I suspect some chemicals in food are just too dangerous to allow. I would like them banned here just as they are in Europe.
Whatever these are they should give the food industry some time to readjust their foods to more healthier options.
I feel bad for my conservative brother who moved to just outside of Tampa the end of August from Michigan. He's already had three storms since moving in. When he moved in he put on a new roof and has had to replace that new roof after Milton He had water from roof leaks all in his walls of the house. And had to replace the exterior cage over his pool. And had some flooding into his home from standing water.
And this storm will undo all that damage. Add to this he is still working and is the executor of my sister's will (She just died in AZ the end of October)
I can hardly contain myself on this move. I worked for a man when I was in college in the 1970's who had his own Tech industry (my neighbor) who went to a one room school house to be educated as a child. He advanced so far because he was able to do the work of the kids in the classroom at least 4 years ahead of him.
He earned his college degree sooner than most bc of the education he recieved in a one room school house.
At this point the canvassing for the election to certify the votes has not been accomplished. Hoping the lawyers go after some of these races where Trump won the top of the ticket but not the down ballot state election results. Truly how did Josh Stein (Dem NC Governor nominee) win more votes than Donald Trump? Don’t tell me the Dems left the Presidential contest blank!
I was a poll worker in NC. Hey not all of us are criminals! I didn't see anything untoward the entire time I worked either in Early voting or Election Day... any problems seen were mistakes by some of the new poll workers (for which we had a lot of them). Training is long and it is easy to forget some things or get distracted when checking in people. Like forgetting to look at a photo ID. Or telling people to go to the wrong precinct as there were so many of them that didn't know where it was on election day. MISTAKES happen.
FWIW it is not an easy job when there are long lines out the door and people go to the wrong precinct! Or they want to register on election day to vote. Anyone that did that got a provisional ballot. In our rural county we had 31 provisionals just at my precinct (the largest in the county).
We do get paid but it is not a lot and election day is very long. Had to be at the precinct at 5:30 am and couldn't leave with no supper (lines were too. long) I ate lunch at my desk and only took a 10 min break. I didn't get home until 9 pm but when I worked in a different precinct as a judge I didn't get home until after I dropped off all the equipment from the precinct at the BOE 20 mins away. Sometimes not home until 10 or 11pm. those times .