The rumor that Nero played a fiddle while slums of Rome burnt down may be false but he rebuilt Rome on those ashes.
I believe our scummy politicians have figured out how to grab property and start a money laundering operation at the expense of the US tax payers.
His excited dance tells the story.
Safe travels, even though I’m not Catholic I respect all the craftsmen that restored the beauty of Notre Dame. I have not heard much of the restoration of the Cathedral in Normandy, but I hope their skills used at Notre Dame will be used to restore the damage of the stained glass. As a child I saw the parachuters stained glass and was very sad to hear the glass had been damaged.
When I compare and contrast the Biden administrations cabinet positions picks to the Trump selections it doesn’t make sense. The Trump selections on the whole are more heroic than the soy boy selections of the Biden administration but yet why do a few Rinos vote for the Biden picks and not the Trump picks. ok that question is rhetorical should we follow the money?.
Carl Hiaasen, a Miami Herald writter wrote about Florida and many colorful characters including Disney]( He was a flaming liberal but I loved him for some unknown reason. (Maybe his Skink character).
You are awesome for posting the link so I can share with those folks in an abandon freedom of speech areas. My dad lives in an in area that lives in an area that is in complete lockdown. I’m looking at you so called main stream media.
Redtoe Rule Number 14 made me smile. Leverage must be what the Trump team means by a BTC stockpile. If they leverage the BTC stockpile to pay off the US debt to the Central Bank, we will be free at last. Thus eliminating the FED and need for 3rd party banks.
Point number 16 packs a lot of things to digest.
Thank you for thanking the time to post.