as a single mother of 3 young children with no child support from their deadbeat dad, I had to have a job for each child so I worked 3 jobs to make ends meet. I didn't have a car so I rode a bike to get out groceries for years. then the economy collapsed in 2007-8 for next 5 years. just keep pushing and things improve over time or just adjust to making do with next to nothing. kids went off to college and I got a fulltime job in 2013, and still doing that. I wash and re-use ziplock bags and tin foil. Grow my own veggies on apt balcony. don't drive anywhere and don't eat out or go to movies and wear old clothes. that's my frugal life, paycheck to paycheck.
giant subterranean bases in Greenland - only country covered in permanent glacier? Didn't used to be covered in ice but now GOOG has the surface whited-out like Antarctica. Thule Base is now Space Force's northern most base.
Prescott Bush was FDR's 'Handler' and lived in the White House with FDR and Eleanor dressed a woman - Lorena Hickok - and pretended to be the gay lover of Eleanor, but FDR was 100% controlled like a puppet by foreign interests. Just google pictures of Prescott bush and Lorena Hickok - same person in drag.
it's probably comms then. trust your gut. to learn more about symbolism comms in mass media, read
I can access on iPhone now but not on safari browser.