spookyjumper 3 points ago +3 / -0

Outstanding! Really thoughtful comment. It appears to me that if Mexico wins (and thereby confirms what many on this board and elsewhere have said for a long time) it will destroy any pretense of legitimacy for AG/Pharma and for HHS and FDA and subordinate agencies. this really does have hte potential to turn everything around.

spookyjumper 9 points ago +9 / -0

Seveal years ago the infamous mayor of DC used the same defense when he got caught doing coke...no claims of innocence just 'Da bitch set me up". Phrase became famous and made it onto T-shirts in the area.

spookyjumper 1 point ago +1 / -0

If the best he can do in a joint appearance with the Whore is to pull 600 or 700 people in a hard blue area like this, I think it is a further signal of the lack of enthusiasm. The media consistently tries to avoid showing this weakness.

spookyjumper 2 points ago +2 / -0

I live in this area and am familiar with the venue where this was held. The main auditorium where they were holds IIRC 1100. The local news reported that the auditorium was about 2/3 to 3/4 full. Remember, this is NoVa - I'm deep behind enemy lines!

spookyjumper 1 point ago +1 / -0

I do not agree. Compare her to Sanders. Both have significant experience dealing with the press. Both are loyal to PDJT. Both are female (if social engineering is important to you). However. I choose Sanders a a better pick

Historically, the V{P has often been used as an attack dog. Mr Trump doesn't need that, but either of these women (Please excuse my gender assumptions and labels) could fill that roll. The combination with Mr Trump would be staggering!

Sanders has government and governing experience. Sanders has the PROVEN experience to govern. Sanders would be a strategic pick for a president who wants to set up for 2028 and the ability to continue his legacy. Lake is still at this point just a pretty face with no proven competence who talks a lot.

spookyjumper 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes - Sarah is my first choice. She passes all the gates - loyal, experienced, capable of assuming the duties. And for the social engineers, she's a she. Frequently, VPs are tasked with fighting with the press and the opposing party - clearly PDJT doesn't NEED that but the combined force would be staggering. I also think that Mr Trump will be strategic in his pick....his pick will have the initial favorite spot for the nomination in 2028 and she would be a really good choice (IMO)

spookyjumper 3 points ago +3 / -0

PDJT plays a strategic level game against all his tactical opponents. One thing he will look for is the ability to entrench and extend his policies. He will look for the best possible future president within 'real politik" - the realistic ability to be electedand to both lead and govern.

I don't think Grenell is that guy.

spookyjumper 3 points ago +3 / -0

And the leaders..."War is good business - invest your son"

spookyjumper 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's a German fest song - can be ...boisterous in the fest tent!

spookyjumper 1 point ago +1 / -0

Quite fitting actually..."the Little Mermaid" evil blue octopus was named Ursula

spookyjumper 6 points ago +6 / -0

So in March we'll be in Heaven?

Sing along...."In Heaven there is no beer, That's why we drink it here, And when I'm gone from here, My friends will be drinking all the beer"

spookyjumper 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not really conflict between countries - yet. Both are targeting Baluchistan separatists in the other's country (why not their own?). However it is tense with Pakistan recalling their ambassador and kicking out the Iranian ambassador. The Baluchi tribal wars are long standing in both countries in a fight for a tribal homeland/country.

spookyjumper 1 point ago +1 / -0

The recalled products were distributed to retailers across seven states including Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia.

spookyjumper 2 points ago +2 / -0

A fundamental principle of deception or psyop operations is that the story must be believable. This story could very well be true or it could really be a deception operation. Men at 70 really do have prostate issues. Surgery really can cause infections. However, without proof of life, I remain skeptical and will lean toward deception until we see him.

spookyjumper 2 points ago +2 / -0

Actually two purges - Clinton ran the first and then Obama followed and was brutal in what amounts to a putsch

spookyjumper 4 points ago +4 / -0

So some guy said something one time that seems to fit....They want you divided

by skytlrh
spookyjumper 1 point ago +1 / -0

Importing foreign best practices....Learned from Muzzie suicide bombers

spookyjumper 4 points ago +4 / -0

or maybe Gender-cided?

spookyjumper 5 points ago +6 / -1

They got the message - sorta. People don't like DEI so the offices are being dismissed - but the efforts and doctrine are not being dismantled, just renamed and the efforts are not being trumpeted. AS many of our Black friends will tell you, hidden discrimination is worse that overt discrimination

spookyjumper 11 points ago +11 / -0

Been floating around for days, but no one offers anything more than speculation. There is a Russian claim but too mixed in with propaganda to lean on.

spookyjumper 7 points ago +7 / -0

This will solve the global warming problem

Lurch will give up his air travel, endless bloviating and farting, ending the global warming threat and contributing to enforcing the clean air act!

spookyjumper 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was in as we became more accepting of "alternate lifestyles". I'm just glad that I retired before they made participation mandatory

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