would radically improve my quality of life because, "there's no point in that type of procedure at your age. You'll get a few good years and then age will break your body down anyway." I don't want to dox myself, but let's just say that I don't even have any wrinkles. Yet the physician's advice was to embrace death and decline a procedure I can afford out of my checking account.

It's a death cult, that's for sure.

solmoratlis 0 points ago +1 / -1

That is difficult to say, and part of the agnosticism. There are clear proofs of inside information at times. I feel like that is well founded. But to balance that, there are many posts that sound like fantasies and have not come to fruition.

I do believe simply raising awareness was a goal. And rallying support for Trump. But unlike many who think the movement is winning, I remain very skeptical. There are all these lofty statements, and I see everyone hoping that this year will be the year the post was meant for, but I don't see the groundwork to make any of those lofty statements come true.

For example, I was not surprised by 2020. It went exactly as I expected, right down to finding ways to stop the counting as needed. Because I see the people who are the ground forces for corruption every day.

And I think that's the piece where I disagree with most here. Yes, we need hope and faith. Of course we should never give up on striving for a better day and a better world. But the corruption in our country is unassailable through conventional means. It has a stranglehold on media, education, military, and government. Not just at the top, but throughout the ranks. And history suggests very few options for changing that, and none that I think are possible in the modern world.

Essentially, I think Q was meant to motivate people. And I have great respect for the hope and faith of the people here. I just think it's a century too late to make a difference. Yet even if I am not a Q adherent like most here, I, too, will keep doing my part to make a difference. The good fight goes on, and there's no point in ever giving up.

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