Be Ungovernable!
Canada, Netherlands, Germany, (France gets honorable mention for the Yellow Jackets revolts)
When will USA be included on the list?
If lefties can do it, so can we!
"complete confidence" or in other words Pack your shit, your on the way out
Awesome! Thanks
Let's look at our Government. We have extra-Constitutional organizations such as....
A Department of Education that doesn't educate anyone and hinders those who do
A Department of Agriculture that doesn't grow anything and hinders those who do
A Department of Labor that does no work and hinders those who do
A Department of Housing and Urban Development that develops nothing and hinders those who do
A department of Health and Human Services that makes people less healthy and hinders those who do
Maybe there is a pattern here?
This is why Gaza is a "prison". The Israelis only bound them on the north and west. Egypt has the southern boundary and will not allow passage. Why?. Palestinians were given a homeland in Trans-Jordan. They were kicked out with heavy losses when the radical Islamists tried to overthrow the monarchy. The Hamas,/PIJ/LH/MB are an Arab problem and no Arab country wants them. They are useful idiots of extremist regional agendas and will destabilize any country they go to..
One of the lessons that the US (and the world) should have learned from major power losses in Viet Nam and then a repeated blunder in Afghanistan is that military might will not destroy an ideology. Israel and the US cannot change the calculus here - the Arab states have to take this on if it is to be mitigated
please post nitter link so we can see the thread/comments
C'mpn man, the science is settled. We know what is best ..Just follow the science. /s
It's ok....he lost his balls a long time ago
Work like your life depends on it - because it does!
Hope for the best and prepare for the worst
Still incorrect - part of NSA
Not under Space Force...subordinate to DHS
Sarah Sanders = checks all the boxes personally, politically and socially.
She will be loyal to Mr Trump, is a hard core conservative and feisty as hell, and is a female.
Not intentional, butt it is what it is
even if not a dude, it is clearly no lady
Wow.....just WOW!!
I have been pounding the MO drum for two years. They want her to be able to not have to do the dirty work of a primary and so will parachute her in at the convention. Follows her entitled role and belief. They need her because they cannot back down from identity politics or it will be a tacit admission of thematic failure. They are loosing minority voters in numbers too big to ignore. They cannot run on policy because Americans overwhelmingly disagree with the D party policy agenda. The campaign (regardless of the nominee who emerges) will b eon two threads - identity and TDS.with a heavy dose of abortion "rights" thrown in.
great info - thank you. Now I may need to actually go watch it!
Way to long - provide a synopsis?
Came here to say exactly that!
Movie previews - Trump will suggest "hold my sparkling water (he doesn't drink so no beer)"
Perhaps the question is framed many have found Christ and redemption due to the unhinged, ever changing, atheistic de-humanizing philophophies of men?
Asserting that "there is evidence" without providing such is not reasonable. and claiming that Jesus the Christ said things that are not recorded is at best misleading. Using the boogy man of TPTB for not publishing according to your claims is intellectual cowardice. Jesus is the Christ, the long foretold kinsman redeemer, and He himself claimed that HE is the only way.
If you wish to have a discussion, craft your arguments properly. If you only want to incite believers then you are clearly a tool of Satan and will be damned for all eternity
Maybe we can rent them some space?