I Love This So Much. in less than 10 words, you summed up everything!
brevity is an important theme with Q, going way back to Agent 711-George Washington;
"George Washington’s Second Inaugural Address is, by a good margin, the shortest inaugural address ever delivered. Using just 135 words, Washington focused directly on what is, of course, the key element of the inaugural ceremony—the oath of office, and the responsibilities that that oath imposes—and said little else."
that's interesting didn't know that about The Guardian.
remember the 1997 George Magazine- it predicted a crisis in 2020 involving the young and the elderly...
the model on the cover was Karen Mulder, upper middle-class white woman. she was also a victim of trafficking & accused elite men of rape. they committed her to an insane asylum, and tried to ruin her career.
maybe it's this lovely lady?🤔🥸
I 🧡 this. lots of cancer in the midwest, from all the Roundup. Of course you could never tell anyone that...
glad it's finally being exposed.
I grew up in the 70s, my dad questioned Everything.
so I Never had a normie experience...used to be difficult being so aware of corruption.
Now I'm relieved and amazed to finally find my frens🐸
One of the problems I've had a long the way was to realize just how far behind many people are. like they're made differently.
when Q first said this, I wondered about 'how' they would achieve this, did they really mean 'everything' etc. it didn't seem logistically possible...
of course that was years, and a few hundred coincidences ago.
now I think of this in more of a Law of Attraction type of situation, also related to Jesus saying 'seek and you will find'...(which is part of the Q-Source/Sayings Gospel of Jesus)
everything in our experience has meaning, and it's filtered through the lens of Q. we're receiving Q's info, and the more receptive we are, the more we will be 'shown' by God's interactive matrix; hence the reason DJT believes in the Power of Positive Thinking.
Jesus is also known as the 'wayshower'...
yes, I probably need better glasses. just knew I saw a 17;)
and he said this on the 17th...wow😳
it's not My theory😄
I'm just explaining 'why' I think the word is used so much, and it also ties in with Q's last drop about DNA...
did you watch the video I provided. he actually says the word 'boomer' within the first few minutes.
yes, to me it's one of the Most important drops. ties in with 'be the autists'
which I wasn't on my reply, because I actually spelled 'show' instead of shown, maybe that's why it didn't ring a bell.
Gardens by the Bay.
See prev pic.
Everything shown has meaning.
You are watching a 'scripted' movie.
yes, people do make generalizations, but Q also said everything show has meaning, so maybe this video below will shed some light one why we might see that word so much.
the word 'boomer' is part of Q's movie; there is something about the 'generations' & the struggles with all of us. it's Biblical.
JFKjr. featured the situation in his 1997 magazine; a futuristic story about the battle between generations...
the President in his story was a 'boomer'
she also looks like HRC🤔
yes it's crazy, even time feels different anymore;)🤖
thanks! and it gets better; my IRL Q friend, just reminded me that we have 33 days until Christmas 🎉
yes^ this is such an important day to remember!🐸
And for as much as I think & read about JFK, I just realized that the 11/22, could also be 33✨
thanks! amazed by my friends who can keep their memes organized, mine are EvEryWhere.
speaking of lost info, does anyone have the 'return from voat' meme?
if we listen to Q, I think this^ is the only thing that makes sense-is 'logical'
too many 'coincidences' at this point.
and he does seem to have the same sense of humor...
exactly^ they all can see the other side of the game; the soul behind the 'character'
it's a six thousand year old death cult...sounds like we've all been at this awhile;)
either she's satan or a WH; omicron = moronic
don't know how she can say it with a straight face...
yes ^ and remember when General Flynn said the prayer by Elizabeth Clare Prophet...she often wrote about St. Germain and the Violet Flame, to heal humanity and stop us from devolving😇 Also, blue & red make purple, maybe it's an indicator of the two parties joining together...
this x 1000 & regional would be awesome to begin with, then someday we could do a Huge event🐸
thanks for the post, didn't realize that.
quote below is from the same website...shows how big Q's plan is🎉
Lincoln's body was transported 1700 miles, and the obelisk at his tomb is 117 feet.
And if you look at Mt Rushmore, Presidents 1 + 16 are looking the same direction🇺🇸
"Lincoln's body first arrived in the cemetery's public receiving vault on the hill behind and below the present tomb. The coffin of his son William, who died in the White House at age 11, also rested there. Both had traveled nearly 1,700 miles in a special railroad car by a circuitous route from Washington, D.C. before burial on May 4, 1865.
The 117-foot tall granite tomb contains the bodies of Lincoln, his wife Mary, and three of his four sons"
3.5 years is a long time in the life of a student...
that's interesting, thanks for sharing! gives me a lot to think about. I've noticed quite a few other monuments with 17...definitely seems to be a theme.
and there seems to be something with 'keys' & George Washington...
this link has a picture of what his deathbed looked like. I see 4 keys. and I might be imagining it, but I think the rope looks like a Q.
https://www.mountvernon.org (search 'hawaii' first link that comes up)
love it, and think it's all a reverse ritual to wake up the world from the 'spell' that many are under. much like the Ghost Dance movement in the late 1800's
Think direction. Think full picture. Who controls the narrative? Why is this relevant? What is a spell? Who is asleep? Dissemination. Attention on deck. There is an active war on your mind.
perhaps some have seen the interview with DJT talking about his favorite movie; Citizen Kane...he focuses on Rosebud.
Rosebud is also a reservation, close to where all the Ghost Dance commotion was happening.
from The Ghost Dance by Weston La Barre
Page 231 In 1889, the Sioux surrendered 11,000,000 acres, about half of the dwindling land they had left. But payments for the ceded lands did not arrive. Seed and rations were promised that never came. Congress still failed to repay friendly Indians for horses requisitioned fourteen years before. In 1888, "black leg" among the cattle dkninished their Umited livestock. In 1889, crops were a failure, and there were terrible epidemics of measles, influenza, and whooping cough, all usually fatal to Indians. In the drought of 1890, crops were again a complete failure. At Pine Ridge all their chickens were stolen. After the treaty, and against express promises, beef rations were halved by Congress, two million pounds being withheld at Rosebud Agency, and one million at Pine Ridge. The dispiriied, sick, and cheated Indians now faced starvation. The calamity was complete.
this is one of those things, where You have to do your own homework.
read what is considered to be the Q-Source, and then decide for yourself. If you're an efficient reader, you will See the code.
this link is helpful😇 a good place to research early Christians.