Someone should tell them there's already a club for that. They meet at the state capitol. I'm sure they're accepting new members
Not today covid
Soooo if Russia seizes Ukraine will those sanctions apply there? That could be very interesting...
My friend makes stickers. I sent ot to her
I need these stickers
My fully vaxed friend sent me a picture of him yesterday and said pardon my ignorance but who is this man and why is he dressed like lucifer? So it seems the sheep are slowly waking up
I read that Russian's are saying it means Truth or for the Truth so it could be their Q...
I feel like I lost IQ points just from reading that
My friend tried to get on today and his
is 1 million something
Haha thanks. People need to stop getting offended so easily. I know enough sign language that even if i encountered a deaf person i could hold a conversation.. so hopefully it's less offensive since im actually signing and not making crap up! I love how easy going you are. I wish more people were like that.
My father and sister are certified interpreters so i grew up in the deaf community. I just pretended to be deaf with my daughter if anyone said anything to make her feel better and you could see they would feel like douchebags . But when i was by myself i would just let them have it
I have not allowed my kids to wear a mask the entire time and we lived in commiefornia. I was such a brat to my daughter one time shopping because she was embarrassed to be the only people in the store not in a mask so she put hers on. I pretended i couldn't understand anything she was saying and refused to talk to her and then told her she was never allowed to shop with me again unless she didn't wear a mask.
The first interaction she had with a youth group during the scamdemic a girl asked her if she could give her a hug and the girl said I'm breaking my family's rules I'm not allowed to touch anyone and my daughter said yep I'm breaking my mom's rules too by wearing this mask !!
She thought I was crazy then but she's a lion now
That's sad that there's that many anti-freedom idiots there
I'm starting to think we should be run by truckers
NAC was the only thing that helped to stop my cough when i had covid. It was a full 2 weeks before I didn't feel like death . Hopefully it starts turning around for you
I wasn't aware those had been debunked. Who debunked them? Was there another audit? Or did someone just say they have been debunked and you believed them? That's embarrassing that you are so gullible.
My double jabbed mom is waking up. She just was complaining to me about how bad biden is and how we can't survive another 3 years. Then she said do you think Trump set this all up somehow so we will all be so happy to have him back in 2024? .... me: let me introduce you to Q !
This is a weird way to take out your frustration... you must be really frustrated because a man getting plenty of action has no need to waste his time trolling people. But when your mom is the only woman in your life i can see how that could be lonely. Carry on with your miserable attempts to make yourself feel like less of a loser
My friend bought 56 tests because her insurance reimburses her 8 tests per person a month . Doing her part to take tests out of circulation haha
I think if he meant to go that route he would have clarified why he said it on Tucker. He kept smiling when Tucker called him out as if he got caught. I think he has had time since the interview to figure out how to get ahead of this and he switched tactics
What he doesn't understand is I'm not ashamed and naming my name only lets the sheep know who the lions in the room are
Well unless they turn those fingers downward they were signing "g" in sign language
My theaters still have all the regular movies available
My lefty sister was so worried that this would happen under Trumps presidency It's delicious to see it happen during Biden's....can't wait to call her today !