sosickofit 8 points ago +8 / -0

That is the goal it seems. Truth social literally becomes the platform for the uncensored truth (we will see how "true" that really is soon I'm sure)

Twitter is the mob, if Musk gets the helm it will remove the artificial restrictions and allow Truth social posts to be shown to the masses.

sosickofit 3 points ago +3 / -0

I guess we need a wikipedia replacement too. The commies have their tentacles around everything.

sosickofit 5 points ago +5 / -0

Left wokeflix a long time ago. Once I heard the Obama's were involved and then they released that criminal pedo garbage I was out.

Glad to see others did too judging by the news lately.

sosickofit 4 points ago +4 / -0

Not surprising that the Washington Post is involved in this. This whole circus feels like a psyop to take attention away from something else... Where have I seen this type of strategy before.. hmmmm

sosickofit 17 points ago +17 / -0

That looks like St. Augustine, I recognize the house.

Florida is great, but we need more than one good governor in the united States,

Florida is already heavily populated and now the flood of newcomers that believe that Florida is the savior of the world are just wrecking the state by driving up the cost of living for everyone.

sosickofit -1 points ago +1 / -2

What an infantile response. You have no idea what I have done to serve my country, nor how hard I have worked. Grow up.

sosickofit 0 points ago +2 / -2

The biggest red flag with this movement that I see is that these crimes are going unpunished and more crimes are being committed with impunity. No crime by deep state operatives is too great to be overlooked by our governments and no transgression legal or otherwise by patriots is too small to be brutally punished even extrajudicial punishments where no law exists. The evil that permeates this nation and others right now is nothing short of demonic.

The damage that is occurring right now in the united States and around the world while the patriots are supposedly in control may be far too great to overcome. People have lost complete faith in all institutions, government and otherwise, and more worrisome they have lost faith the supreme law of the land.

I do not believe that anything short of very public nationally televised executions of treasonous criminals by our military to include both government and civilian traitors can turn the ship around, even if this number is in the thousands. Even if this number includes former presidents, media executives, corporate leaders and others. All who have participated need to be held accountable for their crimes.

We MUST have law and order and these crimes MUST be punished with the full legal authority of we the people.

sosickofit 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just sign up for an online crypto tax service, they'll do all the work. Provide any accounts and wallets and they can quickly create all the forms you need after scanning the blockchains for your trades.

sosickofit 3 points ago +3 / -0

You can find similarities in all authoritarian systems of government, Hitler's included. The "Hitler was the most evil man in the history of humanity" trope is largely post war propaganda. The term "holocaust denial" as you put it is also a propagandized term, just like the term conspiracy theorist, and 9/11 truther, 1/6 insurrectionist and so on.

Additionally, the communists conveniently forget how many tens of millions of Christians were murdered at the behest of their ideology and lest we forget that Hitler was fighting the communists. Any authoritarian government will lead to slaughter, it is inevitable and has been reliably and repeatedly proven.

The full accounting of what happened during the holocaust time period is filled with just as much mythology as it is fact. As a child, I was told in public school that over four million Jews were loaded into trains and gassed with delousing powder at Auschwitz. Now I believe the official record at Auschwitz stands at 1.5 million, a devastating yet still paltry figure compared to the 60+ million murdered Christians at the hands of Lenin's Bolsheviks, yet I see no monuments to these communist atrocities in every American city and nobody is prevented from questioning these figures.

What troubles me more than the absurd logical inconsistencies and outright adamant demand that I "never forget" while being shown stacks of dead bodies in front of the limited cremation facilities is the fervor that any inquisitive individual will be met with for merely asking questions. Merely hinting that you have "questions" about the topic is considered heresy.

sosickofit 9 points ago +9 / -0

Let me guess, you're moving to Florida too? The land of liberal milk and honey. Good luck, about 3 million New Yawkers already escaped their own policies and drove down to Florida last year to run up housing prices and destroy the State like a plague of locusts.

sosickofit 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is why this silly quaint constitutional idea regarding a "declaration of war" is so important.

sosickofit 7 points ago +7 / -0

We should establish an American socialist Utopia right above the Yellowstone caldera. Free healthcare, free education, free gasoline, no white privilege, guaranteed income. A beautiful natural paradise, It could attract the preponderance of the nations liberals into her cradling fold. You see where I'm going with this....

sosickofit 3 points ago +3 / -0

YouTube is deep state. This is simply par for the course.

sosickofit 18 points ago +18 / -0

It sickens me to see liberals move to the south.

sosickofit 10 points ago +10 / -0

One day you're a doctor, you're doing research, you have no idea what future lies before you or how your life is about to change. Then in the next moment God calls you forth into a spiritual battle against unspeakable evil, and men like him and many others heed the call and step forward one at a time.

sosickofit 4 points ago +4 / -0

I have a feeling that 2022 is going to be good to her she'll be fine. God bless.

sosickofit 2 points ago +2 / -0

Watch, she'll ditch the soy boy transgender husband and will be dating a conservative before next year.

sosickofit 1 point ago +2 / -1

Lay off the Joe Rogan friend.

sosickofit 4 points ago +4 / -0

Q said that a few percent would be lost forever. There you go.

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